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Everything posted by SweeTs

  1. Latest aCis "hidden" geoengine is perfect :happyforever:
  2. lol.. People still amaze me in such a bugs.. I always wonder, how the heck they do it :happyforever:
  3. If you copy them, yea.. Since it's static data, so just copy/paste and boom.
  4. gameserver/model/olympiad there you have all related. OlympiadGameTask likely.
  5. Nop, you can't. Since it's frozen.. why don't you use damn svn ? DO NOT use shared compiled packs for Gods sake. Else, you want to check the pack, how things work.
  6. This. If your geoengine is pretty good, even with crappy geodata you will be fine. So.. you can easily use any free geodata, to be honest. It's more or less the same.
  7. Yup, I tho about the same, since such check about noble is just 'more shit code', so better to make it as you said ;)
  8. if (!isNobless()) return; lol, something is wrong, it's it? "!" :happyforever: Search for stopAllEffectsExceptThoseThatLastThroughDeath(), as I remember, at least on aCis, it's on L2Playable and add there a check if(isNoble()) //if noble then do nothing return; //else stopAllEffectsExceptThoseThatLastThroughDeath
  9. Lock/junk this topic finally. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/177952-l2jfrozen-newbie-pack/ Poor crap, no download link nor nothing since 1 month, so I don't see any reson that topic to exist..
  10. You really think that hes able to? :troll: Just do what guy before me/you said/did and change to target_self :)
  12. Increase the gm speed effect..
  13. Irony :troll:
  14. Hoho, good to see you back, Snoopi ;) Good luck with ur sales, I recommend this guy :D
  15. I rly have no idea how such bug could appear. Since, you DEFINE the area with coords, else they are facked and you don't know what you're doing :P
  16. Just don't buy any pack from randoms.. You will get scammed. About l2tower, l2net only lameguard you can trust. Other "super-duper" pretection offered by some guys, won't work. But as I see, you're a newbie, so you definitelly will get scammed :troll:
  17. Yo hoho, what happened that you need a partner? Dunno if I could help, but you can contact me ^^
  18. Root so kind as always :troll:
  19. What jdk did you installed, 32 or 64 ? I recommend 32, less troubles :P
  20. You need java 7, then change the standard VM to it, window -> preferences -> java -> installed JREs -> and add jdk 7 and select it. Also, you should use their forum.
  21. That's the point, lol.. He want to disable for pvp except oly and you are saying about useless config which forbid it..
  22. Oh well.. I prefer things to be organized :P
  23. Table 'weapon' doesn't exist. You don't know to read ? Probably you use project which got them inside xml.
  24. Well, next time search EXACTLY for what you are looking for. In your case, you was searching for "480000" so.. dunno why you didn't used search option and put the value :troll: No problem :P
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