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Everything posted by Zake

  1. It requires login to see the post, can you provide more information about this?
  2. You can just debug the next token to see it's value. Edit: The word "skill" consists of 5 letters and "item" consists of 4, you'd better find another way to parse the search phrase (like using nextToken a bunch of times)
  3. There should be a config about external ip. You should put your ip address there. Also, make sure that your login and gameserver ports are open.
  4. is this a troll or something? https://prnt.sc/nvfbmPhEmI9P
  5. Η τιμή του κάθε feature εξαρτάται κυρίως από τα requirements του. Ένα event engine είναι κάτι πολύ γενικό, εξαρτάται από το πόσα (και ποια events θέλεις να έχει) και από extra features που μπορεί να ζητήσεις σε αυτόν που θα στο γράψει.
  6. Δύσκολα θα βρεις δωρεάν κάτι αξιόλογο
  7. If you have to ask then no
  8. You can just buy a cheap key from ebay and play on windows
  9. You can try to setup a clean version and see if something is wrong there.
  10. So when did this issue came up on first place?
  11. Provide us more information. Which pack/client do you use? Did you do any recent updates related to movement or something?
  12. Xmx sets the maximum allocated memory for your JVM Xms sets the starting one Xmn sets both I don't know how this would end up but you can either remove xmn or both xms and xmx
  13. https://acis.i-live.eu/index.php?topic=10190.0
  14. Μπορείς να τα κάνεις setup, έχει και guide που είναι αρκετά εύκολο.
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