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Everything posted by Anarchy

  1. If you are using shared hosting and don't have the ability to recompile php or enable extensions yourself then just put a webserver on your game box. If your hosting isn't shared and you can recompile php then you can use the PDO ODBC driver which is included in the later sources of php, but not compiled into php by default. More info on PDO ODBC -> http://php.net/manual/en/ref.pdo-odbc.php Ignore the MSSQL PDO driver though, it cannot be loaded on linux, and as of PHP 5.3 the MSSQL driver is officially depreciated due to it's replacement by microsoft (sqlsrv, which also isn't supported on linux), and php's dropping of support for VC6 extensions.
  2. If you are using shared hosting and don't have the ability to recompile php or enable extensions yourself then just put a webserver on your game box. If your hosting isn't shared and you can recompile php then you can use the PDO ODBC driver which is included in the later sources of php, but not compiled into php by default. More info on PDO ODBC -> http://php.net/manual/en/ref.pdo-odbc.php Ignore the MSSQL PDO driver though, it cannot be loaded on linux, and as of PHP 5.3 the MSSQL driver is officially depreciated due to it's replacement by microsoft (sqlsrv, which also isn't supported on linux), and php's dropping of support for VC6 extensions.
  3. tl;dr->this voter sucks. I knew that voter was bad but I didn't know it was THAT bad... For starters, it can only use HTTP proxies, which anyone with a brain will realize that HTTP proxies only make up at most a quarter of public proxies. Then there is how it does HTTP requests, using a static language and accept header request2.Headers.Add("Accept-Language: ru-RU"); request2.Accept = "application/x-ms-application, image/jpeg, application/xaml+xml, image/gif, image/pjpeg, application/x-ms-xbap, application/vnd.ms-excel, application/vnd.ms-powerpoint, application/msword, */*"; Which is the easiest way for a site to tell if vote's are being botted or not, and when gs200 start checking, and I mean when, not if, then it will be pretty easy for them to find the idiots voting with this voter. The only marginally good thing about this voter is that it uses random useragents, but that is counteracted by the supreme stupidity of not correctly url encoding the post data for the captcha solution and server name.
  4. With the gracia final l2off binaries and the leaked freya scripts, I could update it to h5 in a matter of weeks... and you are surprised that a team of russians can too?
  5. Fix buffs/other stuff? lol. The only dumb person here is you for thinking being able to change some numbers takes any kind of skill, let me show you your example of "fixing" a buff. skill_begin skill_name=[s_might3] /* [Might] */ skill_id=1068 level=3 operate_type=A2 magic_level=40 effect={{p_physical_attack;{all};15;per}} is_magic=1 mp_consume1=7 mp_consume2=28 cast_range=400 effective_range=900 skill_hit_time=4 skill_cool_time=0 skill_hit_cancel_time=0.5 reuse_delay=6 activate_rate=-1 lv_bonus_rate=0 basic_property=none abnormal_time=1200 abnormal_lv=3 abnormal_type=pa_up attribute=attr_none effect_point=379 target_type=target affect_scope=single affect_limit={0;0} next_action=none debuff=0 ride_state={@ride_none;@ride_wind;@ride_star;@ride_twilight} skill_end That for example is Might level 3, for arguments sake lets say the buff time needs "fixing" abnormal_time=3600 There, now the buff is 1 hour Not it? Ok lets say we need to "fix" it so that you can only use it on a party member operate_cond={{target_my_party}} There, now you can only use it on party members Still not it? Ok so you want to make it so that when you use it, it effects all your party members target_scope=self affect_scope=party I can't imagine what else you believe he "fixes" with his buffs... but none of it takes more than a few seconds, so again how does that show that he is the best dev ever like you claim?
  6. ha... that's good... you know Sabotage64 is what makes the keygen work right?
