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Everything posted by LightFusion

  1. AHH xaxa, oh rly you'r using fantasy, beliving in fantasy, and waiting that you'r life and everyone around you will be great, you'l be woah, bla bla bla, all you got is your damn pixels, your shitty mind that is i think about 500-1000 years old, cause the way you thinked - when someone is - ahh you Are sick you mentaly etc bla bla bla... already 'v been, !! the thing you don't make any new - IN YOUR MIND, no variables, means you'l stay with your old mind, WITH YOUR QUESTIOn - OH WHYY WHY WHY i'm so unhappy everyone around me is the reason ........ what point oF YOUR SUPER MIND FIlter, by judjing on creterior that i NEED TO have to be able to ........ Its idiotical - to create that filter, based on creteria, your's or someone else, in wich - ah yeh this guy yeah yeah he hase this thi syeah his, good, BUT look at this his this hHAha this fu** he is ***** get out of him ..... WHAT POINT OF making it, if i or anybode else knew on what is BASED, is idiotical. Your making and using something that you think so secret - soo Arh no one wouldn't know this..... your pathethic, nothing inside you ! and you don't won't even to create SOMETHING NEW!!. damn yeah keep up! Your mind' wouldn't allow you to read, i mean your filter in your mind haha your pathethic robot that will act as i SAID haha=))) i know how you thinkin hahaha OHh no this is wrong forum ! NO NO i should talk about this here! here wee are very mighty very precious! Making our damn Profile(Role) looks lIKE we are gods! so people think so what they want to think but in reality will be what it is.
  2. oh no, there seems some misstake - i surly seen where i said - some Bullshit effects mods - i whas talking about YOU! glad you didn't get ? Your angry ?mm the reason you are, is in you! You'r pointing in NOTHING, =)), cause you don't create any new, and the point of your expression is to just explain your mind - everyone above me is the reason why i feel so bad, why i don't make Something new, but infact - the reason is in you and you make all of this stuffs =)) xa you don't even know what you'r expressing about in 99% YOU ARE BLIND, if you think someone couldn't understand how you thinking, just by few words expressed by yourself, -THAT is LOGIC!! yeah Know this word ? - good lets come back to server, IF YOu search on offical servers forums, in bug threads, you'l find same bug appeard for some users, Its means its offten happends to official servers, that why i'm logicaly came - that it might be offical that only 1). second is that i said earlyer might be that he got packets, and he just deblocked that string, so it appears, THE THING is that you don't have any - new reason of why it could logicaly happend, means you don't create any new !!!! its very clearly shown, AND THAT ITS THE WHOLE reason WHY YOU acting like so - everyone is reason that you feel bad etc, huhh - change your role, the thing you do you won't even explain haxa - you just felt up to emotions and to keep them more and more =))) huh
  3. Its bug !! as i said appeard most on Official servers, i allready seen this. 2nd part =), he trying to act soAweeeesSOmmeEEFfects, cause he think that everyone beside him is reason why he won't => can't create new, so that why he act so =)) rly its only mind question, he can be 20-23+ and still hase same thing,
  4. It is acctualy a bug in server, it even happends to typical players, even on offical servers! But that not so hard to delete string in Core of server, where its writed - to not use Skillviewer(Sv) command, it is server telling to not access to this command, but in Dev Console it accessble cause the server isn't sending anything that may block it, anyway the guy on video could even just send packets, use l2packet hack and get what he want. thre are toons of differents ways to accomplishe, but what you say - ARhh its ONLY This way is ALT+G he is GM .... and so and so and so, makes your mind unable to create new variables, means - NOTHING NEW! rly, you don't think like it may be something else, means you don't create in your work - something else.... so ! you even show this, Ohh NO no you don't =))) acctualy you did, there is no need of fully - oh I don't create new, to understand that. And that seems logicaly - the reason why you told to everyone that they are reason that you can't create ANY NEW, and they are all guilty, but not you, ohaa..... its you - only your mind.
