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Everything posted by LightFusion

  1. xaxaxa DLL injection... -l2console.... all is more simple
  2. And if you change Nwindow.dll it wouldnt work your stupid check srsly man, those interface modifications, are not common, they allow to auto enchant auto augment and auto skill ench and many more thats forbidden for simple players, so you cant even do this ! here you go video recorded not so long from the server where you say its fixed, where in reality its not ! I myself was testing this shitty patch, and it was working without any problem. I dont understand rly, are you too lazy or you dont have enough knowledge to fix a simple stuff like that, what are your excuses - you just dont care, why the hell then admins use your protection, its just ridiculous if you cant fix something simple as that, you are trying too convince that your protection cover new bots, memory hacks, lol :D thats rly not normal.
  3. you retared the same way ? i told again 100000 times - HE FUCKING HOOK in the engine to get their structure, mb 1 time not every time,but he do this to make sure what he is sending, and thats GAME Injection, not just fucking packets from air - understand this, if you are stupid ... i dont mind, but that keeps raging me ...
  4. The guy is retard, he think he can enter on any custom server with its own protection modules, and just create packets out of nowhere, even without understanding what they are .... its just pathetic how he is sure about what he is saying .... No client engine hooking is required - right ?
  5. Should be - checkInistring =D, its not checking in real time wether or not client is connected to the server, either way it wouldnt help, =) if the guy is stupid enough to pass .u files even with script s, and without crypt ....
  6. check ingame what its writed, just curiouse :D if that S***it would work.... but well its java, you can write all kind of stuff in just giberrish way and it might work.
  7. MY eyes My eyes It hurts, this java stuff is just s**t, P.S. How you pass target - just writing that string there ? Check if its null or not, but that java is ..... P.S.S. If you spawn decoy, how the hell - its targeting player that spawned it, its implemented somewhere, or you just hope it is ? ohh now i see decoy.spawnMe(player.getX(), player.getY(), player.getZ()); Well then that assigment must be done inside check - like that L2DecoyInstance(npcTemplate, player, _despawnDelay); decoy.setCurrentHp(decoy.getMaxHp()); decoy.setCurrentMp(decoy.getMaxMp()); decoy.setHeading(player.getHeading()); decoy.setInstanceId(player.getInstanceId()); decoy.setSummoner(player); decoy.spawnMe(player.getX(), player.getY(), player.getZ()); player.setDecoy(decoy); decoy.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK, player.getTarget()); break; decoy.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK, player.getTarget());
  8. LoL Akumu, you cant even fix simple stuff like - InterfaceAI, how you think you gonna fix something like Adrenaline, if you cant do that ? By blocking their library :D ?
  9. There is better solution - just dont use this garbage.
  10. 15 Eur so cheap :D for shared stuff
  11. you just talk bullshit bro, you dont fucking make packets from air, you use engine functions, maybe they arent exactly hooked from game, and just reside in your program, but thats not from air, so im out, you keep bullshitting someone else
  12. ........ thats enough for me, im done go on create packets from air, and tell me that you dont use game engine functions, to craft them yeah, gl
  13. You are complite disaster, if you are dumb enough to not understand your own words, let me explain you ! YOU CANT FUCKING MAKE a packet - if you dont know what it is, and the function provide this information(craft it as you said before). And if you are now saying that you are not using functions at all, you create packets from air, you are dumb person ! understand that ? Packet data is total shit - nothing, without functions that make these data - understand this ! p.S. and one more thing for you stupid had, those packets that you mentioned are being sended within client from 1 exact place, you cant send them from your place, you have to inject right were the client send them, so by saying you are not injecting in game functions at all - you are again proving that you telling bullshit.
  14. Well but from what i can tell by looking on your git, you are turning java projects in C#, with same method structures, function designs, what the point of doing that ? P.S. This is pretty same as any java forks have so ?
  15. you cant recive RequestAttack Packet from server, the client send it, so your words make no sens, if you tell me you are using only packets ... complit bullshit P.S. to craft and encrypt you first have to get access to them, so again you seems bullshiting yourself, saying 1 thing and then denying it in other
  16. If you make l2 C# project , i suggest you look on this sources link - thats from pretty same game as l2(on the same engine version) it has same Packet System, AUTH system, scripts system, and interesting skills system, link , some of those methods can be easly turned for l2.
  17. Because you would have to get native functions of engine ! those packets wouldnt be enough!!! Of what im talking ? Im trying to explain to that guy - that just packet data is useless you cant bot with it , you have to hook native Functions, like - RequestAttack, or GetNextTarget(Info,PrevID) to acctualy pass Info in RequestAttack Function, that packet data is fckng useless - got that ?(If you rly think thats enough - then go try yourself to bot with that data,and you will see how stupid you acctualy are)
  18. ....... the only thing packet sends is position of objects XYZ, these objects are not defined as npc or monster, or player, this objects can be 10000 metres from player - you cant bot using only that data,so you litterlay telling some bullshit...
  19. Ehm may i wonder, by the way you commit changes - https://www.assembla.com/spaces/l2hellas/subversion/commits/502 you find problem, then you look into some other people fork that has this problem solved, and you simply copy it in yours - right ?
  20. send packets to get near targets ! rly ?
  21. what about looking on how its made on PTS ? C6 servers is available for free !
  22. The author of this pack is Krisa - i clearly see that name inside of package,just admit that you use some other guy work !
  23. Wut do you mean by gender ? And decrypt what , VMProtect (you sick ) ? About SG HWID, the guy who is making it doesnt have a big options to choose, MAC PROCID, and some other id's, can be easilly changed on memmory level, but to take that info doesnt take much time. The real problem would be if that guy would use COM, to get Hardware info, there about 100 tons of values that can be uniq for a system, and its pretty hard to manualy or programmatically change them, so for your hope - it is better that he wouldnt come to that.
  24. more shit to come like that, so keep upp
  25. Why you sell - shared stuff ? link http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/202362-aware-pro-wings-by-krisa/
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