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Everything posted by Start/Pwned

  1. p2w ? haha i have vip and vip plus i dont need donate for pay for win, just trade items /trade / bucle ez
  2. you are banned for idiot haha
  3. full bots pvps gg fail
  4. yep staff l2pvp afk and fake players pvp and web for vote buged dont give reward.
  5. how much you ask for this interface ??? $$$
  6. some administrator can move the thread
  7. what programs do I need to start this from 0 thx
  8. need password, give me plss
  9. how much players on ?
  10. x150 / c6 / set armor retail/ weapons custom with low damage grade s but with good Sa / bless scroll weapon and armor rate % 55 chance, with bless scroll back -1 weapon enchant not +0 / raid boss drop weapon custom / zone farm coal mines or 4s with drop weapons S 3% for drop, aa for sa 100 % drop , adena 100% drop.
  11. fake players online , only 150 players real
  12. 1k real players or bots / afk ???
  13. how much players online ??
  14. remove penality for lvl up players low lv , soul crystal 400kka wtf for weapon sa C , npc buffer add cov for lv 76 no 40 and server have 50 players max
  15. how many peoples online ?
  16. how many online ?
  17. :gtfo:
  18. ... server corrupt .. :ph34r:
  19. any can help me please :S , I need attack a server L2" "example: ddos" ---> http://l2blitz.com.ar
  20. ....
  21. how many peoples online ? atribute stone % ?
  22. GG ok okokok but Server no balance and lag in pvp
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