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L2Topzone analytics review - Don't spend your money there

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ignore this website Very soon he and his website will be dead don't even try to try to see this website L2TOPZONES. I will personally make sure to let everyone know that this man is a scammer every day. I will advertise everywhere that this man does not deserve to have this website.

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7 hours ago, JohnBoy13 said:

Well I don't know about you guys but voting systems nowadays are not even worth it. If you are experienced enough with fb-google-yandex ads people will join your server... 

That is very true. Pointless to waste ur time begging l2topzone  or whoever wants more money for accept. He even reduced the new server slots to 4 just to have 1 more slot for text ads xd

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  • 4 months later...

Hi all guys same problem with this l2topzone.com ... very hard to apply a server and whats the point of all this ? to keep clean his server list? clean of premium server 80% is premium xD ... @Pigasos-Dev i totally 100% agree with you ... and i will support your war against l2topzone.com! I dont like fascist behaviors like that he doing !

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the biggest scammer in all of the times came here to cry when he gets raped.. Well sure my friend he does ban and wants clean servers.. yours is dirty and smells since L2Core times

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Pigasos-Dev  Hello i have to say only one thing this romanian rasist horse rider create only problems to the people. When he attacking you without reason if you ask him some info after he deleting the rasist messages from hes website to dont have proof like here (i send him back in facebook messenger what he say to me in l2topzone website) http://prntscr.com/vemc5i
Guys dont add you server in this poor mind website.



Edited by thomasi7
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+1 Exilium World here. After MONTHS being mistreated he finally managed to expel me from the top. Removed me many times from the list for NO REASON, trying to extort me to give him more money. 


His words: 

"We (server owners) are garbage"

"We give gargabe traffic to him"

"he looses nothing if we leave"


He's crazy. We should all leave and show him what happens with all "garbages" leave.


Edited by Licozo
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I am back and this time I am offering $$$ cash to top 50 Servers in L2Topzone If they remove their server from this Website.
@Pigasos-Dev and other Administrators who have got ban from this guy offers cash to help shutting down l2topzone website.

Join in our Community for more info:


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if topzone did one thing right was banning you.


you selling all shares from this forum

your servers based on money making

you use my donation panel as yours and you even selling it as yours


in my book you deserve a ban not topzone, dont forget you are the reason topzone is banning servers that looks like yours, why indeed..

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Really This site must be lock down.... I don't know why xZone still running it... But it seem That he cares only for donates instead of customer Support!.... He also got Global Moderators for no reason.... :thinking: 

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so, its time to grow up l2network that dont care about money but for community and owners!

Perfect support by me! Unique features, Vote system credits by using our or your vote system...bumping system for everyone, Players based rating system (emoji-star rating and not pay to go up)

Edited by L2Network.eu
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