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Everything posted by LightFusion

  1. i give you nothing yeah complite nothing! and nothing is very important thing when you give to someone nothing! you know people rly hase nothing, so as you giving to Romeo nothing , that i giving to you NOTHING, cause even if you give them nothing, for wood, he even again will come to you for new, cause you give him nothing! NO knowledge.
  2. so by logicl i don't read grecian, i onle see Dragonic bow, effect, soulshot, java code, mm you mean you want to change effect of the draconic bow, or you want to change dragonic bow to be not S grade weapon but xm for exmple b grade, or you want to change soulshot effect and you want to know one thing how to do it in java code ? huh am i right ? in some of this
  3. o rly , cpt obivous , so because its not interesting now cool noot FUN! ANY WHY are you this talking that is not! the only reason is that you want me to tell you how i did this and then you don't even ask anything or even say anything you will just shut up after a tutorial and say like - just GOOOOOD JOBB MAN Kepp up Huh Share MORE Yeah Great Job thx Yeah yeah and so and so and so.....
  4. what is l2 for some sort of magic stuff you believe ? huh l2 isa program writed on c++ plus some files ukxusx utx sound etc .dat files and some dlls. So you are saying that this is magic and this couldn't be changed huh ? O rly or my change is so dumb so fu** sh** so it doesn't need to be shown huh ! you so cool man very cool so individiual your Weaons with animation are so New huh so cool.
  5. xmmm by using this code i guess huh var activeChar.sendMessage = willbeYorA if (!activeChar.isClanLeader()) { willbeYorA("This can be used only by Clan Leaders!"); return; } if (!willbeYourA == true()) { willbeYourA = FF000 //Or what's hex number Red Color it hase huh } yeah huh very simple but you will need to look for existing functions that are using change name of the color and var functions( its seems in java code is kind'a bit different) there are some in some custom maded server's(new functions), or you just need logicaly think how it should be done - function indicating for color so it would be readble huh very simple yeah huh or if its need cooperation with client! to take functions from client(FF000 - hex value) that makes willbeYourA a color, xm you will need to look for some program i saw on this forum, that color your chat mm kind'a like soo need to look huh. here it is that link huh ) http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=189203.0
  6. xmm the thing that i can say you about this is that this are Server engine or functions modifications, and xmm you can understand what needs to be taked, by using L2packet Viewer or also known as l2 packet hack, also you can try DU meter 5, or some version of Sniffer. or you can look if it is some just simple but working l2packterViewer it should be huh. and when you simple pressing on button of quest or telleport or anything else you will be sended those packets from server that rule you to make only 36/45players so yeah thats very simple huh). xmm one intersting idea came to my mind, it possible be so that koreans(developers of Lineage2 ) maded that sort of program tool debugger etc, too look in the packets they have from server mm the thing is that it possible be in engine.dll of Lineage 2 client, and just need to be called when needs or if its not in engine.dll of lineage 2 client, you will need to make lineage 2 server side modifications, same functions that will cooperate with engine.dll of client its kind'a not simple but rly helps and possible to make. i think creators of L2j servrs etc use some sort of that tool i don't even know huh what it's name hase huh).
  7. and armorgrp too huh). if these are weapons that in weapongrp.dat mm very simple just think logical.
  8. its you don't get if you enter the server with that kind of modifications you will see the same race menu, with changed to kamael huh.
  9. huh rly and what it is ? some kind of magic trick you see ? i acctualy i did add it to race selection as Elf80lvl did, same way huh.
  10. Yeah here it is very simple and not intersting thing Lineage 2 Edited Race Kamael in C1 same as elf lvl 80 did somewhere here [spoiler=elf80lvl]
  11. the thing is that your using wrong tutorial http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=236402.msg2127611#msg2127611 use mine, i did post about that a while ago, you need to use ut2down.exe from Gildor, its acctualy a tool that can be shared only for paper, but i think knowledge shouldn't be shared only for money, cause it makes some tool of controll that i cutted, so many don't like me huh, i'm very bad.
  12. acctualy i allready did that kind of tutorial but only with other mesh, Lineage 2 How to make Custom Skilleffect and add it on MeshArm (7)Seven Video Lineage 2 How to make Custom Skilleffect and add it on MeshArm (6)Six'th Video Lineage 2 How to make Custom Skilleffect and add it on MeshArm (3)Third Video the only thing is that video is a bit faster cause it how whas recorded, so you might need to use some video slowdowner or better AVS VIdeo Editor, and slow it down at 0.4, and if you can there will be some 2.54 gb( if i do these kind of convert it would take mm 1 day i guess to make it huh) send me this 2.54 gb to download video use InternetDownloadmanager or any other video streamer downloader.
