WTS Full char Ghost Hunter lvl 85 ready to pvp on -L2dragon.de- server!
Server is very populated , almost 250++ players everyday, so u can PVP 24/7 !
Noblesse + 3 subclasses + 3 certification skills.
Items: Vesper Noble Leather set {PvP} +16 - Full Atribute on all parts!
Vesper Shaper {PvP} +16 - Full Atribute - Passive P. Atk Augment.
Vesper Dual Daggers +16 w/ Atribute.
Vesper Stormer +16 w/ Atribute.
Vesper Dual Sword +16 w/ Atribute.
Vesper Thrower +16 w/ Atribute.
Shirt S Grade + HP + 16.
Boss Jewels Set +16 - Frintezza , Antharas , Zaken , Baium , Queen Ant, 2x Beleth Rings +4/+0.
Almost all skills are enchanted to +30, only 1 passive left to +24.
Other valuable goodies on the char such as ~20k Mouse Coins, ~6k QHP, ~4k Glitering Medals , ~5,5k Nectar's, Atribute Stones, and some masks from events.(those things mentioned above can be earned from events or from passive event "Squash Event")
Tell me here if u are interesed, the price can be negociated so just hit me whit some offers at rares.s@hotmail.com