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Everything posted by Extreamer

  1. Added an event called Hell's Wrath. Rates such as exp/sp/drop so on willl be multiplied by 2 every saturday for 30 minutes. The time will be randomised and an announcement will pop up when the event is about to start. Monsters will get stronger depending on the time. Day time = weaker night time = stronger
  2. hahahah, I was going to create my own ^^ I guess I don't have to. awesome !
  3. Standard archer buffs + Dance of beserker Then Dyes 4+ str 4+ dex 4+ wit -8 con -4 men or 4+ str +4 dex +1 str -9 con
  4. This is because you didnt state the pack you are using thats one, the good packs have the bug already fixed. and as sweets said, specify the bug, saying dupe doesn't help much.
  5. Solution for me was this, Right click on game server, press edit then I think it says java 1.6 somewhere, Get rid of the 1.6
  6. The drop will be 100%, but to get to that state you will get have to fight your way through obstacles ^^
  7. Haha no no, that quest will have nothing to do with farming for months, I am planning to make as long as a noblesse quest, maybe a little shorter ^^ Simple tasks nothing too crazy.
  8. http://www.l2dogma.com http://www.l2dogma.com/forum/ Exp - x200 At level 1 x50 At level 80 Sp - x200 At level 1 x50 At level 80 Party Exp/Sp - x1.5 Adena - x100 Drop - x1 Quest Drop - x1 Buff Slots - 24 + 4 Buff Length - 60 minutes Safe - 3 Max - 14 Enchant Normal Rate - 50% Enchant Blessed Rate - 67% Enchant Crystal Rate - 85%* *only via RaidBosses/Donate Noble Vesper Top Armor - I personally believe that Elegia/Vorpal/Morai absolutely killed freya -Thus I decided to bring back the Vesper beauties Fake Playable Characters - Strong AI, Multiple Patterns, Multiple Combinations - They come in difficulties from absolute newbies to absolute demolishers - They got their hands on s84 somehow... Self Created Quests - Path to Hell* - The ultimate Challange* *note that these quests are for 85 Characters only! Customized Player versus Player map - Players will be able to fight for the best loot in a cool AI environment - In the area you will be auto flagged and also take damage from the environment depending on the in game time Rebirth Manager - A player will be able to complete Rebirth only if they are level 85 - Player will be able to obtain 3 skills depending on the class Mage or Fighter - Skills will be a passive add on to increase stats/resistance to physical/magical damage Customized AI instances - Reworked Valakas and Antharas AI *Dropped pointless animations and added some cool tricks* Reworked Damage/skill Formulas - Over powered classes such as duelist/tyrant/Trickster have been nerfed *Damage output from levels 76-85 have been reduced* - Removed Critical chance on charge skills - Added more base damage to the skills - Changed all cooldowns on skills for the Cardinal Player versus Player Rewards + Assists - Players will get rewarded for their kills - Also there is a chance for a healer to obtain a reward as well User interface - It can be annoying at times where people send you those random trades or random pms. - You can turn them off with just one command .user - Also you will be able to find out the online and how long the server has been up for. - You will also be able to see any changelogs that I will do. Another Dress me System - You might be thinking * Yeah another dress me system * - This one will allow you only once to change the visual of your Armor! - You will unlock it once you reach nobless status and be level 85 Monsters are stronger at night ? What? - Basically as soon as it gets dark, you better be prepared. - Monsters will receive x2 physical attack as well as attack speed upgrade - Hell is the strongest at that point so well. Good luck. Safe Enchanter - I realised that some people might not like the old school enchanting - Therefore I have added a safe enchanter - He will be expensive but it will save you from crying all the time for failing. Title and Nickname Color system - Every 100 PvP's you will receive a color for your nickname. - Same goes for your title - Simple but it gives an achievement for unlocking it Much more to see in game! Random Fight By PonyRider - Simple instance where you can register and only 2 players will get picked at random - You need to be level 85 and have at least S grade gear TvT instance - Players will get teleported to undeground coliseum to have a battle - Minimum requirements is to be level 84 - On entering players will receive simple buffs - There event will last randomly between 5-15 minutes Hell Spawn Event - Customized event made by myself - At a random day/time players will get notified that the event is coming close - The event will enable the player to get - x2 Exp - x2 Sp -x2 Drops *Note drops will not affect quest items* - The event may last 2 minutes or 20 minutes. - Time is randomly generated Machine will have enough specs to hold 500 players The server will hold donates 2 weeks after the server start. Donations will be simple and won't affect the game itself. NOTE: Grand opening will be sometime next month. The Server is still in alpha stage Looking for testers to help me out!
