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Everything posted by Blue305

  1. cheers mate for everything you do!
  2. what a beautiful server. too bad it has been opened with 0 advertising so nobody knew about it.. what a shame...
  3. Amazing work guys really. Its hard to find such a nice a hard working team that still care about the game. Can't wait to play again on Inera.
  4. is this international or just russian community?
  5. Inera is back, making L2 Great Again! looking forward to this season guys, can't wait!
  6. failed grand opening. nothing surprising aftre taking a look on the donation list. cheap server made by a bunch of dudes seelking some easy money. nice fail, opened 5 minutes after the opening hour, and getting disconnects every second. good ddos protection :) another day another fail
  7. thank u m8
  8. Can you link me the donation list? Couldn't find it anywhere.
  9. Wasn't this opened 1 week ago? xD and then closed because some randoms who were gms friends got items ? wtf
  10. mate i've used 430 top lifestones and not even 1 passive augment. doesnt matter which one, not even one, just Actives and Chance augments. its clearly edited, u can tell me whatever u want. cheers
  11. also, on this lolserver, you can't get any passive augment, u have to buy it with donation coins. spend 430 top grade lifestones yesterday, and all i got was active or chance augments. how desperate do u have to be to remove a feauture of the game just to get more money? ridiculous
  12. i'm sure they will do good even though you dont join the server. cya
  13. its sad to see that u actually put time in writing all of those lies.. good luck :)
  14. L2tales and l2liona are 2 different teams. One of them sux really hard and opens fail servers on a monthly basis and the other one it's gonna start a server at the end of the month. I let you do the math. Also next time when you're about to post on a public forum try not too look that clueless and stupid.
  15. rofl pretty well with edited mobs and stats?
  16. funny how u say you have 500 ppl on yet the solo pvp zone is always EMPTY, and the mass pvp zone has sometimes 1 full party with healer and 2 3 people running around. giran looks like a ghost town except for the afk chars with strange names and unenchanted equip. *crickets*
  17. aeron sux. most boring and uninteresting server i've ever tried in my life.
  18. Lovely Aden will fail once again after few days of opening
  19. same files L2Liona / Era uses. shitty ones with edited LoA mobs. dragon knights with 128k hp and 0.7 chance of spoil on beas on 15x spoil . waste of time
  20. oh i didn't know that :/ hopefully its accurate
  21. sorry but this looks like a grind fest. its 2k17, nobody farms weeks to get his items mate. good luck with your project
  22. on their website it sais Grand Opening on 24th September 14:00 GMT+3
  23. Blue305

    interlude [L2J]L2LOL

    what an epic failure...
  24. rofl, people are actually waste their own free time playing on this.. RIP
  25. Cele please check your pms :)
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