  7. And since when does the stupidity of the general population mean that Sawk and Saitx are "the best devs in l2", as some peple claim in his topic. The fact a few thousand people are stupid enough to join his money-factories, pasted together from shared files and code, and bought depmax, does in no way show any kind of skill or even effort on their part, it only shows plain stupidity on the part of the players who joined, and then were forced to quit a month later. If Saitx and Sawk were as good as you claim, where is L2Loyal? Where is L2Survival/L2Renewal? Oh that's right they closed every time the donations stopped lining their pockets, and now Sawk has run out of money again hes here to get a few thousand more out of idiots who can't see past the end of their nose and through the veil of bullshit these "devs" throw out at them.
  8. And this is not the kation-extender help topic, if you have problems go post in the dev help section.
  9. it's because that pack doesn't contain geodata, copy the geodata from another interlude pack.
  10. wow isn't your English just awesome... I'm used to the bringlish that idiots like you spew out but wow that is just completely incomprehensible... And why the fuck would I be flaming people to get respect? I flame people like you because you are an idiot, it has nothing to do with me wanting respect from anyone, you are just simply a complete and total idiot and you need exterminating from this planet like the insignificant little fucking bug that you are.
  11. Most who have posted in this topic against bban, know more about l2off than he ever will. The people who have no knowledge about l2off are people like you, who actually post saying how awesome a dev bban is when you have no concept of what he can do and how insignificant his "skills" actually are, but because he knows slightly more than you, that must mean he is the best dev on this forum right?
  12. See I was starting to like your posts but then you go and say something like that and lose all credibility... You know Sawk and Saitx are actually WORSE than BBanHammer right?
  13. lol... The fact it can tell when a captcha is entered incorrectly means you are using the no-script version of recaptcha... but you do know that atleast 60% of public proxies will 403 on post to google right?
  14. yeah lets leave Pink's topic alone and let him get scammed, sounds like a plan
  15. I think maybe you should take your own advice. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=185886.0;msg=1672270
  16. Shakal gets a boner from dekarma'ing people... It's probably got something to do with him being the laughing stock of this forum, and he actually thinks people give 2 shits about karma on here... Like wtf is karma even for? can you even use it for anything?
  17. lol. It's truly sad what passes for a developer these days.
  18. endART and PyroMaker are not extender developers. There is only 4, maybe 5 extender devs on this forum. I definitely would not join a project like this and I'm sure that goes for the rest.
  19. did either of you actually look at those images properly? You can clearly see that the out-hits increase dramatically when they received high in-votes, which means that site gets HUGE exposure from gs200 You do realise that EVERY SINGLE server in the top 15-20 buy votes? Probably not from this guy too as they are servers which have been in the top for months. You think they get 8k 10k 15k votes legit? You are on crack if you do. And not a single one of them has been banned. GS200 don't ban servers because it's bad for business, and the ONLY way a legit server can compete for exposure on that site is to buy votes, sure word-of-mouth gets you a lot of players but 800-1000 unique hits per day from GS200 will get you a shit load too, especially when those clans that join your server quit after a month and hop onto the next "top" server.
  20. wtf is wrong with you? That's how it's ALWAYS been. The servers that have the money always are the ones on top, because they throw money at everyone to solve all their problems. Servers buy premade packs that are fully configured to their every request, so how is that server in any way a reflection of their staff and their abilities? IT ISNT.
  21. On l2j sure it is easy as hell to define exactly what each GM can do, but on l2off it's not that simple. L2Off has a very specific set of commands for each builder level, and having a GM at builder 3, which restricts them from summoning items and npcs, setting skills, and changing stats, also restricts a lot of other basic functions required for day-to-day GMing, and more specifically restricts eventmatch usage. Judging by what they have been saying on their forum they are most likely going to change from dvampire (which they were using in beta) to kation's extender, or even advext(unlikely cuz it costs 700eu lol). dvampire has the ability to configure which GM command requires which builder level but the staff at hydra won't know how to do that, kation's extender I'm pretty sure doesn't have that functionality. Also, there's the other problem that the majority of corruption on servers is usually from the admins anyway, and they just blame their GMs in hopes to not make everyone leave.
  22. And yet he has closed every single one of them and has relaunched them about 8 or 9 times... Oh, I forgot... mxc people rate servers and their owners by how many times they close and relaunch...
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