  5. I will give you this iland in 2-3 days with geo, LIGHTS!, and all of the stuffs, you need. Plus might give you giran, if i have time. I'M working on new version of iland, its takes a lot of time, who want to look on it send me pm, it is rly nice, it took me a lot of time to make, and its still kind'a on alpha stages, P.S. YOU JUST People need to know who make all of the stuff!! and who JUST STEAL them and sell for HUGE prices, as do pedoSpect and Kal, Don't create problems foryourself!!!!! P.S.S. DON"T TRY to by from them you'l create problems, i tell i'll give you same iland even better for free, in few days DON'T create problems for yourself.
  6. ...... damn i rly though that there are some people who can think and see clearly, THEY DOESN'T DID ANYTHING, THEY STEAL MY idea, cause before 9 may there where NO SUCH THINGS! means they doesn't even have that variable in theyr mind that would allow to create such, but they look, they create after 1 month of .... same thing, and even sh*** thing and sell it for cosmic prices... damn what they have that just staticmesh from goddes, without any work at all!!!! the thing is they want to sell it for astronomic, price like 500$ ++ they damn MENTALY RETARTED thats true, they made that kind of mind, and any stuff they have they steal from someone, don't you get this, they are scum, look at russian forums, about kali(volond1) are THONS of threads - deserved how he scumb people, and left them with nothing, AND there is a thred http://forum.cs-la2.ru/index.php?topic=29137.0 he maded for some server, and after he did, he sended link to the server, and tons of other stealers, came and took from the server that sh** that he can't say - did, but the person who requested give to him 120$+ without any protection, and even with problem - he sended link to server to other stealers. THEY are scum and this espect ponytail is his pedoVan, means he is just same COpy as kal, DON"T CREATE PROBLEMS FOR YOURSELF!!! there is allways al alternative.
  7. ...... YOUR METHOD, YOU DAMN BLIND ***** ?? or what(its GIRAN from interlude with staticMeshes from goddes !! YOU COMPLITLY MIND RETARDED !!!?), The giran i maded is only in alpha stage - its just to show that it is possible, AND REASON YOU BOTH STEALERS, are here , its only because of me, YOU thinked on how i did this stuff 1 month(you garbage kal), and your ponytail espect - that thinked 3 month.... means how much NOTHING HE hase inside. i DIDN"T RUN TO SELL what i created, but you two now are selling - AND SELLING NOTHING! you didn't work on ALL of the parts that are in video! YOu make NOTHING!, cause you have nothing inside!!!!!!! THere need to be alternative from both of you, and i'm will be and my friend will to make that thing, not for your cosmic prices - OF NOTHING, just steal, BEWARE OF THIS TWO! SCUMS!!!!!!
  8. YOu sell damn armor, that worth nothing for 200$, that logicaly means that THE giran that is just staticmeshes from Goddessm you'l sell from 200$-700$, thats LOOGIC!, YOU STEAL MY! IDEA, cause before 4 may, there WHERE NO REGIONS EDITING AT ALL!, but when you look on it, ONLY THEN you realize that its possible and after it you just damn STEAL it and want to sell it for cosmic price ! YOU ARE JUST A SCUM!!! you have nothing in your mind, and you won't have it! cause you made it so, you think - how can i took from here, or them, YOU JUST A DAMN STEALER, And if you don't know - HERE ARE Only posted shares, not YOUR STEALING!, you blind ........ allways will be alternative from scums like you, so get ready the damn w.. is just started.
