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Everything posted by LightFusion

  1. lol http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/188840-selling-vitality-abnormal-effect-for-interludefrom-hfnevit-sys/how do you not see my thread
  2. New armor - preview ( it's a prototype, just to show that its possible to adapt any armor(from any game) to fit L2 Characters size,forms)
  3. i guess he is talking about my abnormal vitality in interlude -
  4. You guys have absolutly no idea of what your handling with, i'l give you a hint - the game is made on Unreal Engine 2.5, and all the interfaces, windows, other stuff, is coded on C++, but some is Coded on UnrealScript, pseudo C++. And if your either not fammiliar on how Unreal Engine Store data in theyr packages using unrealScript, you will not be able to do anything far from just changing a value from 0 to 9, cause to get more complicated stuff you need to complitly understand how the data stores, how it could be enlarged, and how properly it should be writed/interpritated, thats a lot of stuff, so its just so funny to see you thinking that you get any further...
  5. xaxa nope its you not answearing for few days on skype .. lol check your pm here on forum.
  6. source of c1 in which form ? decompiled pseudo "C", or original C1 writed on c++ ? and on what this source apply - auth server, or fully gameserver or ? Dany wtf with skype messages - your not reciving them or you dont want to answear for a reason ?
  7. huh yeah =D ofc.... if you dont know where to change.
  8. lol i dont know the real name of this abnormal in your server core, =D findyourself ...
  9. how about this - player.startAbnormalEffect(L2Character.ABNORMAL_EFFECT_VITALITY); Nevit
  10. you want to change effect itself, or you want to make an rule that when player.getInvenotry.armor(id).enchant == 16 - player.startabnormal ? If first then you in a wrong section, if 2 too, then look for some simmiliar rule that i stated, maybe it used for some event or quest or anything else reffering check getitem from inventory. P.S. dont want to make an acctual code cause its =D your work i guess.
  11. hello, was wondering am i right about smart cryptor itself, it run in memmory processor without any cryption ? so this decrypted data could be easly retrived back(as dump) same as it was or it would be in some bad format?If so could the data be copied when the archive itself get decrypted by game, but still not loaded in core memmory? And also the game can decrypt game files, that means the .dll that mumu made for smart crypt, have a decryption key in them so it could be used too for decrypt ?
  12. lol smartcrypt is stupid and useless, as it contains decryption key in .dll library that is used for client to decrypt files, and anyway you dont even need to look for the key, as all crypted files loads in process core without cryption and can be dumped in semi-readble .uktx .utx file, that can be a bit modified and used.
  13. Damn lol im blind was thinking PLAYER_CANT_USE, nighttime....
  14. good question =D just find your config folder in gameserver dif folder, and look for - alt game karma, if you cant find it, open config.java, or press Ctrl+click on ALT_GAME_KARMA_PLAYER_CAN_USE_GK, and you gonna jump in refiring class - config, and then press ALT+F and find ALT_GAME_KARMA_PLAYER_CAN_USE_GK use, you should see its reffering name that acctualy creates in properties, so after you find it just change it to false.
  15. else if (!Config.ALT_GAME_KARMA_PLAYER_CAN_USE_GK && player.getKarma() > 0) //karma { player.sendMessage("Go away, you're not welcome here."); return; } my guess is to compleatly delete this check method, as for ALT_GAME_KARMA it may refer to a flaged player.
  16. nope its not possible unless you can add some sort of skill, to be casted on player, cause effect itself can't be binded to player without some code. but i can make something like that http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/188840-selling-vitality-abnormal-effect-for-interludefrom-hfnevit-sys/ but thats me
  17. lol my guess is to come over United States and buy an Ford GT mustang 2008 or 2011, then take in Cargo/container back to your contry, that would cost ~10.000$ +- . huh thats my plan lol =D
  18. lol and how is that image would decrypt itself ? if its not known for existing antiviruses, then it hasn't something common with windows decrypt stuffs, that means he has to write his own library to decrypt/encrypt files, but if he send you just a crypted version, it won't do any sort of damage i guess.
  19. you cant fix this, its dependent by engine function that handles lighting for certen kind of maps, most of map in l2 doesnt contain lighting, its generated by engine itself for the sake of multi-regionality.
  20. lol simulation via 3ds max, it took a lot time i guess :D P.S. Thats not proving your have any knowledge in l2 ukx format, thats only proves you know some tricks. And these all doesnt matter at all because your "Customs" would be easly stealed by some leachers, and get that stuff in public, cause you have not idea how to crypt them, or protect in other way.
  21. huh lol and why should i waiste time on making a tool that would convert ut2004 ukx properly to l2 fromat c0 or c3 or c6 no matter. told you allready if i hade an request with payment more then 200$, then i might think on waisting time over this. but for now i dont care P.S. And you cant create animated accessory in interlude, unless you use my method with uvv And im not even talking about it, new method is much more qualified like here ,so
  22. guys if you have not idea about what unreal format is, dont ever try to fix something you dont know, for example i know what is neccesary to make an ukx from UT2004 that would work on Interlude with material ids and all that stuff, but for now i dont need it. cause i dont have any request to make like 20-30 accesories from other games, in one package so noone could steal them, or like animated accesory. I'l post a video conserning animated accessory properly maded by u2004, in Interlude Chronicles, when i'l have time, now i dont have any reasons and time.
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