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Everything posted by LightFusion

  1. mr shitty english russian whas trying to explain this too you by giving you an example of how an program is doing the same but for UKX package - program name Raw to obj or obj to raw, its converting obj to UKX(readble by Lineage 2). Same thing i want to make for scripts, but by other way compile ut2004 script edentical with number of strings as some of Lineage 2, for example ca_sonic_blast_ and the idea is to edit the hex values in compiled Ut2004sctipt(that hase same nubmer of string as lineage2 script), so you will have new.u script that can be used by the game not lineageffect.u but your.u script with lineagescript, its kinda hard but easier is to find functions in engine.dll and to add them in UCC.exe but it will take time and coolaboration with persons that know codding for a bit and want to implie that something for free(not for paper) P.S. The problem is that i can't find what kind of UnrealEditor i used to compile scripts 2years ago...so i'm in search of it
  2. I'm now in process of compiling lineage 2 scripts, the method is like from program old that by use of you can change utx just inputing there what you need(can't remember how it names) But it could be done same way but for Scripts and i guess for Maps. P.S. I'm getting garabage that is needed in script, then i compile it with ucc.exe and then i just Edit script with hex, and so i inputed what i wanted and just edited it,
  3. ММмм окей будет время запищу видео.!ты переставай мыслить так узко! Броня и все остальное нпц скилы это все Модели или скрипты. Модели переносятся в 3ds max А потом как по интсрукции в UT2004 Потом конвертером и .dat Файлы указывается к ним путь. Что на счет скриптов, то отдельная тема над которой я сейчас работаю! Чтобы меня понять надо мыслить как я надо думать как я! надо вжиться в мою роль и тогда ты поймешь! многие поняли! и им не нужно видео или тому подобное! но как всего есть те кому лень логически думать! ну да ладно это только дело времени когда покажу и до вас та ПРОСТЕЙШАЯ ерунда дойдет. Mm my video and photos doesn't helps ?) mm maybe you can do an better Tale video like you an hero and your are telling to Them a big secret...... that can be done since 2004.
  4. .......man if thats not true then all the program you(And many of us) used L2ukx tool to import texture right in .utx file,etc - this all is an illusions that never whas, If you just think logical about that that UCC.exe is coding .uc files in .u but engine can't read .u files, he need to decod them back to .uc, and this function he hase(engine.dll or l2.exe etc) can be retrited and puted in UCC.exe source code so it could compile scripts lineage 2 scripts, just need to use engine.dll from first chronicles without defense and without garbage. If you want wee can look for it, as i'm was plannig to do. ITS NOT EVEN CLOSE TO high tech!! not even close! what this all can be done in 2004 when first Lineage 2 realease! easy done! But many person whas thinking in wrong direction that this can't be done and ONLY HERO can show us how to change!! NOevery single person can do the same ! we all have mind! wee just need to use logic to make our dream can happen.
  5. Я давно уже все сделал на русском ! и на английском https://forum.4game.ru/showthread.php?t=479905&page=1 Там и гайд и все поищи на страницах хотя там много мусора - флуда.( ну так бывает на их форумаХ)
  6. This headers and static declaration are in engine.dll,l2.exe other .dll GAME IS USING THIS THINGS!!!(cause .ucc is compiling, and engine need to decompile to understand what it is and to show it). To change them, need only download the UCC Source code and add the proper header and static declaration . nothing new all hase.
  7. Point my misstakes, and write right how it should be writen, thets how i will learn something new and will speak proper english. so about program Program can CONVERT UT2004.ukx to Lineage2RedableWithAnimation.ukx But my post here cause here its said how logicaly can be done manipulation on values, so it could be changed scripts, maps etc.
  8. get out get out of here get out get ouet %echo off del kali process...... compiling del kali proces..... erro.... cant del kali cause he is garabe try to send kali to recycle bin //////y/////// successfull... kali sended to de garbage do more ?
  9. damn little smthng "fwehjsf" that you are stop posting here your garbage, mmm yeah yeah you'r posting it cause you can't learn english.... and because of your EGO that is telling your - .... AOOHo oh oh no Butthurts ButtHurts do something with that do , make him feel bad but i feel good do this do faster butthurs butthurts, yeah yeah you feel that, bad for nothing else you even don't see to do cause you'r not human, so go on !!! BUT NOT! BETTER PUT BANANNA IN YOUR EYES(save our time)AND get the HElll of this place your doing here garbage.
  10. What monkey still don't enough banana in your brain, GUYSSS GIVE TO hime some banana so he stop crying here...... what monkey can't ignore you' EGO, I Mmy EGo im feeling not good because of his words ! NEED TO make him feel bad but i feel good! so i will wiiinn! aaaaaa neeed to doo it fast i feel asshearts ........ so monkey still that something feel in you ... mm go one go one, put banana in your year, or better in your eyes so you don't see all of this usless garbage that you'r making here, Guyss plzzz GIVE Heme a Banana .
