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Everything posted by LightFusion

  1. This is a video( its about two hours, but cause its speeded up its only 1, i have problems on slowing it down, so if someone could help my i appriciate for his help) of the big journey of adding custom skills effect on mesh armor In all of this video is shown many aspects like edit, Compile Scripts, Listing actors in game, Editing Model adding new Points,edges, making it new. Making animation in 3ds max, adding mesh in UT2004(And converting) adding alpha chanels, and many more. its a lot of work. The video is divided on 7 parts and yeah they are speeded up, so if you watching them you better first slow it down for exmple in AVS Video editor, yeah i wanna do same process but it make me a file of 2.54 gb that will take a While i guess 1 day to make one file. so i rly need your help in converting the video. So here it is. Link on pirate bay http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/7247538 !!!!! PAY attention that on this video you wouldn't see many IMPORTANT aspects because of too much speed. So you better slow it down. i will slow it soon after i find a person who hase a good internet connection and good PC to make this all process. http://youtu.be/zKRRsT3YBec http://youtu.be/T_0ueI_GZvg http://youtu.be/2Lr0yTkCUz0 http://youtu.be/lFmm-Br76Dw http://youtu.be/pqotdFKdUGM http://youtu.be/-b3CG9yHuVo http://youtu.be/1at3AeDHTd4
  2. acctualy i can upload now other my work, but i rly want to share a video how i did this.
  3. thx, i'm now having troubles with converting all of the video that youtube uploaded(1.54gb) so if i want it to be slowed down, it makes 2.54 gb, can't find good slower downer. I can share even now the links to all the video on youtube, but they have rly rly fast speed( it because of recorder).
  4. don't worry , time will come and 613 encryption will be supported by Dstuff's decryptor, don't be annoyed by this person ave(Cause thats all that he want from you), cause he hase nothing good inside him, so he share this with others cause nothing good he won't do, anyway you can ask Dstuff about that i think he will help.
  5. don't rly get the question is your english so well or just something else ? I didn't say that i hate people. I said that i hate when people using theyr knowledge to controll others, but here i just showing you what you allready can done 3 years ago++. So you belive that its possible and don't ask some cool Heroes that have Vip donator status -PLZL ZPLLLZ YOur My HEROO Help me help me! how to do all of this stuff. Cause its all very simple! people need to be strong, and they getting stronger by getting knowledge, so noone could controll them with knowledge, people must be united, its the key to make unimaginable things, THE POWER TO upload On Yotube hase returned to me, wait couple of minutes and i will give you a link to a full video.
  6. Here is raw video, you will need to download it and slow down in some sort of video editing software. ScreenCapture_4_First.flv first second ScreenCapture_2.flv i'm for some reason unable to upload any file,will wait maybe its will pase.
  7. i will post a guid how to do this soon anyway its just right socket placing, and animation naming. the tools(knowledge) you allready got need just too look good to find out where and what.
  8. Wait some minutes the video how to do all of this is uploading( have some trouble with youtube i did uploaded the raw data in 640mb =) yes yes, and its seems they find this very disturbing for them and now they won't allow me to upload, but they didn't say that.
  9. YOU CAN SE ON The second video AT 3:26!! THAT IS USED BY LINEAGE 2 Engine!! ITS MEANS I ADDED NEW!! YOU CAN't PORT A WHOLE REGION WITHOUT CONVERTING IT ITS UNLGOGICAL DUMB! you have a file with other bytes other values what you'r telling is lie and selfooling, cause you can't do the same i just maded .usx placed in LineageStaticmesh Folder and there i get it Lineage 2 Edited Map Lvl Regions
  10. Yeah mate i know this! its kinda emotional when you'r doing first mm yeah
  11. FIRST Lineage 2 Edited Map LVL Regions And second video to PROVE first Lineage 2 Edited Map Lvl Regions Second video PAY Attention on THE 3:22 SECONDS of the video WHERE IS CLEARY SHOWEN THET Staticmesh.usx IS USED BY Game Engine.dll, and look in game there are no needed static, THIRD VIDEO WITHOUT LAGZS WITH FRAPS Lineage 2 Edited Map Lvl Regions Now Applause
  12. Yes acctualy i can code javascript, mm acctualy i even can draw, mmm i can change my voice(10 different), mmm i can make scripts,scenary, mmm i can redu the sound that i make with my voice or hands, in FlStudio, mm i can play more then 4 roles(1 at home, 1 at work, 1 in computer, 1 with friend) And i'm kinda whas with all of this, till i rememberd that you guys, some of you are beign control with some sort of tools, someone knew something, and he won't sharing his knowledge he want use it like a tool of controll, so i decidec to cut this tool of controll, and make you a bit united, !BECAUSE when you are united you can do MUCH more things, and even cut a one big Root of control that name is NCsoft. So yeah i waisted 2weeks for this, and its kinda have its effect,
  13. yeah yeah ! YOU are an very Ugly person, and i cuted the roots of your controll now YOU ARE very UNHAPPY about that! and you'r sharing with your unhappines everyver. MM yeah your Ego is kinda fu**up cause you belived in something that you'r somesort of a hero, that can share for paper with other his knowledge! The thing is that knowledge hase no Value, if it is! its only a tool of controll,
  14. Yes it's very ulgy the arguments are this - i past on it 2-3 hours, the idea is that you can past on it 4-5,6,7++ hours and make nice and wonderfull, the question is why you can't ?? Can you do the same- the answear is NO i can't why ???- -cause i like to be selfoolished and wait for a hero that will show me how to do all of the new stuffs. Okay another thing you want me to show you is how to change StatichMeshes, right ? cause you don't want to try! you like to be selfoolished !!
