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Everything posted by AchYlek

  1. there just that high rate died in 1 day(dont remember name now) , but other servers are alived for 2-3 months
  2. its paid http://twitch-viewerbot.com/
  3. from a guy who frapsing pvp videos with 10 fps and after saying "me laging thats why im spaming 24/7 heals" at servers w/o mana pots, its good one
  4. better open client what is expeded at 2k19 :D
  5. https://www.google.cz/search?q=paypal+auto+donate+lineage+2+maxcheaters&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-ab&gfe_rd=cr&dcr=0&ei=z6nIWrDpBfPa8AeR9ovIBg
  6. so use google search u will find lot of mxc pages of selling that paypal donate
  7. something like this from who had like 10 accs banned at this forum is good :D
  8. that bot is called "i have money sell me special a.dll" proffitable boters geting update for adren
  9. averia high rate = harder then any 10x eu mid rate :D
  10. i forget retail olly is unlimited, he can run with +10 set and full epics etc.. so yea he using bugs for sure
  11. so what ? you think if you have same char , same gear u will do same dmg? never lol, its h5 gosh u can have different enchant skills, different agu, different talis, different game play , different adre scripts etc... so its mean he using some 2k5 hacks? gosh... for overbuff u need some packet sniffer , and for sure its not working at rpg club
  12. this i reported like 2months before, still not fixed
  13. server protection? bcs lot of servers got blocked clickers
  14. can i find somewhere changelog betwen 2.1 and 2.2 ? aaa found it https://drive.google.com/file/d/18CKCsSbO7pSk2top4I-YYn4FWikY08pw/view so 2.1. is for me better then 2.2 :D
  15. its 2.2? working here that auto macro ?
  16. when i see this, i already know it will be trash server with lot of bugs.
  17. brazonka, why u opening h5 and intelrude at same week :(
  18. https://www.msi.com/page/dragon_eye no idea, maybe ? :D
  19. http://leteckaposta.cz/308795693 this was working for acumen at l2mid
  20. so why u saying his nick every posts?
  21. stap talk bout skylord, your servers are not better
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