  11. How logicaly can be done Editing of Lineage 2 Maps regions and scripts there we gove, what do wee have on screen ? - a not big a-beep-t of information Data(the a-beep-t can be much more smaller need some little manipulations on UCC.exe compile side) Ih hex editor this would look look so, It is text data - we can change but WE CAN't Input new values, question is why ??answear - cause compilation tool(UCC.exe) didn't not include NEW!!!! function<library For that something that wee wan't to input just be copying hex values, question - and what can be done, answear - finded the hex values the correspond to the function, and only one thing you can is just to copy a OLD function and paste it, so in script or in UNR will be two functions(for example some scripts effects or staticMeshes - but one of them can be edited), and what's problem, the problem is that in all of the code(even if when it could be not so big) IS VERY HARD TO find those strings that correspond to what you need, but if you DEVIDE Logicaly by regions likek whas at photo, it is possible around a week or more, to understand from where all it begans. Question But its hard to understand those hex values, can ve some kind to controll them and two see how our changes,affects - do on hex values, Yeah logicaly it can be done, by using SOURCE CODE OF UT package tool, that allows you to use it method of decoding and converting to readable and seenble object(UNR,scripts, and more files), So when you have this stuff, you can use them and not only them to put for scripts in UCC.exe source code, http://www.gamefront.com/files/service/thankyou?id=20078901 So its not guaranteed that all the functions you will add, cause you need to work with dissambling Lineage 2 engine.dll , and someScripts.u files But all that you need you have, and smae things goes to Lineage2.unr maps, same method of analyzing Hex values like on screen, but it take loong, and same method to look how it would change by compiling exisitng source code, will allow to change UT2004 Maps,scripts to Lineage 2 maps, scripts All you need you have
  12. Uh that ugly person teoma(lightfusion) what have he done deletd from us an source of getting paper an TOol of control what A CUNT! WHAT A -leeching- WHAT AN EVIL IS THIS TEOMAA(LIGHTFUSION ) VERY VERY BAD PERSON
  13. aahh i need to make this video accesible only if i get paper with dead presidents(dollars,etc) its an symbol of respect for my work, cause all nature of humanity lies in getting respect, and Honor and paper, And only that.... READ HISTORY guess 2000 years+ ago a guy didn't think so and he created mathematic, wich gave to humanity all the thing they have, and there is no need that something - knowledge to be exchanged by paper(dollars etc) as part of a system( veary weak and stupid system) Link on youtube I don't know if the scripts of this site allow to watch youtube video right here but just link Lineage 2 How to Edit Scripts.u Skills Effects .u Lineage 2 How to Edit Scripts.u Skills Effects .u and i choosed to not regen stamina(by going too sleep), cause i've allready regened it somehow(and i'm feeling like i'm was sleeping, even if don't for 30+hours -damn that nice).
  14. what what, look at it and you will see portrait(on a paper-wood) with DEAD!!!!! president - DOLLAR!! ..... That person avveee RLLLY RLY DON'T LIKE THAT HE LOOSED A POWER TO CONTROL OTHER HE IS RLY RLY DISSPOINTED ABOUT THAT VERY VERY.... He don't even belive in his own power, he only belive that HERO GILDOR can do it, alright belive in me if you want, i can do the same tutorial on how to do compiled scripts, THE PROWE THAT I DID THIS, I CAN MAKE PHOTO WHERE IS ON DVD DICS with date 2010 or 2009! i don't even remember when i do compiled that script ... just i wanted to do this and i did! now i need to share on how to do this with who don't belive that they can do the same... Okay.
  15. I allready started to doing this, its not a big problem to me, just time quesiton. huh, haxa its so NO SENSE ARE ALL IN meaning of galaxy of milky! WAYY HEYY LISTEN EVERYONE! At our planet in about 24+hours someone will share with us - how to recompile lineage 2 scripts!! AA DAMNNNN ITS SO SOSOSO IMPORTANT VERY VERY IMPORTANT.... Better give some paper for the site to Gildor.org so he don't need to use it from famly budget to pay the site, and all of his time he can spend on his project - that s the good, need to be done - PLZZ.
  16. Its not a job, the job did the author of the tool , give him some respect and give some paper with dead president's via PAYpal or VISA, plzz he need to pay for his site http://gildor.org
  17. If you have the questions - post them, i will answear, P.S. If someone want i can't show how to do this(and how to do Changes in Script InGameLineage2) in a video, i need Teamviwer - cause i don't have Lineage 2.
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