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Everything posted by SweeTs

  1. 1. More like a core edit. Eventualy you would have to rename stackType, other name for each aug. 2. Not a vanilla code, some custom crap. Search for the message and remove the code responsible for that.
  2. I would say no, other ppl might say yes. It's way better to spam l2 groups. Fb advert sux balls. Fake numbers. I would say.
  3. If you edit your title one more time, I will junk it.
  4. Niiice copy, paste of aCis toa..
  5. You can always share the code. We might create the htms for ourselves Still, once you paid, checked the code. You should realize that htm is missing. You don't buy code, put it deep in the fridge, like @Kara` do, to keep em fresh, and come back to it after a year when the guy is gone
  6. Question still remains, how come you end up only with core side, without HTMs
  7. How come you lost the htms. If he send you files on Skype, try to find that old conversation and try to download it again. Mostly it works Eventually send him msg wherever you can, his forum, Skype, fb or whatever. Sooner or later he should check it.
  8. 1. Wrong section and prefix. 2. It's an international forum, not russian. Use English. 3. Google. 4. Doesn't matter if you use c4 geo or interlude.
  9. You could simply Google your question, in any language. Solution within a 1min. Asking on mxc, a day. Congrats. Local database or your server's database, windows based or Linux. So many questions and no info. Congrats. Next time people will simply skip your topic. Don't expect answer when you don't make a valid question.
  10. Max: I will not do it anymore. Tal: 200€ Max: Deal!
  11. True, in addition there is NO warning about potential epilepsy attack. We could easily sue admin. He cares about dmca, he should care even more about our health. Let's make a petition or send a official mail, so the banner can be changed / removed! Yea.. Eye candy, not. I would prefer to see, again, boobs rather that this painful flash. @Kara`
  12. @Kara` be a good papa and code it for him, it's 5min for you.. Don't be a bitch.
  13. There should be a config for buff id's, but probably without level. So, small code rework required, then you could set proper skill level to give enchanted buffs.
  14. As I said, frozen have by default the aio mod. Usage: //setaio <char_name> [time](in days) https://subversion.assembla.com/svn/L2jFrozenInterlude/trunk/gameserver/head-src/com/l2jfrozen/gameserver/handler/admincommandhandlers/AdminAio.java
  15. What exactly do you mean with AIO buffer? The buffer, which Frozen have by default or AIO character (a player with all buffs) - I guess frozen also have it?
  16. Why you ask silly questions? Tk told you to LOWER 4TH VALUE which is intensity, you checked the code and confirmed that it's indeed intensity. So what do you want more? If you want to decrease it, decrease. Don't ask us if you should or not. It's up to you. God help us.. @Kara`
  17. No one talks about itemname. Just armorgrp. Paste the first line of the file into excel to see which is the row responsible for type. Paste also your and some random robe armor to compare the values.
  18. Mention the chronicle / pack. Reading that, I can clearly understand that @Kara` already pm you
  19. Here is my chance to make things right
  20. He didn't say he want to pay. He's simply looking for someone who would like to dev for fun, open together server. Bcs why not.
  21. Use regular spawn method.
  22. Armorgrp is responsible for that.
  23. I already told you. Copy completely the infinity bow line, whole line, replace the db one and CHANGE THE ID. It's a simple copy paste, change id. That's all you have to do if you want them to look / be hero like weapons.
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