  9. You doing nothing! YOU DON'T HAVE IN YOUR MIND that thing that will ALLOW YOU to made by yourself - all that it showd HERE ITS JUST STEALED WORK, YOU DID here NOTHING, this giran worth NOTHING!, BUT MOST PART I HATE IS THAT YOU SELL IT FOR 200-500$ BUT IT DOESN'T Worth IT PEOPLE!!!! IF YOU WANT THIS GIRAN I will sell you it for 70-100$, i got another work i'm on right now its much more better! BEWARE OF THIS mind, THAT ONLY WANT TO STEAL FROM YOU! There is allways alternative!!! PLZ he would just steal from you - HE DID NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. ...... STOP STOP! that a stealer, ANOTHER DAMN *** stealer I did possible this damn Region Editing looooong time ago 1-2 month LOOOOK AT Time it whas added 9 may, it hase and even earlier video's on my chanel - like from 4 may AND i didn't tried to sell it, but those -leeching-s - this kali(garbage) and his semi bro eSpect, steal the idea and here they go they are selling, what i did first, BUT I wheren't in this purpose to sell it. STOP Looking on those damn stealers, look on those who made it from zero, i shouldn't share that its possible but i did, and when theyr mind saw! THIS ONLY WHEN THEY SAW IT! after they damn made it! means they steal ideas STO STOP!! HE IS STEALER! he want to sell something he ALLMOST DIDN"T DID FOR 200-500$ HE Is NUTS!!!!!!!!!!! beware of this, he is scum, he steal all he could and sell this like for 200+!!!
  11. You have to clearly understand wich thing you'r doing, The point you have LOGIC's, UTX logic, and UnralEd Logic, This two will be ONE PART only when they match in main places of theyr logic( logic - that impilimited there, by using C#,C++, and might be more, programming language's). so if you undertand that, you'l get that the logic from UTX(Of Lineage 2) is different for UnrealRuntimeEditor, and if you get this, you might try to find someone who can make a program that will add those main parts in UTX from Lineage2 so it would match the logic from UnrealRuntimeEditor, or you can do this by yourself, in your case there is such program but it only usable as far as i know for C5 to CT1.0,might be and CT1.5, and maybe even more C0-c5. The name of this program(converter) is L2UTXFixer, And if you'r texture isn't matching the CT1.0 or CT1.5, you might redo the texture by using same Unreal Runtime editor, and looking on values that are in your UTX file, by using another Program for this named - UTPackage tool, the functions are a bit the same in Unreal runtime(for texture) so it would be not easy bu they would much those from Lineage 2 UTX, so that what you need.
  12. if its from interlude or kamael, you can use UTX Fixer, after it you need to use L2tool version 1.3.0 as far as i know or 1.2.9 to fix it for unreal runtime, then you could open it with unreal runtime. other way is to create texture by usint Unreal runtime and to path in dat files to your texture package(from unreal Runtime). very simple - use logic.
  13. nop, its possible, if you able to make extender for Engine.dll with new function, that will give to weapongrp.dat new function, same as for npcgrp.dat means, on weapons will be Applying same functions as on npc's, cause for npc you can change its size, by editing script with Hex editor. so
