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Everything posted by Anarchy

  1. why would you post on here of all places with a site which is only in russian?
  2. Dude the only thing smartguard has proved by time is their inability to block bots effectively you can spin that bullshit all you want to your customers but the people with brains know it's bullshit man, your business model is about controlling what your customers can and can't do with the files they're paying for and you're sure as hell not going to allow competitors to smart into your system even for a single customer because that will undermine smartguard which you guys are most likely getting a kickback from for sales.
  3. yeah well advext doesn't allow competitors to smartguard to integrate with their extenders so it's smart or nada
  4. if you bought it from him you should take it up with him, looks like it clearly isn't working correctly
  5. Come now, source code is silly we don't need that stuff! Make an extender, attach it to l2server.exe SetWindowText("Super Special Window Name"); Tada!
  6. If you're ever bored for something to do eressea, L2NPC from GF contains the fully functioning lexer/parser for NASC compilation, just doesn't have the init procedures/constructors
  7. It's also the system error code for ERROR_IO_PENDING which is the standard basically "no error" error code for cached admin socket, but anyway :p "No Admin Id" means your web script is not sending an admin name on the end of the packets to the cached, which it has to.
  8. some variable names can be recovered from AI.obj but the rest you just make up a name based on what you know or think the variable is
  9. Uh this site is garbage? ... gonna go ahead and guess that everyone posting in here got free premium for leaving a good review because there's nothing good about this site, it's not a good job, it's not a good site, it's garbage. It's called L2Search but has no search functionality at all, you can't search by rates, you can't search by platform, you can only kinda filter by chronicle and half the chronicles are missing. The details page for the servers don't have any structure to them whatsoever it's just a display of the description and image set by the server owner instead of having a uniform section displaying rates and other info about the server so you actually can know wtf a server is. The design I'm pretty sure came from one of the server website packs floating around and what the fuck is going on with the flashing pts/java icons? Why the hell are they the only random thing flashing? What purpose does it serve to flash those other than to be obnoxious? And by the looks of it you can't even update information about your server on there should something change, you'd have to skype the guy in charge to do it cuz there's no control panel or anything. How does this site have positive feedback it's complete crap no decent server in their right mind would advertise on here.
  10. you might be surprised how many people have done that xD hell there's a few files on here with viruses in and the posters are just like "Disable antivirus it's all good!"
  11. Yeah there's nothing useful in that GF source, definitely not 300$ worth, interlude would be interesting but I already have his source from that time a russkie bought it and chargebacked on him, I doub't there's much difference between then and now but still, maybe he'll post the source now peeps trying to sell it and someone will break advext monopoly with it, would be nice :D
  12. lol i'm sorry did you seriously just say that you taking over vangs project and making the only l2off extender projects now all only available under the advext brand is respecting consumer choice? There's a reason people went to him instead of you, you guys are ripoff artists who charge extra for all the features vang included by default. I get it, it's good business, but lets not pretend for a second that this deal is good for anyone other than you.
  13. The binaries won't get out cuz they are too valuable, but even if they did it's not going to revive anything... new binaries will not bring back the devs who've left and it won't create new ones, new binaries just enables plug and play kids to make GD servers and allows vanganth and advext a new revenue stream.
  14. Yeah I just never could be bothered to set aside the time to do it :D I was using it as incentive to write my own authd but never got that far xD
  15. yeah good luck those files aren't ever getting out, maybe highfive might leak public one day but that's about it
  16. I'll poke him but he got smart and moved on with life like we all should've a long time ago :D so don't hold your breath :p
  17. Don't know anything about those but pretty much any npc interaction is one giant race condition because the AI relies on the inventory being valid which relies on the cached returning in a timely manner, but if you induce server lag and spam pretty much any npc function which does OwnItemCount-AddItem-DeleteItem the AI will think the item hasn't been deleted until the cached returns saying it has so you can get repeat rewards from an npc this way, there's a few l2server systems which are vulnerable to this issue also and the easiest solution is to prevent any methods of inducing server lag by players, the main one is packet delay filtering as spamming use/drop/delete/anything with items will hang the server pretty hard and make those kinda dupes as simple as spam clicking an html link A better fix for RequestExEnchantSkill dupe would be to use a cached function to delete the book first and do the actual enchant on the cached reply packet once it's 100% known that the book is deleted
  18. Checked over a few of my exts to see if there's any other bugs and came across 2 more, exploits more than bugs really as both require l2phx or the like (not sure if you've fixed these yet or not didn't check) AppearingPacket sent before EnterWorldPacket (causes all kinds of havoc including a few dupes) MultisellChoosePacket doesn't check whether you were ever sent the multisell id which you're trying to buy from, so you can buy from multisells which aren't in any npcs (debug/test multisells are the usual target) as well as quest multisells which require quests to access
  19. Dude you're never gonna win this argument of "proper" code especially on here... what stops you from using it with an int? not being an idiot that's what, you're acting like this is some in-production project for a corporation with a large development team... dude it's an extender for l2 with 1 dev working on it and some people throwing info around, chill with the "proper code" stuff lol
  20. l2server and l2npc are the only two which share memory and so have to be on the same machine, any other daemons can be where ever they like
  21. The only thing sent over the network is instructions. The actual data for players/npcs/items/etc, at least the shared data anyway, is stored in shared memory created by the l2server as transferring every single update of every single player/npc/item etc over network would be completely impractical.
  22. sharedfactory is any shareddata class so CSharedCreatureData CSharedItemData CSharedPledgeData etc etc etc, they are all stored in shared memory between l2server and l2npc so when you make an l2npc ext the headers for those will need to be available to that project also, you can just include across the projects but a shared library project is cleaner and enables you to share other things like memory read/write classes and other stuff which will be common to all extenders in the project (as you're gonna need a cached ext also at some point too)
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