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Boycott https://l2.hopzone.net/

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Hello, First of all i m not against hopzone, it was my favorite top site, but i think i can t simply not afford them anymore.

Since this year, https://l2.hopzone.net/  doubled or tripled their prices. A premium for a month was 15 eur before, now it s 30+ , or with frame more. 
The left banners are 100 euro for 15 days, and so on.
I was their customer for 12 years , till this year. No other vote website is so expensive, and they should know this also.
I dont know if it s worth it more or less then other top sites , if they bring more players or not, but i can see that most banners are not taken allready , most people are not willing to pay this much, 


so i suggest boycotting them, so they understand that us, their clients are not dumb to pay whatever they ask.

Of course everyone does as it pleases, and the rich servers out there will continue paying them whatever they want (alltough they are the owners or friends with owners of l2dex and same few servers are in top for a decade), i don t care,  i just feel they are shameless in this regard.

ALso they threated me as shit when i asked them why the paypalbutton isnt even working on their site at premium to buy "tokens".

I guess it s bye hopzone from me for a good time. Keep swallowing prices,  just because you are rich does not mean other people are too, and are willing to pay whatever u ask for virtually nothing.


Edited by darta
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6 minutes ago, splicho said:

You compare apples with tangerines man. Lamborghini has its reasons why its that expensive. You have to pay everything, not only the "brand". You pay for engineering, engineers, etc... as well.

In terms of minerals, amino acid, phosphorus and lipids those are not very different

So your statement is invalid. Also both are in the same category called "Fruit". 


Out of this topic now.

Edited by Kara
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1 minute ago, Kara said:

In terms of minerals, amino acid, phosphorus and lipids those are not very different

So your statement is invalid. Also both are in the same category called "Fruit". 


Out of this topic now.

Kara said it .




L2hopzone is the lambo of l2 , i remember i was about 14 years old when i heard for hopzone (aprox not sure) so yea for me hopzone is better than topzone or so

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20 minutes ago, Hypest said:

Kara said it .




L2hopzone is the lambo of l2 , i remember i was about 14 years old when i heard for hopzone (aprox not sure) so yea for me hopzone is better than topzone or so

why is the lambo of l2 though for you guys ? does it bring more traffic? it does not look better then many other top sites to be honest, so why is the lambo of l2 vote sites? it s not even on the 1st spot in google,.

Just because it s old does not make it better then many newer ones. top100 is older as many others.  ALso, l2 has lowest player base in years, so i see no justification in making things more difficult for already burdened owners.

Again, i see no justification for their price, except they ll make other top sites increase their prices because they ll think server owners will pay them anyways.

It s just simply greed in my oppinion, and 0 care.

Again, i have nothing against them, i would ve made this topic if some other big vote site would ve done the same.

Edited by darta
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There are 50 different ways to advertise your server these days. Yes top sites have become extermely expensive because high popularity servers and some small ones  actually pay the prices those sites are asking. In my opinion is not worth the shot especially if you are new in this market and you try to open a project with a small budget. Anyway i believe lineage 2 private community and official  have become a money scam scheme. 20 admins control the market  milking the game till its finally dead and some of them owning those top websites. If what @AchYlek saying is true the 2 top servers with votes are from the same admininistration and this template is used and for some other ones like l2 pandora for example. But again its the customers choice to pay for the service. No one is forcing anyone to  purchase  top sites services  or play on those projects. So yeah your topic is irrelevant. If you trying to start a movement no one is going to join you. Just do your work and if people like it will join without the need of paying hopzone 1000 euro per month.

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i dont understand why people still pay those corrupted topsites when there are many ways of advertising projects anyway i would simply tell you just wait MaxCheaters topsite will be fair for everyone and not corrupted like hopzone and other topsites.

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so hopzone was sold thats why after the datacenter burn they had no backup to restore the guy was clueless :keepo:

3 hours ago, darta said:

ALso they threated me as shit when i asked them why the paypalbutton isnt even working on their site at premium to buy "tokens".

can you give more info about that? :thinking:

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Admins will understand what shit is happening and players/developers don't give a fuck as I see from this thread posts.


I remember the days when it was possible to pay 15-20eur a month for premium and you could at least get an ad text in hopzone.


