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Everything posted by LightFusion

  1. Acctualy if look my first reply here http://i.imgur.com/bYMbQZa.png?1, you can clearly see that he is referencing to Deedlit, as the guy i was talking on they mmoplay facebook, please stop shitting me and members of this forum, as deedlit is the one guy who maintaining MMOPLAY, and the one who scammed me, and opened project for my money, that i gived to him for AI Engine. He has multiple accounts here, and i guess multy skypes, i dont see a problem in creating new skype new acc, but thing remain the same - he should be banned.
  2. LoL What http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/181919-showcasewho-said-physics/page-2?do=findComment&comment=2415441look at this post, its him deedlit, he has some multi accounts on this forum, and https://www.youtube.com/user/szponiasty/videos is same as mmoplay youtube, so its him. P.S. From the forum Mmoplay Look its clearly says that deedlit is the only one whos making the project, and all that he said about - some team - is a lie, cause its seems his a big scummer, so please consider to ban his main account http://www.maxcheaters.com/user/80133-szponiasty/%C2%A0
  3. Also ban please his second account http://www.maxcheaters.com/user/80133-szponiasty/
  4. Then Ban him Please ! I dont see another choice ?
  5. Oh the thing is MMOPlay is a 1 person not a dev, thats because i contacted him via Facebook( i might have screenshots but it was a year ago) and he was responding as MMOPlay, not just as admin or some member, but a man who has possibility to rework AI Engine for my project, so thats why he recived the money via bank transfer - thats a fact. But the work he settled to do wosnt made even money wosnt refund for a long period - a year +, and im 100% this 300$ was funded in theyr project, so the hell i should think he is not the admin or its not the guy who we contaced ? (thats bullshit), if he has access to facebook main acc he has acces to MMOplay forum, he has acces and to this mxc forum too, hes a scummer, and i dont see any progress in refunding or returning me reworked AI engine, in 2 month - since the last message !
  6. Lol huh - thats a girl acctualy so be carefull what you say, its very rar to see a girl on such forums - lol !
  7. Acctualy you need to pay, as im the only one author of those shitty cloack, and acctualy i can make better but only if you have $ for work!
  8. The thing is talked to him about AI engine - he accpeted to make it for 300$, i payed him via bank transaction, after that he stared to doing it for my server, but then he dissapears and didnt answear ! then about a 5 month i find him here opening server on the money i gived him ! how the hell you describe this sittuation, his a scamer, if you think its normal to have such person on this forum(means he can scam someone else) than this forum is doomed to have such problems, so please concern to delete his topic, and post ban him, unlease he start answearing pm and sending even half % of payment, or better the work he supposed to do AI engine! Please !
  9. When you will ban MMOPlay he wosnt showing up since october, im tired - that his topic is still up and he isnt banned, maybe you consider to delete his topic ?
  10. Oh my god will you ban him or not wtf with this forum ?
  11. I need to bump this thread or what ? as i said before i dont care what troubles he has and i dont want to be a part of them, so please ban him or make him to refund me fully 300$ as i sended to MMOPLAY , or give it to me fully working(source Code) as upon we agreed almost a year ago ! Thx!
  12. I mean you cant see his name, afteral if its just a 2D Texture on a sprite its funny =D, srsly, because anyone who want will use it from you.
  13. May i wonder this is result of adding 2Dtexture on the NPC ? because it doesnt transparent, lol anyway good luck!
  14. when you'l ban MMOPLAY he wont return the money or AI engine.
  15. MxC Profile MMOPLAY was contacted in https://www.facebook.com/mmoplay.l2 . http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/179910-l2j-l2mmoplay/ I transfered 300$ to this person, for Vector AI engine that he agreed to sell me and adopt for my server. For a while he sended me messages about the work that its going on and etc, but after a month or so he stoped to answear me about work progress. And now its about a year since the last message he send me about the AI engine "that i buy" from him.Then a 2 month ago he appeared here(With his server topic) and i asked him to refund me, but he refused saying that - its not his problem(its another person who do this) and its not right time since they still dont have donations system. Thats not my problem - i payed 300$, and i want them to be refunded or work to be finished(with AI Engine) and send'ed to me. P.S. if its needed i can provide conversation, MMOPlay knows what im talking about! Past 1 month And after this message he stoped answearing me, the same as he did on facebook.
  16. Man i told you before you cant do this ! If you find this girl Fyyre if she would want she might do it for 1500$ or more, because its not a 12 hours stuff, thats not so many people who have enough knowledge in Unreal Engine.
  17. Its very simple, you need to edit interfacex.dat and interface.u , some tutorials where on russian forums so , unless you know russian you cant do anything with your amount of knowledg
  18. LOl forget about this srsly, its reverse engineering, unless you have enough skills in asam, you cant do anything ! simple because it require engine.dll editing, if you want look up in some engine.dll dissambled code in "C" and you'l se that all is binded. You can change d grade to R grade or c to R, but you cant add new Grade.
  19. Lol and i think noone here is able to do such thing, not fo 700$or 1000$, it worthless,
  20. Are you stupid or so ? You can't make own grade client sidly, because its binded by engine side where count of images is stricrly described and where those images apply, like for all Draconic Weapons or S80 weapons, need to be applied same rule, that can be described only engine.dll sided , so dont talk bullshit.
  21. Nonono - not for you or anyone in this forum, unless fyyre appears and prove that only she is able to do that ! So forget about it.
  22. And if it so, you poop your pants off ? Lol all russians are 2 forums in one of them you have ban, thats remind me of how "smart" you think you are.
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