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Everything posted by Extreamer

  1. stable high five, is most likely scripts ,it offers tons of mods, good support, and its russian ;) however if you want to go for a free version, go just standard L2J as it constantly being updated, its free and common, and you can find alot of mods on as well as make mods yourself
  2. L2jFree is really good, in my opinion anyway but hey ho ^^
  3. sorry for being so late with this but http://snag.gy/AU4wk.jpg Everything done with xml and client modding, Sorry I couldnt be bothered to make an icon for it, but if you want I will make that aswell. Sorry for my miserable paint skills * :P
  4. Not augment skills,cause to modify the amount of augus you can do you have to edit core, but pots I think you can by making a skill that acts like a pot just by toggle. and if you read my reply "But of course you can do it via core!"
  5. Well done Evo you finally woken up ! :) Why dont you add like crazy amount of tiers for example 4 Each tier will have +3% better stats, same for weapons. People won't get bored as often. Besides you can release each tier, each month or something!
  6. - 1st text: Extreamer 2nd text: The unseen Predator Predominant color: Dark Blue Render: http://games-renders.blogspot.co.uk/2014/04/png-night-hunter-rengar.html -
  7. Nice one rebellos, just try to pick out the nicer ones and what sweets said, some of them shouldn't be there, parts missing or its just junk. On the other hand well done for trying!
  8. As far as i know potion as a toggle skill can be done via xml, and client modding , same goes for Exp rate increase. But of course you can do it via core !
  9. freya has not even been out for 6 years. Regardless its a nice development!
  10. mhmm, fair enough I'll stop.. I will have to either find a vote system, or code one myself.
  11. Well i got to the point of getting rid of about 200 errors, but i have another 200 to 400 to go :L
  12. Tis indeed elfo ! I found it lonely deep within a random forum, and I was going to resurrect it for freya, and it's not going too well :/
  13. it is an in game vote system that I found on a random forum. It's from interlude and its really bugged like hell... And I am trying to readapt it to freya which is even more difficult when its bugged. There are tons of different errors, i manage to solve most of them by just changing the imports and changing few lines, but there are some errors which i cannot fix. The best way to have a look at the errors would be via skype as they are all interlinked with eatchother. if anyone could give me a hand, let me know and I might drop you a quid or 2.
  14. well "something like that for fun" if (!activeChar.isNoble || activeChar.getClassId().level() == 3) { activeChar.sendMessage("You have successfully registered to the event!"); return true; } else if (!activeChar.isNoble() || activeChar.getClassId().level() < 3) { activeChar.sendMessage("You need to be a nobless and have 3rd prof."); return false; } Sorry napster is that better for you?
  15. This, also you should add a little restriction pony where the char can only fight if he has level 80 or nobless if (!activeChar.isNoble) return true; else if (!activeChar.isNoble() return false; something like that for fun
  16. Yeah lameguard has inbuilt protocol that only bounds the system to 1 ip, since its all in the dll files, it is pretty much impossible to edit that information, unless you have masters IT, or a very big brain.
  17. Well apart from the h5 forgot about that, L2J is way more stable than that h5 version, but when it comes to interlude, gracia chronicles its the best way to open a low rate server. Why you never saw a l2off high rate? Simple? Nobody has the balls,money,skills,experience... To open a c++ server , especially if you want a pvp server with modfications! :)
  18. Sum up. L2j= Endless options, endless bug fixes, endless updates, common. L2OFF = stability, retail. Low Rate = L2OFF High Rate = L2J
  19. Be smart about this. You are NOT going to get any other protection for l2j freya other than lameguard. And you should buy it from the official lameguard website not from someone from this forum. Because you need both client side patched with ip bound system as well as core code for it.
  20. He is not using frozen, but acis files, and this server is a total misunderstanding, it should be called "lame-world"
  21. Sorry but no way you have l2 c3 files. unless you found them on a russian forum!
  22. hahaha * oh well we could always improve it!
  23. there is no limit in l2off , you can even have 10000 people.
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