Now it costs 300eur for 1 month to buy 2 lines of text ads in their website. 1 place like this will get you maximum 50 clicks a day. If you buy a banner for 500EUR/month you might get 100 cliks a day but that's it. So I don't think it's worth investing anymore.


Current owner doesn't have any programming skills. After datacenter burn he hired some agency to reverse engineer his website from some old backup. This agency built him a website on laravel, for which he paid at least 6k USD as far as I know from talking with people close to him. Website has many bugs but he won't invest anymore money in it. Also forum has been lost and will not be restored.


What this guy has is a big ego combined with anger issues. If you try to reason with him he will instantly get triggered and he will ban your project from his topsite. He can do whatever he wants because there are always enough admins that will pay him to advertise on his shit website.


He doesn't give a f***. He is just some idiot who got lucky to acquire such old project. In my opinion after maxcheaters opens their own ranksite hopzone will suck a big dick.

Edited by imclyde
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4 hours ago, imclyde said:

Admins will understand what shit is happening and players/developers don't give a fuck as I see from this thread posts.


I remember the days when it was possible to pay 15-20eur a month for premium and you could at least get an ad text in hopzone.


Now it costs 300eur for 1 month to buy 2 lines of text ads in their website. 1 place like this will get you maximum 50 clicks a day. If you buy a banner for 500EUR/month you might get 100 cliks a day but that's it. So I don't think it's worth investing anymore.


Current owner doesn't have any programming skills. After datacenter burn he hired some agency to reverse engineer his website from some old backup. This agency built him a website on laravel, for which he paid at least 6k USD as far as I know from talking with people close to him. Website has many bugs but he won't invest anymore money in it. Also forum has been lost and will not be restored.


What this guy has is a big ego combined with anger issues. If you try to reason with him he will instantly get triggered and he will ban your project from his topsite. He can do whatever he wants because there are always enough admins that will pay him to advertise on his shit website.


He doesn't give a f***. He is just some idiot who got lucky to acquire such old project. In my opinion after maxcheaters opens their own ranksite hopzone will suck a big dick.

I got hardON  😄  ❤️ 

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5 hours ago, imclyde said:

Admins will understand what shit is happening and players/developers don't give a fuck as I see from this thread posts.


I remember the days when it was possible to pay 15-20eur a month for premium and you could at least get an ad text in hopzone.


Now it costs 300eur for 1 month to buy 2 lines of text ads in their website. 1 place like this will get you maximum 50 clicks a day. If you buy a banner for 500EUR/month you might get 100 cliks a day but that's it. So I don't think it's worth investing anymore.


Current owner doesn't have any programming skills. After datacenter burn he hired some agency to reverse engineer his website from some old backup. This agency built him a website on laravel, for which he paid at least 6k USD as far as I know from talking with people close to him. Website has many bugs but he won't invest anymore money in it. Also forum has been lost and will not be restored.


What this guy has is a big ego combined with anger issues. If you try to reason with him he will instantly get triggered and he will ban your project from his topsite. He can do whatever he wants because there are always enough admins that will pay him to advertise on his shit website.


He doesn't give a f***. He is just some idiot who got lucky to acquire such old project. In my opinion after maxcheaters opens their own ranksite hopzone will suck a big dick.


i agree i dont see as well reason buying ads on dead topsites 😄 

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laravel? thats not good at all 😄 specially if he has no idea... so i guess topzone is going to die.. after all i can count at least 25 topsites mine included so you have options

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As I actually read somewhere a referral to Maxcheaters, the administation is also being greedy af forcing members to pay so they can get access to shared stuff over the internet. Because in fact, Maxcheaters is getting paid for content others share for free, isn't this a sarcasm after all? How does MaxCheaters is going to fight those who will re-share what's uploaded as Premium Content after all? Won't those who paid for Premium be stupid after all? This will enhance the process of MaxCheaters being an all-kind of people friendly.


Same as MaxCheaters that is losing its people, that's what HopZone is going to get and TopZone that its either free or charge a much lower price will rise. When people used to search for a server they visited those 2 websites first since always, TopZone is just going to become the most popular soon.


Why HopZone can't ask after all X amount of money when they actually sell adv services when they are the real owners who deliver the service? You don't like it? Move to TopZone, that simple.

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