  13. don't listen this mmm someone that didn't made something in his mm how to say mm life mmm maybe i just say some of his role, so now he say so you to can't look movie - Pursuit of Happines with will smith there are some scene when he says to his little kid,child, that you don't listen those who are taking from you your dreams. cause they didn't make something in theyr life and now they taking from others. the thing you will need to make your client smaller is - Chronicle 1-3, client, Plus changed Server, plus added A LOT OF UKX( the program to load ukx is somewhere in these forum i posted link) so you will need to make a lot of work, placing TOWNS in UKX, but you can do this and thats how you will make l2 smaller, ofc will need a lot of job with geo, or take some original object(some wall) from lineage 2 and make it invisible, and spawn it where town is, its yeah a lot of job whole new city's will be in UKX package like a monster, but the thing you want - TO make client smaller you will HAVE, so if you want you will have it your choose.
  14. uha New map, what map UNR and how this map fits with Model.ukx ? huh you can say anything about that you didn't do like i explaind but in reality YES YOU did. Cause you don't wont to show the screen with choosing the race, Where it would be clear shown that you just changed some dat files, or ukx files nothing more, not even interesting, you didn't added new race you just changed model of the existing huh.
  15. mm it could be done by first way- adding script.u in Lineage2(c6)systemFolder from Kamael client, adding kamael.ukx etc in Lineage2(animation folder). adding Kamael.utx in Lineage(systextures folder) and if client c6 works with c7 then it loads, if its not, then you can simply change the packge For example Fighter.ukx to Kamael.ukx and don't forgett to change the mesh names themself its kind'a big process exporting all of this stuff as psk then import them in UT2004 export import etc. or changes in dat. files not a big deal rly ) one more thing he a like good magiciant illusionist didn't showing the screen with making race, cause what you gonna see there is Human races changed to kamael huh )) What ELF crash, yeah thats where you get nickname huh, so SHOULD I MAKE AN VIDEO GUID HOW TO DO THE SAME THING THAT YOU DID HUH) should i show people what trick you are doing ?huh P.S. I know all your trick's, you don't know any of mine
  16. huh don't even know where to add this stuff, to talk there is no thread on forum where you can simply talk about interesting stuffs that shame - only straight stuffs - SHARES SHARE THIS KEEP SHARING BRO GJ SHARE MORE KEEP UP... etc help help i need help Arhh HElp me someone so anyway lets stay on topic, i do know how to add new races, its not a big deal if you know with what you'r working the main question is who else know how to add races. lets play a guess game so it would be more interesting for me to share for you THIS SECRET information on how add new races i will sey key word's - new class, server take class. and you need to guess, how to make that so that new races would be added you need to think good about what the process its self represent of adding existing race. so by this way you will understand how to add new. Its not interesting for me to say just - arh tht this way or making any tutorial cause i'v allready did some, and what i get mm much views or some feedback nop nothing huh , keeep up bro YOU SOO COOL ! your a god ! bless you huh pixels stuff it's not intersting....m i don't wait that you say i kinda have some thought about that and some idea's, i wait and i will see kind'a like that - FUUUUUUU Fuu*** YOu youR *** as yoou Lied to me Its not a share close the topic he is an As*** he is not sharing as i want , and so and so and so etc... ITs kinda hard deal to make great things and it would'NT be so easy as you think! nop that kind of stuff's are not working so,
  17. you mean race selection in that menu when - Login plz waiting, agreement, choose server, choose player, create player, and here it is the window with - arh man choose the damn race? if you about that mm i think you need to use L2Packetviewe(also know as L2PacketHack) simply to see what packets server sending to you, and then when you know what packets you simply editing them by changing the source code of server engine. core. mm that helpd ) ?
  18. damn)) For whom i did maded the damn tutorial its very simple at didn't take much time But huh mm maybe only those who want knowledge watch it others arhh its shit better watch my tv and relax with pro* Lineage 2 How to Edit Scripts.u Skills Effects .u The thing is that is the thing you look how to change class script, because that script is spawning the same strider, you are using Lineagemonster.Strider(SCRIPT!!!)u that won't allow you to spawn differnt mesh, because in script is indicated LineageMonsters.Strider_m00 look in video or open Lineagemonster.Strider(.u) in UtPackage tool and you will se that.
