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Everything posted by Anarchy

  1. HF is about the only files reasonably priced atm that I've seen, around the 10k mark, still too much for me :D kinda surprised those bins didn't leak yet tbh can't be much of a market for them for those guys, players don't much care l2off vs l2j anymore and l2j is pretty passable at HF
  2. They all doing the renting these days, especially with latest shit not many wanna sell the whole thing even with the big price tags
  3. short answer is you probably installed the db wrong, but you should contact advext about it, with the amount you're paying them you might as well take advantage of their support
  4. windows version doesn't matter much unless you're running one of the old c4 fix extenders, some of them would only run on 2003, sql version doesn't matter much either as long as it's version is equal to or greater than the version used to make the scripts/db/backup depending on which method you have for installing the dbs
  5. I should probably explain further because the point is being lost apparently on you and pirama, when you're making a software you will be selling to random people, you take on the responsibility of anything which is done with that software as part of your brand, if a server owner has the capability to use your software to backdoor a player's PC, you can bet your fucking ass those players aren't going to blame the server owner as much as they're gonna come right for the soft which allowed him to do it. By not filtering URLs he enables every single 12 year old kid opening 1 month servers who buys this shit to be able to take over players PCs, it shows that anyone who does that knows NOTHING about basic bitch security, it's a fucking guard soft how can it be made by someone who knows nothing about basic operation security for their OWN software, never mind someone else's soft that they're trying to protect (l2) and someone else's soft they're trying to protect AGAINST (the bots etc)
  6. Any server owner running that soft can now take over your entire PC, gg
  7. i'd post a bypass but i'm tired and lazy and real work takes up all my time these days :( no time for fun anymore but next weekend maybe :D
  8. yeah i hooked that the second i saw it :p and even if i hadn't you think i'd run that shit on my pc? xD
  9. just for completeness for the topic video available upon request :p
  10. join the game i'll take a video of me next to you with adrenalin, you just showed right there that you are completely clueless about security if you just introduced a remote command execution exploit into your own system by not filtering that shell on the client, what's stopping some 12 year old server owner sending malicious commands through that packet? where's the filtering to ensure it's only links? like i said, it doesn't matter what YOUR intent is, this is basic bitch stuff and you're trying to sell this for fuck sake
  11. I don't have the files anymore to reup but if you're looking to learn about extenders check out eressea's open source extender -> http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/203399-myext64-my-new-opensource-gracia-finalepilogue-extender best way to learn is by doing, I might rewrite this guide at some point to be a bit more relevant to the times but that's a future thing
  12. I checked this out a few days ago for a friend and told him it was shit and left it there but seeing this cocky ass bullshit going on I decided to go a but further.... well it took a couple hours but got into the test server with adrenalin, you're gonna say the screenshot is fake but your test server is empty default with nothing ig for me to screen which would show it's your server but yeah this guard is shit like it's a good start for some noob who's never done it before but this is not even close to something anyone should be selling, especially for 120eu... checks are simplistic and easy to defeat and just simply show a huge lack of understanding of how an effective protection needs to operate, not to mention the shit HWID which any 12 year old can change with apps from google, but it's not bad enough that this thing is shit, this thing is dangerous check this screen yes ladies and germs THAT is a backdoor, that is from their custom packet handler which hooks on UNetworkHandler::AddNetworkQueue (that's Server->Client packets), when they send their little 0xF5 custom packet to the client, the client takes the string contained in the packet and sends it straight to ShellExecuteW no checks no filtering, now whatever the intentions of the makers of this shit is isn't really the point, considering the level of server owners we have these days (idiots and teenagers mostly) you really want to trust them with an unfiltered administrator shell to your PC? nah man fuck that tl;dr guard is shit and has a backdoor shell to your pc via custom packet, don't buy this shit and if you're a player, stay the fuck away from servers running it
  13. seems everyone underestimates just how many people vanganth sold that source to, and just how far it disseminated from there lol
  14. //set_announce and //set_interval_announce commands are what you're looking for i'm pretty sure
  15. if you're lazy l2phx has a built in converter for such things :p
  16. Both akumu and pcoder stated the chats were legitimate and both tried (and failed) to explain away all the bad shit in them not once claiming those portions to be edited, so proof of my posts is in this topic and on ZG confirmed as legitimate by the parties involved, but yeah that means nothing because it's not against someone you hate. Hate on that guy all you want I don't give a shit but akumu's a bigger snake than that guy will ever be but you're fine with that why? akumu can do whatever he wants that's shady and literally illegal but it's chill? just because he's not the l2scripts guy?
