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Everything posted by LightFusion

  1. you cant view your custom npcs, unless your package name is same as LineageMonster.ukx(means original) or if you not place it in system folder with .u extention.
  2. you guys tottaly moderating my section :D ?
  3. well if you are changing original crypted files, but not changing l2.exe, ofc you gonna get this error because of l2.exe structure itself, you gonna need to patch it somehow, in other case you cant use that with changed .dat .ini files.
  4. just rename -j extention to -e + remove classic, and then you can use the latest file editor, for erthei, its shared here somewhere !
  5. thats wrong section to ask, if you want i can move it to needed.
  6. if you got something to say you can write me in pm, you recived warning in this post, on violating forum rules http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/8-forum-rules/ , read them. If you want to recive pm and permanent ban. post more of this pictures. I Will not tolerate flame in my section, with noone !
  7. well as long as i recive more then 1-2 requestes to eraise this copyrights - this whole share is advertisment of l2enternal, and this not so legal .If you want to promote your server buy some banner, but not make some shares of your server, thats to obvious what it stands for. As same as share of l2tales... or any other l2j fork, only difference is that ! they dont have any sort of copyrights or protection, if they had theyr topics too would be closed. P.S. Again - read forum rules http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/8-forum-rules/ . Especialy 4: Advertising rules . I could give you warning for creating this topic.
  8. well some of the topics like that where closed as they promote different sites, i see here an advertisment of l2enternal, for anyone who use that costums, so im closing it. If author, or anyone will have this customs without copyrights - pm me.
  9. Well i can close the topic - if it has copyrights, its not a author share, its stolen work share, and can't be used.
  10. your making to much toughts, words in your mind, that not what acctualy need to be ! more you talk or think less time you have to acctualy make something that will give you knowledge !
  11. Then you need only client side , look in env file, if its not there its made by server, or mb used by some other file, anyway topic could be moved to client section i guess.
  12. guess he is right, because server - cant tell to client to show specific glow effect, on hit - over monster(depending of the enchant value). Mb not need to test, if he has theyr system, try to work with some files, deleting original and pasting your's see if it takes effect on theyr server.
  13. ----- topic moved to proper section about your question - press ` or tab on your keyboard, then write - hero . other effects you can show by command summon LineageEffect.effectname ;
  14. Selling Kamael Village for interlude,c5,c4,c3 chronicles. This village goes with special symboled(animated) copyrights along side all village with server name, on those places can be placed Npc's, also for the sake of safety, .map files might be crypted. PM me for price,
  15. well lol, yes - its writed in a stupid -"song name" way - summer time redness idk if its fully answear to your question, but this http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/178885-high-five-multiple-fix/ - its seems a fix, with download. if this wont help you, then you might need to delete textures that is used by this effect, so they wont appear, but that also wouldnt be showed somewhere else! Or you' might need to replace just a map(unr) file itself, from gracia epliogue, or hf part1or -3 - where this effect isnt placed.
  16. There was a topic dedicated this problem, you need to properly use search...
  17. Long time i've been waited, but my expirence in Lineage 2 Client is well known and im doing this for a long time, so i suggest to promote me to L2Client Developer.
  18. You dont need Chaotic Zone, you need Clan feature that ignore ctrl - hold need request, to attack player in that zone. In all other conditions i guess it would play as usually( so player would get karma if pk, if pvp over - flag dissabled over time. 4. Ignore Drop for that zone. 5. Same conditions. Simple check on the beginning - if player isnt Ally/Clan Member then ctrl hold is ignored, but if is a ally/clan then it need ctrl - and thats all.
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