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SGuard Protection & Dev[286/306 PTS packs available!][02/01]

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2 hours ago, SGuard said:


3. Any protection is better than no protection,


Nope you either choose to be bot friendly or defend them all. It's pointless to lie about having "smartguard/dumbguard/lameguard" or whatever protection and actually having a server full of bots

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2 minutes ago, GsL said:



tragic , does adre work on tales in any way ? just wonder

they using smartguard, so yea working, bot free server > non bot server 

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2 hours ago, AchYlek said:

ya and after adr dev sell you bypass for 30$ + 20$ key, but working only 1 active window 

You're in the wrong thread, we don't have any type of deal with anybody.

I do understand you prefer believing in conspiracy, but not the case here.


We detect adrenaline/helper/spoofer, we do not block them on-the-fly.

1 hour ago, Zake said:

Nope you either choose to be bot friendly or defend them all. It's pointless to lie about having "smartguard/dumbguard/lameguard" or whatever protection and actually having a server full of bots

Well you can open up a server without any guard and I can guarantee that bots will be last thing you'll worry about, solely because you won't open a server. Again, depends what kind of server you have a 50-150 populated server won't bring any attention. but in case you're doing that for commercial purpose, you will be surprised and disappointed in your decisions.

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This service is quite reliable working with Sguard I am satisfied. what he says is absolutely right.
all he can do is correct the erro..pulls out when someone tries to get into the server Maybe from his  from the icon SGouard

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3 hours ago, AchYlek said:

they using smartguard, so yea working, bot free server > non bot server 

i think they used active anti cheat that cost 300 and +30 /month



Sguard so if we pay 200e every month u will block everything ?


price is redicilus since there are few servers that could pay such amount of money plus we cant belevie that u can block it anyway


sorry for been negative

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4 hours ago, Contessina* said:

i think they used active anti cheat that cost 300 and +30 /month



Sguard so if we pay 200e every month u will block everything ?


price is redicilus since there are few servers that could pay such amount of money plus we cant belevie that u can block it anyway


sorry for been negative

Regardless what you think we do detect all types of software there is.

We never claimed to 'block' anything. You misconcept the whole idea of protection. We do detect all pieces of software, paid or private.

The issue here is again, that there's much less admins around and much more protection around.

Say it was 2010 and lameguard. You bet, I'd offer 50$ a month for a total protection. However this is 2020 and we have just too much protections to keep the rest of admin population 'united'.

Therefore its not a business approach to work for nothing when many people still don't appreciate your business regardless.


Therefore with limited population we found the clients that want a cheap solution with we give (200$/1 year) with basic tools of protection and major servers with kk's of online that need a dedicated service which can cost up thousands of dollars a year (because they earn 50 time more obviously).

I don't say our approach is ideal, and many people will be unsatisfied with our pricing and quality for their own purposes.


In addition, being our customer is more than a protection, we help people with various of issues, we provide many other services with quality and timing. Yes we charge sometimes a bit more than others, because its work for us, not a hobby and we're not here to work for free and make somebody rich on our backs - you want to success - pay your dues, or find somebody else who will accept your terms.


We started this business because others failed to provide adequate protection and pricing for customers.

I believe we achieved some parts of our goals, and if you're unsatisfied you may start your better business and pose a competition.

Otherwise you may just speculate how obnoxious/easy/inadequate/expensive etc.  You will never know unless you actually try.

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15 hours ago, SGuard said:

Well you can open up a server without any guard and I can guarantee that bots will be last thing you'll worry about, solely because you won't open a server. Again, depends what kind of server you have a 50-150 populated server won't bring any attention. but in case you're doing that for commercial purpose, you will be surprised and disappointed in your decisions.

Again, for marketing reasons you can do a lot more than lying to your community. 

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I believe it's in your hands to make a monopoly, but since you are expensive and lame at the same time people will choose rest guards, since your services are incomplete . You say that prices can't decrease since the community is low. Well, improve your product, make it affordable according to the services and features you offer and everyone will choose you. But I guess you prefer being mediocre, that's why 20-30% choose you ( just making an assumption ). 

I am experienced enough to know that when you sell too many goods, none will be complete and the point is that you ask too much for them... 


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14 hours ago, Contessina* said:

i think they used active anti cheat that cost 300 and +30 /month



Sguard so if we pay 200e every month u will block everything ?


price is redicilus since there are few servers that could pay such amount of money plus we cant belevie that u can block it anyway


sorry for been negative

They dont block adrenaline.

They have semi-trojan like "protection", that actually stoled Pcoder Adrenaline SourceCode and SmartGuard ver 1.0 , that they used as base for their SGuard protection =)

Its not even their own project 


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1 hour ago, LightFusionMain said:

They dont block adrenaline.

They have semi-trojan like "protection", that actually stoled Pcoder Adrenaline SourceCode and SmartGuard ver 1.0 , that they used as base for their SGuard protection =)

Its not even their own project 



SmartGuard would not have existed without LameGuard in the first place.

Edited by Trance
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So  even active anti cheat don't block adrenaline?  


If bot protections are as u say guys  .. imagine how money they get for no reason ... 


I saw a server with strix guard and the most retarded program could work .. 


We spend our money :/

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w/e maybe its best protection, but its take so much cpu and its imposible play any server with sguard at mass pvp, its huge fps drops bcs of that protection 

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There was a few rumors of Adrenaline being from the same devs as SmartGuard. Thats why all the servers with SmartGuard, only Adrenaline will work. And if you want to block adrenaline on your server, you might need to pay the devs, or so I heard... Rumors, who will say if it's true or not...

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idk about smartguard or SGuard ActiveAntiCheat is the quality now in the market blocking everything tried using adernaline on AAC and didnt even worked but yeah rumors are rumors.. and btw not Advertising just saying the facts.

Edited by Celestine
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