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[Corvus - Engine 4]The rise of the Archid Empire


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Well some of you will remember this topic. Seems if you put too much trust in some ppl, you're just begging to be screwed in the ass.


As hard as i try to shake off Lineage 2, it's not that easy, since i always seem to get dragged back into it. I really hated the game for a while, disgusted by it and by the ppl that open linear l2j servers with out any point/ purpose or anything smart or interesting. Stupid ppl with stupid customs showing off how bad ass they are. It aggravates me to see them actually succeeding cus players have no better place to go, and where they go they are most of the time forced to donate, so they help the server and stuff, yeah well you don't need to actually pay them anything cus most of the time their server is founded by their Parent's paycheck. Spoiled brats.


But enough with the ranting and on with the chanting. O.o


Let's do it as a american tele-shopping advertising show.


Are you tired of kids opening servers from their parents home/pocket money?

Do you wanna find a server you can actually do more in game then kill some -beep-in' faggots ranting on their high pvp count? Or, to put it mildly dirty. Are you sick, of those "chinise" farm servers, where the only thing you do is farm for a stupid armor with a different texture color?

Are, you, tired of those servers where the admins have no idea what they get themselves into, and no freaking idea regarding how to manage a server, and relay on other developers to implement their third party event engines that they ripped off ideas from other servers and so forth?


Well, we can guarantee that, we're stable and commited, we know what we are doing, i alone have at least 5 years in l2j and even more in programming. I am currently hired at a game company which i wont mention right now and thats no small part to l2j. I have my developer ideology and my own tastes in Game Design. This is gonna be my server that i been cooking up for a while now, better say it 2 years. And nothing will stop us now.


It's 'nuff said for now, more will follow since time is not my friend. So i will leave you with our done features till now: http://archidempire.com/index.php?page_id=feature

More features will be added as soon as they are done, we plan it big. ^^


Our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/Lineage2.Archid.Empire

Our Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/L2ArchidEmpire (Used for feature's spotlight and advertising trailers)


We apologies for the "emptiness" you may encounter on our site and facebook page, but im sure, you will fill the gap just fine.

Will update this topic with a more "pleasureful" design later on.



- Currently looking for graphics designers, for a bit of eye-candy advertising.

- Language forum board mods.



CPU: Xeon x4


Badwidth: 1GB

Networking under cisco.


Regards and happy holidays,

- Archid Empire Team

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Thanks guys, appreciated bro love here XD


And for the guys that pm'ed me, thanks. We'll be in touch.


no way,back in l2j seth?!

I know right?

If i don't do this right, l2 will hount me for the rest of my life, for sure XD



Gonna tidy up the forum tomorrow.

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I guess you know the truth about L2 servers recently?


no matter of features/balance or w/e

If you dont have ddos protection, you are dead shit

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