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Everything posted by LightFusion

  1. so you can say that RLY ? or you can indicate on wich by using server packets - one question - where do you indicate the effect first effect(in client side), where second ? you rly think engine.dll allows you to do this, to spawn different soulshot effect, you simply changing in .dat files - for all soul shot will be one effect.u ,
  2. its very easy huh ) in theory practice kind'a not so
  3. that my thought about that, ofc it could be just a part of sript, but it may be a function in engine.dll . AND WHERE DO YOU F** know i will understand how and where! YEAH Only be making that kind of decision, LOGIC helps to devide to the one and only that is making it! AND ITS Seems i whas right cause for c1 chronicles there is no such interface.u and the function still contains in engine.dll so stfu and go to ****.
  4. very interesting looks like engine.dll modifications or an extender could you share more infromation about that plz ) ?
  5. You have nothing inside you, i feel bad for the son that you think it your's, to have such a creature(named - dad) that hase nothing in and only take frm other it is very bad. Continue stealing work of other people and selling it, in the end you will regret that you don't make your work - so people have a little of you, but as you don't then you are allready nothing.
  6. nigger Ou Rly ???............ what a typical no sensble shit served only to misslead from the main topic - YOU ARE SELLING PROGRAM OF A PERSON who maded it byhimself, what a you are - No you'r not a nigger not even racoon, you misarable peace of nothing, you don't try to find somethin new, you only feed with your greedy - MORE MONEY MORE MONEY, more paper, no happinies you have and you won't share anything, cause you have nothing and don't want to get.
  7. hahh you respect )) what ? you kidding no you just missleading for your own purpose to get paper etc FOR YOUR FAMILY, cause lineage 2 shitty modding is a way to get paper /.. arhh rly ? you soo ....... feet something cretive in you and you will be no need of paper. And making thread on forum and sites cs/la2 etc where you are selling tool of cleo dj(and his friend) that gived you it for free is YOU'R RESPECT RLY ??? ooo damn you go add something not paper in you....... a son... a mmf fac*D da mnn blal fhsjf....
  8. huh you think critical error don't know this, he know this cause i think he resseled it too, like many of those who had it do, and controlled other -telling for exmple - do for me this is! and maybe i will make for you some monsters with animation, and only if you make my -and give list of 20+ he would share, even don't take in deal that he get this tool too for free from other person. So i cutted this roots of controll, AND YEAH i'm very bad person because of that )) huh
  9. to solve that kind' of problem you need to look at it from different angel, not from the one you'r looking at it now. First - from what it begins, From the first moment when player pressed hit button to the last when after first effect appears, animation plays and another effect appears you need to know what call all of this one event, cause there are rly not only one thing, so when you know that for exmple, atk function is maded by engine.dll and it's activating automaticaly by client itself( no need to send packets from server, this you know if you look in DEV mod) you understand that one thing you missd its soulshot effect it self, and it seems logicaly, that server send's packets to engine.dll, that activate function in engine.dll and make that event( that whas at the beginning heappnd - you press on - soul shot it appears, you hit monster, soul shot effect appears on monster) so that's kind'a main thing that you need to know, understand, to realize what you need. And if you know(logicaly) that!. You logicaly came to the conclusion that if there is a function in engine.dll that allows effect to be spawnd on a different(indicated by you(personal) or anytbody else) class - means mesh(in your case) or anything else huh, then it might means that what you want might happend So we came to logical conlusion to that what you saw on video - is change of original effect, for all, means not just for one weapon, but for all of them, BUT if you whas at thas server and you saw that there are different effects for each wapons, that this might means that server hase an extender for engine.dll - something that is a .dll itself and contain that function(that allows to spawn effect on indicated class - that for your case huh ) and server send packets to that .dll and that dll i guess send packets to engine.dll, and that's how it cooperates and works. huh so you need to look there for an extender, if there is one you might have what you want,if not! you might make what you need. now you have an answear, its rlly all easy.
  10. people this days can't use search .... Lineage 2 Program to convert ukx. and yeas it whas maded by gildor, and to apprecite his work and continue his project support him at gildor.org with 50$ you will be donator and for you will be opened access to a thread - refered to l2tool modding etc, + patch. good luck don't ask nobody who can sell you for 25$ or more less price, those are dark(inside full of hatred) people who have nothing in, so they share with nothing only hatred.
  11. i Might be Better, know more, can realize MUCH more )
  12. t o solve it change LOD leve from Map to None. if you maded texture in Unreal Runtime.
  13. look in your .utx files by using txt editor drop there your utx files from systextures - but original not edited, and look what cryption it hase. very simple huh )
  14. it show you % of rate that it would drope, the rate is changed on server side, so it could be even 10 but if in reality if server rates changed to 1000 it would drop with 1000 but in XTML menu will show that is 10 huh ) get it ?
  15. buna ziuaseara did you forgott to encrypt it ? or did you used wrong l2font-e.utx mm incearca sa usi original l2font-e.utx maybe it would works huh need to try .