  15. The thing is that i'm now converting the video how to do this, So WHEN YOU Finnaly see this, you can do wethever you like to take any effect you'd like to past more then 2-3 hours that i'v did on this, YOu even can make a better texture, to make it animated !! WETHEVER YOU LIKE. I don't know why you unable to do this now maybe you just don't belive that you can and when i show you and other's that this is possbile you will belive in that and will do anything you like, And some other things i'm showing in this video - how to compile scripts, how to open them in UnrealRuntime. P.S. Show me some animated armor - ahh yes you can't cause theyrs not ! Its innovation - and none first like innovation but then,
  16. ITs anakim burst you monkey(Effects Taken From The SKILL!!!), you can't even talk right Okay, Do the same if you can i will look,ahh allmost Forgott - you can't
  17. I deciced to create new to topic, cause in older one noone is "wenting" Lineage 2 Custom Skillsefffect on MeshArmor, Anakim Burst on Kaydera http://www.gamefront.com/files/21648190/MFighter_IronMan.rar Video how on how i did this all will be later, its kinda big and its converting !
  18. Damn guys its all very simple yeas i know how to load scripts in UE, how to compile them, how to edit them with hex, ingame, how to get staticmesh from the game(export) how to get it back to game, how to take effects from skills and add them on armor its rly very simple i don't know why you are not doing this all this i found exploring by myself 3 years AGO! 3 years! now i'm just returing for a couple of days (i guess 3-4 days left) allready about 2 weeks i'm in here , i just don't have time on all of this i just want to make all united in all that they like so everyone will brake the roots,system of getting paper(dollars,etc) thats is named NSCOFT, and start just impliming things you see and want to make - BE CREATIVE its key to happines - draw something, model something animate, add in whatever you like even a iland, i don't even know if i will have time for this only 2 hours day for this, will be. but even that i will show you how to make now i'm making video on how to get effectskills from game and add them on armor, its rly simple and you will see that. But its took me two days, don't know why) maybe because i did this a long time ago.
  19. there is an option for you - FORMAT YOUR Damn pc Mann. Or while instalation is copying De files, you'r deleting de files that you don't need like Animation,staticMeshs,textures etc folders, got it ?
  20. you'r kidding or what ?http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3700478 search on rutracker Unreal Tournament, or on PirateBay you'r get many torrents with this.
  21. what your Ego get hurt(cause you are selfoollishing all the time), and it say to you go make me feel good, do so that someone who are doing to me bad will feel not good, but i good..... you can think how you want , but you rly rly won't be happy, and you are feeling bad about this, and still staying selffooled... your choose...
  22. wHY you people don't unite in what you like, but you stay divided and control each other with paper, or something that you have. Only imagine what can be done if all of those who like this fairy tail illusion lineage 2 will unite! Lineage 2 will be changed COMPLITLY, but you stay with your unlogic thinking and doing rly stupid stuffs like controlling with some tools, As i see that this can be done! what i'm thinking! that i just do it and i will share on how to do the same thing as you done with your tool and i will just share! cause all we are humans and all we have same knowledge and only stupid are selling their knowledge for wood(paper)You rly are unhappy about that and you still stay selffoolished and don't want to change this. Any way you can do better things uniting is the key to change anything you want don't be weak be smart share with people knowledge I will make in about 4-5 a video on how to TAKE An effect skills anything you want from game and to add this on a armor on accesory anything you want, cause i know if i share something like this the people will start doing creative and they would be happy. Sharing happinies is the key to be happy.
  23. its not even tool - i just logicaly will change hex values so its like just copying what it whas in .u file ! Like the program l2tool(japanese), it chane texture, i want to do the same with scrypts! logicaly this could be done but it will take GOOOD time, and problem is i working alone if someone work with me will be faster.
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