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Everything posted by Extreamer

  1. I am doing that right now, and I cannot see a problem... I will try and sort it out tommorow maybe.
  2. I used different methods but I received no result.
  3. I tried your way xdem, got nowhere. I also tried it like this if(combo == Config.COMBO1_KILLS) { sendMessage("You have been rewarded with a skill."); addSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(Config.COMBO_SKILL_ID, Config.COMBO1_LEVEL)); Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("Player "+getName() + " is in a Combo Mode with " +combos +" pvp kills in a row!"); } else if(combo == Config.COMBO2_KILLS) { sendMessage("You have been rewarded with a skill level 2."); addSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(Config.COMBO_SKILL_ID, Config.COMBO2_LEVEL)); Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("Player "+getName() + " is in a Combo Mode with " +combos +" pvp kills in a row!"); } else if(combo == Config.COMBO3_KILLS) { sendMessage("You have been rewarded with a skill level 3."); addSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(Config.COMBO_SKILL_ID, Config.COMBO3_LEVEL)); Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("Player "+getName() + " is in a Combo Mode with " +combos +" pvp kills in a row!"); } else if(combo == Config.COMBO4_KILLS) { sendMessage("You have been rewarded with a skill level 4."); addSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(Config.COMBO_SKILL_ID, Config.COMBO4_LEVEL)); Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("Player "+getName() + " is in a Combo Mode with " +combos +" pvp kills in a row!"); } that doesnt work either. It just seem that that part of the code doesn't work at all config and Ini work perfectly fine.
  4. there is not much difference between freya and hi5, so use the code, and just enter it manually, you shouldn't get any errors, or if so 1 or 2 depending on the imports!
  5. Yeah I know :L Edit: im currently due to some ECG scans, I will let you know in about 2 hours if it worked or not
  6. I am checking your method right now I'll update with the result!
  7. Yeah I see where you're going from, but the code might be unstable, im not really into switching. besides if the entire code is not working, but in eclipse everything seems to be fine, I think its misplacing the code is fucking me up again.
  8. Sweeets you're my hero! topic solved ! @devlin there was no need of adding the an extra boolean in PcStat.java
  9. nope, its not working at all, i get no message
  10. Check to the first point Check to the second point However I am still receiving the same shit, I think being on a lot of medial drugs killed my brain heh. Edit: I am getting no errors in eclipse, no errors in console, I also checked the ini files by disabling, enabling the mod, and it works perfectly fine. so its either I am partially brain dead and I am doing something wrong in regards to player hitting the level and receiving the reward and the html popping up (none of which occours) or I am just missing something simple.
  11. how did you manage to fail ? just out of interest?
  12. yeah so, what is wrong then, thats what I am wondering, the html does not pop up, but at the console everything seems stable and smooth. Same for the Kill streak feature.
  13. aha right, so at which sector do i have to put it at, I pretty much have the same problem with my other code that I reworked, I am still mildly confused what goes where
  14. Before this line // Auto use herbs - pick up if (target.getItemType() == L2EtcItemType.HERB) {
  15. So I adapted a code from l2jbrasil into my pack, however since it was old as shit I decided to remake it. So i did in config.java + public static boolean ENABLE_LEVEL_REWARD; + public static int LEVEL_REWARD_ITEM; + public static int LEVEL_REWARD_COUNT; + public static int LEVEL_TO_REWARD; +ENABLE_LEVEL_REWARD = Boolean.parseBoolean(L2JHellasSettings.getProperty("AllowLevelRewardSystem", "False")); +LEVEL_REWARD_ITEM = Integer.parseInt(L2JHellasSettings.getProperty("LevelewardItemID", "57")); +LEVEL_REWARD_COUNT = Integer.parseInt(L2JHellasSettings.getProperty("LevelRewardAmount", "1")); +LEVEL_TO_REWARD = Integer.parseInt(L2JHellasSettings.getProperty("PlayerLevel", "20")); +if (USE_SAY_FILTER) then in L2PCinstance.java + + // Level Reward System + if (Config.ENABLE_LEVEL_REWARD && getLevel() == Config.LEVEL_TO_REWARD) + { + // Item Level Reward System + addItem("Level Reward", Config.LEVEL_REWARD_ITEM, Config.LEVEL_REWARD_COUNT, this, true); + sendMessage("Make sure you reach your level first. " +Config.LEVEL_TO_REWARD+ " ."); + NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(getObjectId()); + html.setFile(new StringBuilder("data/html/mods/LevelReward/level.htm").toString()); + html.replace("%objectId%", String.valueOf(getObjectId())); + sendPacket(html); + } Its just a simple code in order to reward players once they reach level 80. I have added everything into l2jhellas.ini, and I have made the html file in the correct order when I start the server I get informed that the level rewarder is enabled in the console. But when my player reachers level 80 he gets no reward. What am I missing here?
  16. New system called the blood of the fallen Every kill will counts towards a streak, for example 5, if the person gets 5 kills without a death, he will receive a skill called, The blood of the fallen. It will give at level 1 , 2% of each stat If he successfully carries on the streak, to 10 kills, he gets the skill level 2, 3% to each stat. when it reaches the maximum the player is able to use the skill at level 5 which increases all stats by 7%
  17. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/180045-l2fow-pack/ This guy is just creating new accounts and is spamming his topic, ridiculous... one profile http://www.maxcheaters.com/user/139198-johny123/ second profile http://www.maxcheaters.com/user/139553-julio123/
  18. I have some Clean Private packs that I bought myself when they were still in high development! L2JHidden Fully Compiled version L2J Scoria Source Last Rev Grind Team Pack Hi5 source + compile - Rev 239 If any of those packs have been shared please inform me, or moderator can lock this topic. I had them on my hard drive for a long time. Otherwise, the prices for the packs are negotiable, since I never ever used them. Pm Me to see all the configs for the pack that you are interested in!
  19. Price reduced to 40 euros for compile and 60 for the source. it will stay like that now ! Thanks for the suggestion of reducing the price to that. 1 Compile sold. without Customs!
  20. Magic how about spam on your useless piece of crap, sell that to the newbies ! and leave my topic be. Newbie. :) ON TOPIC: TEST SERVER IS UP FOR THE WHOLE DAY ! PM ME FOR Patch info!
  21. 1st you havent seen the live server, so you have no idea how much work I put in there, how many reworks I have done, and how smooth the pack runs. Same as the customs, the skills so on and so forth. 2nd I understand its your opinion, and yes it can be both if you are combining the two projects together, so I have no idea where you are going from there. 3rd I value my work and I have been updating the pack countless times. Tell me that your pack isnt shared in some way, or any other packs. I am telling you right now you will NOT find a totally 100% unique pack where you won't see similar or the same features.
  22. L2JHellas and L2J I forgot to add it in the topic! Added Global Vote Reward System both for Hopzone Topzone! Added formula calculator for skills e.g. "skill has a % chance succeeding" Added AIO subclass Changer.
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