  16. its acctualy server side menu, that is making by the server, the thing is that you can take from client only name of the for exmple armors weapons, that drops from monster, you can't take rates - 0.6%(for exmple for talum) or sealed neckles, CAUSE There is no such information in client files - NO % in dat files, that's all adding by the server side, only thing is could be added is those name from itemnamegrp.dat , thats all. P.S. Xmm its seems i whas right(i downloaded a patch with agro drop spoil not rates) in NPCGRP of changed dat files there is a string exmple "4416|2|4410|10|4411|10|4412|12|4413|12|4281|1|4276|1|20000|20067|20001|20067|20002|20067" this string takes monster for exmple 20067 LineageMonster.monster_eye LineageMonsters.monster_eye_m00 1 LineageMonstersTex.monster_eye_t00 0 20 " and add to him the menu you saw http://foros.gxzone.com/attachments/40892d1308014504-l2dss.jpg but the main thing that is need to be shown are taked by server side that only path from dat files where is indicated(345|694|9345| and etc) to(server files) 345|694|9345 are XTML files i guess, that you see on photo. so
  17. huh the thing is that who make this armor taked a lot of time to make it, and kind'a want something for it huh ! cause in this system everyone selling theyr knowledge for paper(money). give paper huh not so hard - sell your knowledge skills and exhcange huahha_) for others if that stupid unlogic way of thinking is rly works huh ) its dinousors mode of thinking, cause you simply just need to think for second person and make byyourself and you would not bee needed in any sort of _ HEHEY haaaY give it to ME hah give it ANd now you __0 ---- NO HE DIDN"T NOT GIVE ME WHAT I WANT! I WANT ABYSSAL ARMOR AND THAT ALLLL aaAAa huh 1-30m you gate this armor and what ? you wouldn't make it new you will look for another armor cause time will pase and noone will like this old huh ..... that stupid not to make yours but to exhcange paper so someone else will make it for me HUh .....
  18. What hahah) its like i have carrot but no i have banana, if have banana i need to edit carrot. your carrot is rates and banana are files. its unlogical man huh)))). Rates are signed by the server side, and its only rate of how the equalent pixel numbers would be changed when you press on some Model that hase red or for exmple green length and when it ends and it ends conluding by not - how many animation it whas playd - but unlogical fable mode from another numbers that are displayd (for Exmple SwordA is this kind sort of thing that is displayd, but what dmg is making are writed in server side by Anybody who want to write it - those Uncreative uncreativts. and who press it get another numbers, and if those nombers are enough for exmple players lvl is changing from 1-3 huh, so if you get it you are writing what numbers will be have another NUMBERS ehahe Bla bla bla. but client side is something that you took and using with cooperation of server - its kind'a compiled and contain the thing that doesn't CHANGES IN LIVE(for exmple number of players(slave's.... very bad that is how it is,and need to change) lvl , from 1 to 20 you see this) that is making server side not client, and it could use the number from client acctualy not number but the font so huh ) Your question is unlogic -cause you look in client where you only are taking something to use, But to use it(How you want) you need server huh get it ) huh ?
  19. help with what huh ? all you need you have, the person who appeald to you first - getting paper transfering ARMOR(for exmple vesper) From Gracia Final To Interlude, huh so he is getting paper he don't want any conqurence. he want to rule by using his knowledge , but don't worry i allready cuted his roots. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=238304.msg2148641#msg2148641 download the videos and slow them down so you will see all the process. it is rly very simple huh. the program to conver it is somewhere here type in google Lineage 2 UKX converter or L2convert etc. huh good luck in pixels, and with + point to cuting roots of control. huh )
  20. sorry didn't saved copy huh) armor is only for MFighter so nothing interesting. i can make custom for server.
  21. you rotated horse in wrong direction, how to make a frog instead of horse look at my video there are cleary shown use of psk and psa exporter offered by UnrealEpicGames huh so all very simple the thing with ride data it makes option's when you on it( that's i think) but i don't think it makes option for mm every single mesh that is ridble its kind not so much sens in this but maybe its huh who know koreans.
  22. http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/2006/linkgb.png here is linking how it should be) huh simply use google all information that you need is there UT2004 Linking Animation
  23. mmm mmmm l2.exe doesn't runs for a reason that - it used l2.ini from different version, or your using edited l2.exe that takes some function from l2.ini without these function it wouldn't run. So to run with this l2.exe you need to find connected to it(for it) l2.ini, then it would works.
  24. its typical error happends after you run game client in Development mode, look at size it would be around 7 kb or less, and open it in txt editor you will get that's all that its needed is missed, deleted bug etc huh. so simply make a copy and every time you will need to rename it and paste, or you can made a programm that will delete and create new by one click huh ) very simple
  25. xaxaxa)) xaxaxa man you belive in magic yeah - if you reinstall bytes the damn animation woukd link itself automatical huhaha) ? if he made new ukx as he shown, that means he mm might forgott to press Animation link button in ut2004 huh.
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