  9. ups yeah, I forgot to add a prefix sorry
  10. Half of the time, players don't even know what platform they are playing on. I have seen really good java projects and really lame off projects, and vice versa. The best solution would be where you have the most knowledge, (most likely java) and focus there. Read the first page and you should get your answers pretty clearly.
  11. Thanks! I update the rest of the topic later when i have more time, I'll add more npcs and accessories and what not.
  12. That +1 Besides to open a server you need to know either how to mod it/ code it or have really good understanding of the game. None of this "99% balance" shit, none of the 99% skills fixed blah fucking blah. Look at the serious projects, look at the way they are using their language to express what they are trying to sell to the players. Projects like destiny, funfactory, mmoplay, all of those have something either really unique or have a solid base to provide players a good enviroment.
  13. Just wondering if anyone has time to make me a sig, I would greatly appriciate it ! - 1st text: Extreamer 2nd text: The unseen Predator Predominant color: Dark Blue Render: http://games-renders...ter-rengar.html - I just wanted something with rengar, because, rengar is awesome !
  14. I haven't seen an AIO here for a while so I decided to make this, its a simple one so if you want me to add anything, make sure to put suggestions in the reply box! INTERLUDE Gracia Fly Island Credits - Kali Tower Of Naia Fantasy Island + Cratei's Cubes + Underground Coli HellBound Crystal Island New Map For interlude(hellbound, Fantasy Crystal incl.) Rim Kamaloka Hall Delusion Chambers Kamaloka labrynth of abyss Credits - deMEV New giran centre and flying Harbour Credits - JohnScott INTERLUDE Dragon Core Armor set Credits - Viral Dragon Lindvior Weapons with glow - CopyRights Credits - N1ghty Interlude purple armor Credits - Bekomen Random "epic" accessories Credits - ScaredAngell R99 - Grade Armor Bunch of accessories +100 Credits - 'iandre Epic infinity Weapons Credits - Devangell Fusion Weapons Credits - Critical Error Soul Desert Eagle armor Credits - 'iandre HIGH FIVE Cronos River Armor Credits - Sopor Lindvior Weapons (antharas, Valakas,Lindvior) Credits - FrozenWarrior Scarlet Armor Credits - SheldonCooper God Armors Credits - Smeagol Aurum set Credits - Asuki Bunch of npcs,monsters,tokens,coins Credits - Critical Error Pack of Armors,Weapons,Accessories Credits - N1ghty INTERLUDE Ertheia NPC Yehan twins Credits - Stacy Doll NPC's/Mobs Credits - stev0 Any chronicle God Mob Credits - Kali Grand Octavis Npc Credits - N1ghty Lindvior Mobs Credits - bekomen HIGH FIVE Beauty shop God Mounts Credits - Snify Lion mount Terra RB Credits - Asuki
  15. topic locked! Make sure to give us an answer of a fix so then if anyone has troubles they can fall back
  16. As the title says, I am looking for a couple of people to for testing purposes. My plan is to open a PvP/PvM Freya server sometime this autumn. Rates are TBD, although I am thinking x200-x300 rates, maybe dynamic. aka x300 at level 1, x100 at level 85 or something like that. The testing is voluntary , so please do not ask for money or something crazy like that. The server is in alpha stage so I am not even gonna bother putting it on previews yet. The information I would like to receive from you is the following: Your Age (it is very important to me) Your skype ( the best way to communicate) Your Mother language (aka first language) Where are you from(curiosity as well as communication purposes!) Why would you like to help me out? Answers don't have to be long, they can be simple and snappy, its fine. Besides I am only looking from 3-6 people tops.
  17. Ehm nope, but you can keep guessing ^^, anyways I'm not slating your work, all I am saying is that you can do it in 2 ways.
  18. yes it does, it has a delay, it has when to activate etc ! seriously Devlin, Im not going to waste my time to prove to you that it works via xml, I tried it, i showed it to you, its incomplete because i havent added an icon when its activated, and i havent fully finished the xml, because I just wanted to "prove" that you can do it via my way as well. LOL
  19. I checked the code and its stable ^^ besides its for interlude if you are trying to do it for freya, you need to change some lines and imports ^^
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