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Everything posted by LightFusion

  1. Its hard to do it properly, maxtor dont want to make it like some simple/cheap advertise mode, in plus it needs to be in maxcheaters style, and plus - it would need to have many new interesting things, so it would be competitive to other tops( it has to have something uniq), and ofc players would have ability to give review on the server and vote for it, as many other stuffs. And because of that this top creation can take a lot of time, consider that it would take time just creating a personal cabinet for each admin(with many functions), in plus those who would vote there, would earn something on the admin server, so thats too a work that need to be done(and not easy).
  2. huh =) you rly think Maxtor has time do add those servers out there =) dont be fooled, in plus either some of moders would want to waiste time moderating servers that can be avertising out there, as long as you pay some fee $, to get a good place there, there is no need in moderating by admins, thats only need in some unappropriate cases, like overvoting, or scamming.
  3. I dont think ipb is good idea for top section, i was thinkin to integrate some other module for it, only problem here is in connecting user/s from maxcheaters to top maxcheaters user/s, so they have no need in registring in that section.
  4. well =) i doubt, for example i still play warcraft 3 =), you know how much old is it ? and still there are tons of players out there... Ofc L2 is not like it was before, its changing, but its still best mmo out there.
  5. Funny thing =) if its true that you have like 2000 real players, and even lets say 1000 has 30 days premium accounts(because as member mentioned before - all players that want to get lvl up must buy this premium, if not he wouldnt joing parites, wouldnt be able to play fully - thats clear milking =), ) and returning to money lets take these 1000 players and double the 340 rubles to them, that would be 340.000 rubles that equals 5.000 usd. Thats rly nice income you got there =), and even with this income you're trying to advertise in this strange "black piar" way huh! buy some banners, give some info, and thats all, no need to make this flame wars out here. P.S. I simply dont like when someone trying to lie with this dirty way, to get some income on something.
  6. =)) "we dont milk the players"; we dont advertise here; we doing this for free (yeah huh ofc the more you advertise the more potential players with donations you get >>equals you get $ money from that) ; this stories..... This "russians" !
  7. That rly very interesting way of advertising, and act like kid(who didnt do anything)... If you didnt wanted to advertise averia, you wouldn't put here your "super rules/super possibilites for players on averia server" cause if you do so players get intersting, but thats clear advertisment. And again this forum is same for all, your suggestions to close some servers just because you dont like it, its agaisnt them, i bet you're kind of person who will close all servers if you had a possibilty(here) just so players would play on your server. And please don't lie, you have donations system as any server does, and you "milk' players as you allways did from 2013 or 2014 when you first opened, if you didn't, you wosn't be able to move to africa or where you are, and pay bills for server protection, mods and stuff, huh =) thats to obvious !
  8. =))) Your funny guy srsly, you get your welth from same kind of players, you're completely doing the same thing, as the person your trying to charge with some "dirty actions" huh =),your rly funny you're trying to make your policy a part of Maxcheaters ? haha man .... Thats rly interesting method to advertise your server, by spoling some other projects.
  9. Well defending isnt the case here, its simple rules, and just logic, if you dont like something, that doesn't mean it should be 99% deleted just because of your will. Ofc if the admin disobey some rules of this forum, the topic can be junked, but in other cases, everyone here is same and has same rights/obligations. What you are here trying to do is create your rules, against admin rights, that not acctualy tolerared, and wouldnt work out, rly ! P.S. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/112603-section-rules-how-to-sticky-your-topic/ read here rules for example.
  10. This what you suggest is against the rules, simply as the rules of competition between servers, its not professional to go for some poll, or to pay money to staff, so they close some topic of your rivals, just because you want this, so their players go to your server, thats not nice rly. I Think topic can be junked.
  11. Well, if you think that kind of actions are tolerated here your misstaking, for example the Stallone, can easly make an vote to close your server, so whats point of this poll,lol to measure man's Dignity(Whos bigger) ?
  12. May i wonder from where do you know the - Sorin Alexe ?
  13. well as i said before, virus total link shows that it does have some, i had report on that and i had to answear. If you want you can send him in pm, but i think it would help cause the guy want's it to run in win10, and themida applies not only on l2.exe but on engine.dll nwindow.dll, and other files, so... its pointless.
  14. There is no need to argue with me, i think of the sake of user's, that is better to not share malware software. Why in my l2.exe there is nor viruses https://www.virustotal.com/ru/file/eec00a4943f7647c745567042946230e4f6ba8cabf37e934ed2360fddca9d812/analysis/1442661830/ , its too from Gracia Final. Thats all!
  15. unless i dont have any reports from user, + reports from virustotal that its a virus, then its still a virus,
  16. https://www.virustotal.com/ru/file/e0b948a64b4503c7f710f120a4e046b2526779e3c8fead312f4f05083d2d0a37/analysis/1442659705/ Little editing, i cheked original file placed in mediafira, it too has the same virus inside, so both links would be hided.
  17. Moved to client help section. You need to be more specific at your requests ! From what i understand, you want that - someone enter ingame and use those items - to show you what pet(monster) visualy it represent. Thats not mostly client section, cause here users can enter Client mode(ingame),without server, and open NpcViewer Menu, and by id or name show you the npc/monster you need, but i suggest you to look in etcitemgrp.dat or some other .dat files that binds this item and npc_id(of the monster itself) and after you have this info you can see byitself what it represent.
  18. Moved to Proper Section !
  19. thats might be pretty easy, if ultimate defense -function(logic) is described only by LineageSkillEffect.u, you will have only to find its id's in skillgrp, and fully copy the string, then find skill like vengeance - delete it's string, and paste string from ultimate defens, and then change the id from ult to vengeance. But that only the case if ultimate defense is described in lineageSkilleffect.u if its desrbed by engine.dll(native code) and called by skillgrp without LineageSkilleffect, just by name, then you will have problems, cause to remake effect like ultimate defense, you'l have to know the acctualy time that skils need to stay - before it dissapears, and because of such things(these things are dynamic) these effects logic - is desribed in Engine.dll(itself, in hard native code , i can even give you example) And to assure you that if your not a fully knowledgble person of the unreal format, you'l wouldnt be able to do that, unless you pay to someone who knows how to do that(like me) so gl/.
  20. wells thats pretty gibberish(if you unpack it, and paste on hf - you will still cant be use them - dont you ?) , unless you dont know fully the format of those maps, you cant do anything - like this
  21. its connected by packet, on client side is done only animations, mb some client/engine side is done too, but idk exactly, so might be that you wont have those special packets that need to be transfered from client to server<>(in both ways) to play it on certain events, like the pick up action.
  22. Can lower the price to 80$ - if there would be a buyer till end of the months !
  23. well thx, need to sell it =) , price is not big less then 100$. P.S. For anyone who will want to argue about price, unless you can provide the same content as i did, the price is based opon the time/energy i waisted on this.
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