  17. Yeah but you're just talking shit you don't even have a hint of proof that that dude even did anything all you have is your personal beef with him, but talk shit about him all you want I don't give a shit, but stop pretending akumu hasn't already done worse than what you're accusing the scripts dude of, his own fuckin words are there but what people like him just talk about that for shits and giggles? Show me your proof I'll troll that guy along with you but you're just talking shit over a personal beef and giving akumu a pass on the actual fucked up shit he's been doing just because of your hatred for the scripts guy. Put aside your hatred of that guy for 5 minutes dude and actually check the shit akumu's been up to. "l2jScripts are known money hungry whores to offer overpriced shit and claiming it's gold" Akumu charged averia $800 to change 3 bytes in engine.dll (the stopdeceit guy claims 1 byte but it's 3 bytes I had to test to believe that shit) He shouldn't be getting a pass for this shit just because you hate some other guy more
  18. the permissions value is a bit flag array so you'd have to play around with it to see exactly what each flag does, if I remember right, 10 gives write permission, for GM chars you can give 255 which is all permissions but yeah should def only set that for GMs
  19. Well what kinda c4 exts you looking for, c1->c4 or c4 fix extenders or c4->later extenders ?
  20. lol I can't help but laugh but you guys talkin all this shit about the scripts guy but the shit you say he's done, akumu actually admitted to doing shit like that in those chats (along with stealing logins and using smart customers in a botnet for bitcoin mining) but yeah lets give akumu a free pass on the actual proven and admitted shit cuz accusing scripts guy of shit is just easier :D
  21. Well, you TRY to protect against external injection lol but it's a bit pathetic, either way, it's not a case of different position, it's a case of you trying to establish yourself in a position which is incompatible with your own stated business model. I'll take your example, it's like if iOS bought Android and then tried to claim that it's a good thing for all smart phone customers even though 1. Android customers generally don't like or want iOS 2. Monopolies are bad for everyone except the person holding the monopoly. I find it interesting you talk of products with developers who lost motivation for new versions and not motivated for hard work, when SmartGuard has not changed since it's inception with the exception of cosmetic changes to the launcher and the fake fights back and forth with adrenaline which have been proven to be nothing more than a charade to fool consumers into buying a product which didn't actually fulfil it's intended purpose. There are multiple currently developed guard systems which not only actively block adrenaline and update for real when pcoder works around them, but which also do every other function of SmartGuard. Not only this, there are plenty of systems which don't actively block adrenaline but do everything else which SmartGuard does, and seeing how SmartGuard does not block adrenaline because of the pcoder/akumu relationship then we know those guards are equally as effective and yet you deny any attempt at cooperation with any system or developer, new or established. You words are empty sir. But this will just go round and round in circles, you talk of "holy wars" but this is not a case of "vanganth extender vs advext extender", they're both shit and for different reasons but the reason this discussion is here is because you claim that your new stewardship of vanganth's project is respecting people's choice and good for vanganth's customers when it's not. It's good for you, no one else. People's choice is not respected, that choice is now gone, it's advext's way or fuck off and make your own. Vanganth respected people's choice to use outside developers for things he didn't provide, you don't.
  22. Yes but there's a HUGE difference between "make a software by "I-want-to-have-this-shit" request" and locking down your ext with mod checks on l2server.exe to actively prevent your customers from seeking any outside services, whether they be ones you refuse to provide or ones you charge exorbitant prices for. You can try to claim it's because you want to avoid compatibility issues or customers blaming your soft for bugs caused by other soft they are using but it's bullshit, you try lock out the competition as much as possible so you can charge as much as you want for inferior products (here i'm specifically referencing SmartGuard, I'm sure you've seen the pcoder/akumu news so please try to defend your partnership now I would love to see it). I understand it's just business, that's how it works, but you have to take that in the context of this thread specifically. You're trying to claim that your taking over vanganth's interlude project is good for everyone and good for l2 but it's clearly not, it's good for you and no one else. I never had problems integrating any of my extenders with any of vanganth's products, he did not actively obstruct me in the ways which you do, you still don't stop me as I just made a launcher to inject the dll at runtime but that's besides the point, with you taking over vanganth's project my efforts will once again be obstructed, to the detriment of the consumer. THAT is your business model, make it as hard as possible for your customers to take up outside services, instead of providing services which are better. That's shitty man, it's business yeah but it's shady assholey business which just reduces people's choice and brings down the quality of services available for everyone.
  23. So new gf bug! in ncsoft's infinite wisdom they aren't checking on private store setup whether the items you're trying to buy/sell are actually tradeable, so phx send up the object id of an untradeable in private store packet and boom you can now trade untradeables
  24. Fantastic job eressea, I missed your PM cuz I was away for the holidays but looks like you got it on your own, awesome :D I got a new gf bug for you ima stick over in your other topic
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