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Everything posted by Start/Pwned

  1. spamerrssssssss
  2. 2 years imba mode :D
  3. :not bad: Gl
  4. .................................. :happyforever:
  5. l2 renewal ?? hahaha kkthxbb
  7. QQ fail :P
  8. y yes :D
  9. ty bro for share maybe i add.
  10. ENG:We forecast return on maintenance and 20:00 (GMT-3). Online Server 20:00 (GMT -3).
  11. YOU ARE KID B****
  12. 30 minutes open server.
  13. Clan join server : OnlyPro AnotherThing Exilium DreamTeam ChoroDaQuiT illuminat's unKnownZ LazyPolarBears ClanWarOx ParentalAdvisory ARENASHW Takanodan MadeInBrazil QuantiumBase Stop ProEvolutioN DSgaming2012 Av35Team Delicious and more.
  14. Server Interlude l2off Info Rates: XP: 75x - SP: 75x - Adena: 250x Weapon Enchants: Safe +3 - Chance 55% - Blessed 70% Armor Enchants: Safe +3 - Chance 50% - Blessed 65% Weapon Max Enchant +16 - Armor Max Enchant +10 Characteristics: - NPC Buffer / GK Global / Class Master / GM Shop / Aio Buffer - Skills functioning normally. - All functions of castle fortress and running (Wyvern Mananger, Epaulette Drop e Exchanges) - Protection spawn in 10 seconds - Balanced Class - Cursed Weapon System. (Zariche and Akamanah). - Offline shops running, simply -beep-t the store and have exit game - Auto Learn Skills - Requires Quest Nobless - Requires Quest SubClass Modifications: - Auto Loot Itens (Auto Pickup). - "Custom Zones" - monsters level 75-85 - Safe systems anti-bot/anti-hack - Epic Boss ChaoticZone Respawns Grand Boss - ChaoticZone - Valakas - Respawn 120 Hours - Antharas - Respawn 96 Hours - Frintezza- Respawn 72 Hours - Baium - Respawn 72 Hours - Zaken - Respawn 48 Hours - Queen Ant - Respawn 24 Hours - Barakiel - Respawn 4 Hours Characters * All characters start lv. 21 * All characters are born in the center of the main city Shop - Armors [C], , [A] on sale for Adena and by Crafit Drop. Buffs - Buff Slot 24 - NPC BUFFER 1 hours buffs/songs/dances - AIOXBUFFER 2 hours buffs/songs/dances Olympiad / Hero - Heroes are nominated every 1st and 15th of the month - Max enchanted items +6 - Time: 18:00 at 00:00 hours. http://www.l2supremo.com http://www.l2supremo.com/forum/
  15. +8 5 % :okey:
  16. system for download give me please :D
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