  14. 1 8563 0 3 6 4 0 Dropitems.drop_magic_cap_m003_a LineageAccessoryTex.magic_cap_m003_a_t00 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 icon.accessory_magic_cap_i00 -1 10 13 0 0 0 1 10 1 LineageAccessory.Mfighter_magic_cap_m003_a 1 LineageAccessoryTex.magic_cap_m003_a_t00 1 0 255 1 1 LineageAccessory.Ffighter_magic_cap_m003_a 1 LineageAccessoryTex.magic_cap_m003_a_t00 1 0 255 1 1 LineageAccessory.Mdarkelf_magic_cap_m003_a 1 LineageAccessoryTex.magic_cap_m003_a_t00 1 0 255 1 1 LineageAccessory.Fdarkelf_magic_cap_m003_a 1 LineageAccessoryTex.magic_cap_m003_a_t00 1 0 255 1 1 LineageAccessory.Mdwarf_magic_cap_m003_a 1 LineageAccessoryTex.magic_cap_m003_a_t00 1 0 255 1 1 LineageAccessory.Fdwarf_magic_cap_m003_a 1 LineageAccessoryTex.magic_cap_m003_a_t00 1 0 255 1 1 LineageAccessory.Melf_magic_cap_m003_a 1 LineageAccessoryTex.magic_cap_m003_a_t00 1 0 255 1 1 LineageAccessory.Felf_magic_cap_m003_a 1 LineageAccessoryTex.magic_cap_m003_a_t00 1 0 255 1 1 LineageAccessory.Mmagic_magic_cap_m003_a 1 LineageAccessoryTex.magic_cap_m003_a_t00 1 0 255 1 1 LineageAccessory.Fmagic_magic_cap_m003_a 1 LineageAccessoryTex.magic_cap_m003_a_t00 1 0 255 1 1 LineageAccessory.Morc_magic_cap_m003_a 1 LineageAccessoryTex.magic_cap_m003_a_t00 1 0 255 1 1 LineageAccessory.Forc_magic_cap_m003_a 1 LineageAccessoryTex.magic_cap_m003_a_t00 1 0 255 1 1 LineageAccessory.Mshaman_magic_cap_m003_a 1 LineageAccessoryTex.magic_cap_m003_a_t00 1 0 255 1 1 LineageAccessory.Fshaman_magic_cap_m003_a 1 LineageAccessoryTex.magic_cap_m003_a_t00 1 0 255 1 1 LineageAccessory.mkamael_magic_cap_m003_a 1 LineageAccessoryTex.magic_cap_m003_a_t00 1 0 255 1 1 LineageAccessory.fkamael_magic_cap_m003_a 1 LineageAccessoryTex.magic_cap_m003_a_t00 1 0 255 1 1 LineageAccessory.Mfighter_magic_cap_m003_a 1 LineageAccessoryTex.magic_cap_m003_a_t00 0 0 LineageEffect.p_u002_a 1 ItemSound.itemdrop_armor_glove ItemSound.itemequip_armor_cloak 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LineageAccessory.Mfighter_magic_cap_m003_a LineageAccessory == Package.UKX(placed in Animation Folder) MFighte_magic_cap_m003_a == model.psk(placed in Package.ukx) LineageAccessoryTex.magic_cap_m003_a_t00 LineageAccessoryTex ==Package .UTX(placed in systextures Folder) magic_cap_m003_a_t00 == texture that is usd by model(placed in Package.utx) That is a simple path(for engine.dll) for wich files to use, So if you get this, you'l understand that what you need to do, is to path your Package.ukx, model.psk PackageUTX, Texture LineageAccessory to YourPackage.YourmodelName To see the name of psk you might use UTpackage tool, or L2UKX beta 2. You alose can use Utpackage tool to view name of texture. Considiring the fact that i don't saw the name of your texture inside of utx package, i can only guess what it might be - hat. And if you'r making hats you might need to know that if you want that when you equip your custom accessory the hairstyle changes, you need to write name of wich one you want in your obj, so it would have in UKX, somthing like this - Hat.MFighter_hat_m003. So m003, after _, would tell engine to set hairstyle to 003. Thats your code 1 8563 0 3 6 4 0 Dropitems.drop_hat hatTutx.hat 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 icon.accessory_magic_cap_i00 -1 10 13 0 0 0 1 10 1 hat.Mfighter_hat 1 hatTutx.hat 1 0 255 1 1 hat.Ffighter_hat 1 hatTutx.hat 1 0 255 1 1 hat.Mdarkelf_hat 1 hatTutx.hat 1 0 255 1 1 hat.Fdarkelf_hat 1 hatTutx.hat 1 0 255 1 1 hat.Mdwarf_hat 1 hatTutx.hat 1 0 255 1 1 hat.Fdwarf_hat 1 hatTutx.hat 1 0 255 1 1 hat.Melf_hat 1 hatTutx.hat 1 0 255 1 1 hat.Felf_hat 1 hatTutx.hat 1 0 255 1 1 hat.Mmagic_hat 1 hatTutx.hat 1 0 255 1 1 hat.Fmagic_hat 1 hatTutx.hat 1 0 255 1 1 hat.Morc_hat 1 hatTutx.hat 1 0 255 1 1 hat.Forc_hat 1 hatTutx.hat 1 0 255 1 1 hat.Mshaman_hat 1 hatTutx.hat 1 0 255 1 1 hat.Fshaman_hat 1 hatTutx.hat 1 0 255 1 1 hat.mkamael_hat 1 hatTutx.hat 1 0 255 1 1 hat.fkamael_hat 1 hatTutx.hat 1 0 255 1 1 hat.Mfighter_hat 1 hatTutx.hat 0 0 LineageEffect.p_u002_a 1 ItemSound.itemdrop_armor_glove ItemSound.itemequip_armor_cloak 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Edited as you needed, only might be that texture name is different then yours.
