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Everything posted by Anarchy

  1. At some point you're probably gonna want an L2NPC ext, which uses sharedfactory, so you will want to (probably sooner rather than later) split your sharedfactory headers into a shared library. /* 0x002C */ unsigned char padding0x002C[0x00A4-0x002C]; ^ this kinda stuff is a nightmare when you come to add a new var somewhere in the middle, as it's all 8 byte aligned you could just split it out to INT64 placeholders which makes it much easier to add vars later Also, the ext is not going to work properly on gf 87 as ncsoft fucked the ex packets, I don't think I have my 87 ext anymore but if I find it I'll post the opcode corrections for it
  2. Nope, one of the C1 AuthD's had a pdb but other than that none of them were leaked
  3. It's not painful at all, trying to integrate newer templates and libraries into the old crap that ncsoft wrote just complicates things anyway. Plus using everything as it was when ncsoft compiled the server means simple .h files is all you need to define and use the full features of systems they created within the server.
  4. It HAS to be 2005, the server was compiled in VS 2005 so using any other version will mean any STL templates could be, and are, different from what it is you are extending which then prevents you from using any of the ones which exist in memory in the server, and the l2server heavily utilises stl containers.
  5. Couldn't find the little private list, was on one of my svn's which is loooooong since deactivated, but I did find a bug report doc from my original GF work so maybe you'll find that useful. Gracia Final Bugs: The Instance Bug: This bug is fairly simple. Several parties may enter an instance and fight to the end, to reach the boss. The problem is that if a party logs out, and the rest finish the boss. The instance penalty is NOT applied to the party who left/logged out. Solution: When entering instance, create vector with user DB ID's of all members, if instance is succesfull apply penalty to all users. Maybe after the original function that applies penalty has run it's course. Instance penalties are character based - see user_inzone for data. Olympiad Bug: Either A: Single 1v1 matches (class and classless) are treated as 3v3 matches and points are calced this way. or B: Single 1v1 matches (class and classless) are calculated the following way: 1/5 or 1/3 of points trade hands when a looser/winner is found. Augmentation Bug: Any Stat (str/int/men/con/dex/wit) - can be stacked constantly by equip/reequip and then logging out. Process can be repeated for unlimited up to 99 in stat points. Seems to work only with 1 stat point, if augment item has 2 stat incrementers, latter is chosen to stack. If item is moved by database or server restarted - the stat stacking goes away. Must be a bad map/vector stackign on somewhere. Hide Bug: Supposedly some bug wherein if you in prematch time @ olympiad use the skill "hide". Your still attackable (maybe with /attackforce) - gonna be a shitter to test. But yea. Hide bug is a bit more broad than described though, pets can also continue auto attacking after hide skills are used and a few other things like that. Another bug I remember off the top of my head also is the last second of cooldown on skills is ignored by the server. have fun :p
  6. Nah it won't work on either, was on a list of bugs they had fixed back even before the gf server leaked public
  7. yeah that guide sucks I need to write a new one but it's kinda a hard thing to dumb down to where someone who doesn't already know how to do it can actually understand it
  8. you're gonna have to be a whole hell of a lot more specific than that my friend
  9. I figured I'd add one just for the hell of it... No //announce character limit Original: 4C 8B CB 4C 8B C6 BA 40 00 00 00 48 8D 8C 24 E0 00 00 00 E8 83 13 55 00 48 8D 8C 24 E0 00 00 00 E8 E6 0A 42 00 Replace: 48 8B CE 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 E8 E6 0A 42 00 Never was a big fan of random hex editing, way too lazy to write another extender guide though so
  10. It would seem like it, though the target operate conditions seem to be uniquely used for only target operate conditions so why they made a separate parameter for them is anyone's guess
  11. target_operate_cond's are checked on cast, just on the target instead of the caster
  12. No no no no no no no. Just no. You cannot stop any DDoS with software-based solutions, not anymore. All you need is $20 and an acc on any of the script kiddie forums like hackforums and you get access to easily 5gbps booters which instantly negate any software solution you have on your server. If you want to stop DDoS, put your website behind cloudflare and get your server box in a datacenter which does network-level filtering for DDoS attacks.
  13. yeah soon as i saw the filesizes i knew how you got those, can't believe that still fuckin works lol gonna go rip the htmls with it later once i parse out the AI and npcdata
  14. hi :P lol yeah "l2off community" hasn't existed since PP xD just kiddies who want plug and play and the "devs" who wanna sell it to em... all the IO ones are the ones with fucked encoding, GD seem fine, wish this was posted yesterday when i needed manual_pch for god+ would've saved me some work xD ... Then again, looking at the arguments and shit in you guys l2j source post I don't think I ever saw that kinda shit out of l2off peeps xD
  15. Come now Sdw we both know if you had the ability to get full scripts and bins you wouldn't have been wasting your time on an l2j pack project, and I know you're smart enough to know the difference between unicode and ansi encoding and know you can't "just re-encode" ansi back to unicode to recover the original data, i'm talking about the text in korean which is now all ?'s cuz some dummy thought unicode just takes up extra space. You'd be surprised how useful ncsoft's comments in the files can be.
  16. "off owner won't do shit with it." speak for yourself, if it was full scripts you'd see some interesting shit coming out for sure. Some of the scripts have been re-encoded to ansi, losing the original unicode data, do you have the originals in unicode by any chance?
  17. Syntax is fine, most likely a project configuration error
  18. There aren't any in a playable state which you can download, you could get COEP but it's extremely incomplete. Your choices are pay for someone else's HB extended from either C4 or GF, extend it yourself, or choose a different chronicle.
  19. 3306? you mean 1433. port 1433 needs to be open on the server running sql and you will need TCP/IP enabled in the network configuration for your sql instance.
  20. Here's why this idea will NEVER work. No 2 l2 players like the same thing. C4? Interlude? GF? HB? H5? GoD? Mid rate? low rate? high rate? super high rate? npc buffer? which buffs? l2j? l2off? customs? events? Your definition of "fun" is not the same as ANYONE else's. Not to mention, l2 community is just toxic server-hoppers now anyway, people get to where they determine is the farthest they can get on a server and then go to the next one, that's why servers only last 1 month max, soon 1st olympiad period is over the clans who got hero quit cuz that's endgame and the clans who didn't then quit too, only servers who last longer are ones which keep that endgame far away, aka low rates, but even then the big clans will still endgame within a month if they nolife it (which they usually do)
  21. You need to fire your team if that took 4 months to put together.
  22. You'd be a lot better off putting this topic in the l2off dev section, and you'll even find plenty of exactly what you're looking for already shared there. god help anyone who still uses these 15+ year old functions please please please please PLEASE use pdo (with dblib for linux or sqlsrv for windows)
  23. Any project above highfive is almost exclusively a script project, updating the network and adding in the few new systems and race is trivial, few weeks work at best compared to the months upon months you'd be spending trying to get scripts right.
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