Shift click on npc, you get the ID and it's enough to find the htm directory. So, Andre said, if it's L2Merchant -> htm/merchant folder, if its L2Npc -> html/default and so on ;)
Make it
<set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/>
and change
<effect self="1" count="1" name="ImobileBuff" time="30" val="0" stackOrder="3" stackType="pDefSpec">
<effect count="1" name="ImobileBuff" time="30" val="0" stackOrder="3" stackType="pDefSpec">
Should work now w/o problem :P
Well, maybe you're right :P
The only condition to activate the skill is to have an equipped shield. So..
They go near them so the effect of provoke can work + when skill is activated they can not move. Simple as that :P
So, maybe post them and tell us to what pack are you trying to add it. How to hell can we help you with actual info? :P
Hello, I have a problem, help me :happyforever:
I can't rly get it.. Who the fack buy l2off files from some crappy guys.. I just CAN NOT get it. He get scammer at request, lol.. :happyforever:
But still reflexor, you claimed you are goin' to sell l2off files and not crappy l2j, so.. :dat: