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Go back to your cave

you're right ways of showing it repeatedly



έχεις δίκιο οι τρόποι του αυτό αποδεικνύουν επανειλημμένα

Edited by pirama
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You people don't know shit, you're just fooling around.


First of all, i am not included in the project cause i am not a part of the team.So by that alone we have established that you don't know shit.Second of all , who are you talking to?  i have a uni degree in software engineering and i am getting scholars from unis abroad, but yeah come to think about it you must know better!


So stfu , if you have no interest on this particular project you can simply not bother checking it out, but i guess your caveman instincts always kicks in first...

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First of all, i am not included in the project cause i am not a part of the team.So by that alone we have established that you don't know shit.Second of all , who are you talking to? i have a uni degree in software engineering and i am getting scholars from unis abroad, but yeah come to think about it you must know better!

*coigh* Greece doesn't have a Software engineering degree school.

Only it technologies and programming. Not even ΕΜΠ covers software engineering.. Just saying.

Edited by .Elfocrash
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*coigh* Greece doesn't have a Software engineering degree school.

Only it technologies and programming. Not even ΕΜΠ covers software engineering.. Just saying.

do I think my friend sadly hit rock bottom for three months .... from one to laugh and the other did that and I ( 3 months later )

for me now your opinion is not reliable ( as for the one who has watched the events of Last months )


η άποψη σου φίλε μου δυστυχώς έπιασε πάτο εδώ και 3 μήνες....από την μια με κοροϊδεύουν και από την άλλη έκαναν ότι και εγώ ( 3 μήνες αργότερα )

για μένα πλέον η άποψη σας δεν είναι αξιόπιστη ( όπως και για αυτός που έχουν παρακολουθήσει τα γεγονότα τον τελευτέων μηνών )



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kompleksike ka9isterimene karkiniari giati ta petas google translate? Apla vgeneis pio gelios

Given that I do not know English is the only way to make sense those who do not know Greek

you talking that way to want to show ? ( the environment grew by your education )

or simply to report


δεδομένο το ότι δεν ξέρω αγγλικά είναι ο μόνος τρόπος να βγάλουν νόημα όσοι δεν ξέρουν ελληνικά 

εσύ μιλώντας με αυτόν τον τρόπο τη θες να δείξεις ? ( το περιβάλλον που μεγάλωσες η την παιδεία σου )

η απλά για τα report ?

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*coigh* Greece doesn't have a Software engineering degree school.

Only it technologies and programming. Not even ΕΜΠ covers software engineering.. Just saying.

how long it's been since you came here ? the new curriculum (starting 2015) and degrees from that year and later have the title Software engineering ;)

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What are you even talking about? You reworked nothing. You just removed all the AI checks and you removed mandatory geodata, making the pack running faster. 

Literally nothing else. We've seen your codes. You can't code for shit.

What have those who write with Quite you did

can you show me some code you do not like ?


τι σχέσει έχουν αυτά που γράφεις με το Quite που έκανες ?

μπορείς να μου δείξεις καποιον κώδικα που δεν σου αρεσε ?

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