  15. no problem - delete staticmesh folder, or change all texture(in texture folder, not Systexture!) by adding there alpha chanel huh )
  16. it is very simple, you can open the file you want with UTpackage tool, to look for texture name, or simply write in umodel - list, so you will load all textures that are loaded, and then very simply for exmple - Umodel all export LineageWeaponsTex.utx sword_of_dellusion_t00_wp there is the space between utx file and the texture you want to export! pay attention on this.
  17. KALI is a peace of nothing and a stealer, I"M THE FIRST ONE WHO CHANGED THE DAMN LINEAGE 2 REGIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look at the date you'r never find THE EDITED Region yearlier than this VIDEO! He just steal my IDEA, i didn't want to sell it for first time, you JUST Need to know who creates !!!! new, And WHO STEAL that the point.
  18. Hey Leeeeroy )) jenkins, heres your armor http://narod.ru/disk/23570976001/GOD%20%5BARMOR%5D%20FOR%20Interlude%20%5BWATSKY%5D.rar.html got it from nowhere ) - its for interlude, but its possible to adopt for anychronicle you like. its include R95,R97(or98), R99.
  19. You can use a command to just record by using camera, it would save as allways, but you will got nice use. Its a simple camera, your class acctualy become this camera, so you see what is - from camera view. its usefull i kind'a had idea on project - that would need some Video on the server, its very Usefull cause - you don't need to use some Race class, you just use the camera ).
  20. hHHa added, nOP they changed, i TOO changed to damn kamael, had video, but no sense of it so...
  21. Already answeard that question, will need to be edited some server part - core, and client part. But yeah its possible
  22. it's rly kind'a hard question for a part of your mind, but why you use this Filter, in wich ELFOCralfo is the Only one and the best who can share with you knowledge in something that you can do by yourself, you rly think that it matter when someone show you, and you didn't see that all the point of doing this all is to get more Money(paper) by getting more Filters(opend)- for who is doing( elfoprelpo or anyone else) - means Fame, popularity, do you RLY Doesn't see this ? why you think you had answeard so fast and by Those AAaaa de bzestd ? no rly ? IF i tell you that if you WIll make a HAT by using only logic and NO tutorials, IT will give you much more, inspiration that may help accomplish and invent new ideas in project you had( i got that thing, and it allowed me for exmple to create this - its new mind variables) to make it simplier it would give you same effect as NZT tablet in Movie - Limitless cause you'r mind will create new variables, its sound strange but the idea that the author of that movie had - he implied in it, its yeah not the right place and its not - a RIGHT role to play but! rly you may not think about that whole your life, cause you where impliet in your mind that way. But rly there are far more important things that THIS DAMn pixels you see now.
  23. i mean when you make physical pressure on the thing you call well(that is in other thing you call mouse) how far at your Pixel Monitor, in runned program l2.exe - camera is rolling out, how many rolls of weel you made ) if you don't get it? 10-20 times ?, means if it hase low - you can make only 4 times, if its high - 60+. yeah i kind'a express it at very strange - you say dumb lvl but - it helps you to clearly understand, why i need this, cause i want to understand do you rly have a very short distance of camera, or your short means 10.000, or 650000, if its not , that means you got some bug in your system folder, or some other option at server side, or extender - dll, that makes this zoom out - unalble. got it ? so logicaly you will understand that you just may need to test on another server, to prove - if its controlled by server, using the same system, only changing l2.ini, if its not used by server, then changing system, and saving ip adress of server ! got it ? very easy rly
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