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Everything posted by SweeTs

  1. Buff xml, if it has effect value more than one it doesn't blind. Set value 1 and set time to 15. Atm it's like 3x5 or 5x3, you got the point.
  2. What does it has inside that you can judge it's "the best pack"? If you mean custom items.. Other than that, it's another frozen server, with bunch of custom items.
  3. Haters gonna hate, right :D
  4. Funny thing, they blame players while they should blame.. yes, server owners. They are stupid enough to give free items, players get used to, the same story with one-two weeks servers. They give them everything on silver plate. High rate, max of one-two hours farm and end game reached. Again, players get used to. Get free items / farm for an hour > pvp a bit > online drops / another server GO > leave > repeat. Same story since 2014, at least.
  5. Simply add the proper check on core side, so ppl won't be able to create dwarf.
  6. Follow rules and stop bumping. You know the rules, at least you should.
  7. I was referring to the bug.
  8. Ofc it's not working.
  9. Bcs it's a npc? As far as I remember the code, npc stay still and do some 'social movement' when you speak to it.
  10. No one will guide you through all this.
  11. Bcs files belongs to him and he can do whatever he wants? :D Yet another files created, fixed by a dev.
  12. You can use lamba instead of a for loop, add it to the runnable call method, and so on. getPlayers() seems wrong method name, it can be getAllPlayers() or so. Check your L2World for proper name.
  13. Dunno if you can or can't, maybe it's a matter of PROPER configuration / IP. I tried few variants in past and I could not, but a friend of mine, managed to make it work, I guess. I'm not sure. Try the IP4 as suggested.
  14. No problem, but still, you should have the logout with boolean (there is logout() and logout(closeClient)) , check pcinstance, and search for it. Else they introduced it later.
  15. No sources so can't check. But you could take a look at Shutdown.java and see the disconnect players code. Example of l2jserver. The try block of disconnectAllCharacters https://bitbucket.org/l2jserver/l2j_server/src/2c43c001b69f644c9d96b85309f1757710bdbe14/src/main/java/com/l2jserver/gameserver/Shutdown.java?at=develop&fileviewer=file-view-default
  16. Every pack is l2j :D L2jserver h5?
  17. It was available a while ago. No one throw stones/crap without a reason. Shady people stay shady.
  18. It's actual for aCis. What pack are we talking about?
  19. Yes, you can logout without closing the client. I guess there is some disconnect command, option. Otherwise, code command with player.logout(false) - stands for close client. Alt+g may have disconnect button, I don't remember.
  20. You won't get better answer than on acis forums. You have there the line, what is missing is, crystal scroll check as aCis uses the same check for normal and crystal, as far as I remember. Optionally, I told you to use Hasha enchant system, you have few options there. Then, the same thing if you don't want to keep enchant, just do - 1, add proper check. No one will do that for you.
  21. Frozen most likely.
  22. Is it hard to post in proper section? I guess not. Moved.
  23. Then I would recommend mobius, get access, files should be more or less ok. Plus, you will have support.
  24. You could get access to the sources, as you tested free rev / check their test server, if any, else ask for it. If it's OK, take it. Otherwise you won't find cheap, working pack. Price starts from 200€ for compiled, I would say. Check l2jscripts prices.
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