Changeset 324 Scheme Buffer, Misc Scheme Buffer - addition of Dr House scheme buffer, remasterized by me. The big differences are : - buffer buffs aren't loaded from a mySQL table, but from a Config line from (String split > register on Map). - there is no L2Skill storage anywhere, only Integers (skillId). The skillLevel is generated from SkillTable getMaxLevel(). - the schemes loading/save is made GLOBALLY (understand, not on player login). Save is still done on server shutdown. - the players schemes buffs lists are stored on a single varchar, which is parsed with String split method (before there was one entry on the database per skill). - fix all godamn typos and broken english. - statified HTMs content when it could be. - reworked the "Edit my schemes" button to be more logical : select a scheme, THEN a skill group, THEN a buff. The HTM content also scales with that progression to make it intuitive. - added infos everywhere (such as current selected scheme, number of max buffs allowed, number of current buffs per scheme,...) - added "Heal" and "Cleanup effects" buttons (affect your current pet aswell). - the HTM system uses getHtmlPath(), meaning a different buffer npcId can be linked to different HTMs (unique dialogues for each buffer instance). Misc - [L2J 6498] Drop double iterations on pet/player inventories deletion. - [L2J 6382] FourSepulchersManager cleanup - drop Map .remove(), use Map.Entry instead of keySet() + .get(), format the class. - addition of method broadcastTitleInfo() which uses TitleUpdate packet ; complete RequestGiveNickName clientpacket (adding numerous messages). Ty Root. - fix getMaxLevel() method, broken with Trove changeset. PS : the Scheme Buffer is a first shot. If you manage to propose better/easier organization, I would eventually take it.