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Everything posted by SweeTs

  1. From memory, that will simply add hero glow, right? And he want to REPLACE the 'skin', I guess. Edit: Ye, as I said, changing effect it's gonna add only 'sparkles', so to achieve better glow, the values must be changed as well. From +12 additional effect
  2. Edit the weapongrp file. Copy the hero bow line and replace the draconic bow line. Simple as that.
  3. The file, it's name, RequestUseItem.java or UseItem.java. Normally it's UseItem.java, under network/clientpacket. I would put the check directly there.
  4. Okay. So, the only difference between this and the shared ones is.... It's under XML @Kara` do not destroy his business. Now let's be serious, for a while. You should be ashamed, trying to sell crap like this, seriously.. Code like this should be shared for free, eventually.
  5. All what you ask, I just a new client icon. Create your custom utx - read guide - create your item server/client side and enjoy.
  6. False. Eventually you could add a check regarding item type / instance. So, you will restrict only weapon type items, so you can freely change armor and such.
  7. You are not a 'dev team', nor free one, nor private who sells access to the project. You developed it privately for your own sake, fun, learning purposes. That's what I mean. So yeah, there is no team working on those files since years. Once l2jserver team jump into h5, Freya abandoned. No one cares about your private dev
  8. He want to block all, allow one kind of a wep, so yeah. Item Id check, as I suggested, is better, easier, faster. @Kara` Ps: next time share code which uses enum :3
  9. Because no one (l2jserver team) is not working on them, just on H5. No other team who develop packs, for free. Old packs are old and so has bugs and problems. I guess answer is obvious. People don't have time to grind their ass to get gear. That's why they prefer pvp/mid/high rate servers.
  10. If your code is working fine, but it's missing check onEquip. Why not simply go to (Request)UseItem, from memory, and add a check like if (player.isInEvent() && item.getId() != 7575) { player.sendMessage("you can only equip 7575 Id".); return; }
  11. You can find several examples over sources. If you find skill, do nothing else set invul false. Hint for (L2Effect
  12. Same stackType won't fix that if you think about. What's happening is Active skill, set invul true > cast new skill, set invul true > in the same time, old skill launches onExit which sets invul false. I suppose. Devilish code ]:-> So yeah, looping your active buffs, checking for still type is the way, easiest way so far.
  13. @Kara` thank you for marking me. I needed such topic. Nha, drop only the table and you are okay. Npe in console is a feature.
  14. Not rly, it's a bypass, actually. Check onBypass to understand, see what would happen. Surprise there is no such bypass registered, so it does nothing.. But yea, if there is share on acis forum, you should use that version.
  15. Not sure but shouldn't one buff override another? That would solve it. Problem is the onExit, setting char false for invul. Not taking into consideration the second celestial.
  16. Off-topic: what a stupid config.. Good luck adding all armor skill id's just to make things work as it should I would simply turn off that config. There is no reason to keep it enabled. I doubt there are holes in code to bug and get some skills. Even if there are, it's not stopping anyone to make the bug again after the relog. So yeah, such a useless config.
  17. Then you use some custom made files. Looks like.
  18. Yeah, I got the point. That's true you are protecting yourself with various binds. We all know that people (try to) resell stuff or share to others, which means you are losing the profits. I can't deny that =) I just don't like those "money grab" restrictions.
  19. You are not caped, forced, to use the files from one ip. That means, if you buy a dedicated / Vps, they bind files to that ip > you have to use that dedi till death. Otherwise if you change dedi, vps, it's not gonna work anymore, as ip changed. To be honest, those ip binds, players limits is a total bullshit just to milk ppl. They say "you get files cheaper with binds / limits", but in reality it's opposite > they can ask more money to give you files without limits. Meaning, you must pay more for the thing, you should get by default. Marketing.
  20. Bha, that could be true. Anyway
  21. Go to l2j share section? Rofl. Check the sticky topic. Hint, by Caparso.
  22. That could work but on classic. Those top servers, are old and known, mostly Ru servers. New server basically have no chance to success. So the second concept is the way to go. I would say, but hey, everything is possible
  23. Do you realize that it's shared?
  24. Try to decrease the ID. Sometimes when you use ID > 65535 it goes crazy.
  25. Any reason to use it? Just don't. Unless you only want to learn, play around - but that's obviously not a case as you fail adding an item handler. For a live server ofc it's dead end. If there is no xml, then.. set the handler inside sql. Ugh.
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