  19. you mean you don't understand how server is taking AttachFunction From Client ? huh its very simple by code ) it is in source code of the server's core. another question i guess is that - how can i place my Monster m o unt instead of existing, but the real thing you need to know is that how client is taking information from Files that contain those models of monsters that for exmple represent M o un'ts - strider, wyvern. Yeah that is doing Engine.dll(of Lineage 2 client) not the server, but how do i indicate this, the answear is simple(these how ncsoft think) you need to indicate this by using of some .txt files but in NCSOFT case are .dat files(wich are crypted, but always there is a l2decrypt.exe from Dstuff, search in google you will find it) so in these .dat files are indicated path to model(UKX for example) and UTX(model's texture) there are some other different options in these .dat files, but main of this is ID for exmple 4954 LineageMonster(thats path to script).anakim LineagemonsterS(yeah that path to model).anakim_M00(mesh) LineageMonsterTex.Anakim_t00. so when you indicate id of the monster it path texture and other minor options, you acctualy can give this to a server, so by id server can use this to spawn it as whatever you want,like as NPC or as some MonsterNpc there are so many option's of this so even just think about this and you'l huh just invent by yourself some new use of it. So when you finnaly added NPC monster by the server, you need to make this monster, npc, be a m o unt, But m o unt is that something on what player class(For emple MDarkelf.ucc) is attaching too. so xm you can simply find that option(making from Monster a -beep-t) in source of the SERVER, by looking or searching the existing -beep-t, or you can go other way and make it by yourself that means you will make your C++ or just C+ code that will take function from client(attach) Plus+ ClassOftheplayer that is using main function(when pressing green button in social acctions) and this two attach(function) with playerClass function is need to be stick together first is playerCLass next attach(function) to Monster(bone) then spawn this. And that's huh kind'a all what ncsoft made xm acctualy what Richard Garriot did with his team in early 2001-2003 just like so plus plus huh. ) very easy huh.
  20. mmm are you trying to jump on the horse or climb on it, cause i rly would like to make that kind of script, but ncsoft made that you'r not jumping on the horse or climbing, but you simply attaching( the class you have) to Bone of the Model that is representing the monster that is saddled(-m o u n t ed ), it could be horse even a fish or tree anything you like, simply cause server side adding you or mm better taking from client that function - attach and adding it in server menu - social movements,etc, adding icons etc( green icon). So when you have this icon in your social movements but this stuff is adding by the "server client cooperation", you simply clicking on that icon( in social movemnts or wethever it says) and your class for exmple MDwarf.ucc(that is in LineageWarrior.u) with all the meshes attached to that class(this info is stored at server, but its taking from client) attaching to bone of the model,monster that represent m o u n t it could be horse or wethever you like. Another thing how to add same stuff is by using Skills menu, same attachment but from skillsmenu - transformation, same class as player on same model,monster that is representing a m o u nt or anything else huh ). xm now xmm you know how ncsoft do this stuff veyr simple and not interesting huh)!
  21. this post is same as elfocrash can't be understanded by google, and can be understand by those who know a bit of this language. i typed so that google wouldn't translate this, as same as he typed in his language, i don't even know if it his.
  22. Хай Лунли Тюнус Йер Талк ис вери Неразборчивый Бай Гугл, со ай рЫли диднт ундерстанд вот Ю тайпд со и кинда кэйм то конклусион зэт ай шулд тайп самсинг лайк зэт соу ю ту вулдн кноу вот айм талкинг бат ю кноу Ю стилл жуст пиксельс виз но повер овер хири хух, энд ю ар верри диссапойнтед абаут зэт.
  23. Huh you want a Guid how to press Insert button, or how to type EditDefault class=LineageSkilleffect.l2_1264_skill mxm ? arh you'r just not sattisifed that i showd this stuff not you huha.
  24. Kind'a didn't find where to add this but anyway here you go ) and some mine skill edit, work in progress want to see a nice straight lighting bolt spawning from hand mm some yeallow color. Arhh allmost forgott to add this stuff from first sreen's in TAUTI client press 'Insert'
  25. send to everyone your edited .dat files, so everyone could see them huh ) just think logical its not a magic,
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