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Everything posted by dandiarena

  1. Lineage 2 Chronicle 4 Scions of Destiny http://hades.playlineage2.com/ Rates: EXP x15 - ADENA x15 - SP x30 - ITEM x15 - SPOIL x15 - PARTY x1.2 Subclass Acumulativas: Principal + 3 Subclass (Leer Guia) Sistema L2 OFF Files - No JAVA Sin items custom, donaciones solo por adena (Leer Guia) Grado S Nivel 67 Aprende skilles automaticamente (Menos los de tercera) (Leer Guia) Con skilles de tercera profesion en la ultima sub 1°, 2° y 3° Cambio de clase por NPC en Giran Event Medals Habilitado Sistema OffLine Habilitado (Leer Guia) Mana Potion por Event Medal (retail Roy The Cat) Tiempo de Dances y Songs 5 minutos Seven Signs Habilitado Safe Enchant +3 (Weapons, Jewels y Armors) 24 Slots para buffs Olimpiadas Habilitadas Clan Halls por subasta Clan Halls Asediables Habilitados Buffs de Clan Hall, duracion 1 hora Castillos asediables habilitados Todos los Raid Boss habilitados Dual Box Habilitado (Sin Limite de Clientes) Sistema de donación solo por adena Y Mucho mas!
  2. thanks its good , i will test it
  3. Ready2PvP C4 x5000 http://ready2pvp.net/ Lineage 2 Chronicle 4 Scions of Destiny Rates: EXP x5000 - ADENA x5000 - SP x5000 - ITEM x50 - SPOIL x50 - PARTY x2 StuckSub: Base + 3 System L2 OFF Files - No JAVA Buffer Full free. 26 Slots Buff. 1 Hour Buff in NPC. 3° Skills only in one subclass. 1°, 2°, 3° Class with NPC. Event Medals ON. Offline System ON. PvP System Reward ON. LearnSkill Manual with SP. Seven Signs ON. Sieges ON. Olympiads ON. Safe Enchant +5 (Weapons, Jewels y Armors). Clan Halls with donation (Fullbuff). Siege Clan Halls ON (Fullbuff). Hunter Village PvP / Raid Zone. And a lots more!
  4. Well my question is to know how many rank builder there, you know. 9 But something more important example is the level 1 is ADMIN, Those who still have restrictions. Example if you want to give someone GM event that can speak to announce, teleport and create item. I would rank? I hope comments ...
  5. a guide to how to install? i dont undestand this
  6. hi, I wonder if someone can give me a hand, have a stuck sub L2OFF c4, and that medley persent elves can, to get that restriction, power in the same char, and got sws db, for example if anyone knows please contact me skype: dandiarena
  7. ok, if this work good, we will open an other server +1
  8. OPENING MONDAY, AUGUST 25 AT 12 NOON TIME ARGENTINA! Rates x100 Adena x10 System L2 OFF Files - No JAVA Cumulative Subclass: Base + 3 Subclass No custom items, donations only for adena With skilles third profession in a sub Offline System Enabled You do not need books to learn skills, only SP The Pole has Infinity Cancel Seven Signs Enabled Safe Enchant +3 (Weapons, Armors and Jewels) 24 Slots for buffs Qualified Olympics Clan Halls for Donation Clan Halls Asediables Enabled Clan Hall Buffs, duration 1 hour Castles asediables enabled All Raid Boss enabled Dual Box Enabled (No Limit Client) Donation system just by adena Staff passionate about Lineage Technical professionals in the subject And much, much more! WEB: http://ready2pvp.net/ FACE GRUPO: https://www.facebook.com/groups/547358508698062/ FACE FAN PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/ready2pvpc4
  9. run correctly in 2008 and 2012, but i find that for now l2patchd its not compatible with 2012, but yes with 2008.
  10. hi, i have a error, server dont start, cached ok, but server no. i have windows server 2012 standard x64, with la2storm datapack c4. any suggestion? l2patch have version pay?
  11. i will test it now and say if its work or not
  12. I have a problem, I download a pack of images, but it has password. It is a very good pack of images that need to work, but I can not unzip it, try many programs but none do it, take like 5 days, but in the end nothing happens. If anyone knew how to unzip or remove the password of a file so, I could please notify us. from already thank you very much
  13. You add well in the skillgpr.dat?
  14. Frutanga Interlude Server PvP! Main - Only C4 Skills! No Level - No Delevel - No Mobs - No Custom. Full PvP System With Reward. Npc: Shop - Gk Global - Buffer - Clan - Ranking. Olympiads and Sieges Active! And lot more! Host: Procesor: intel® Core i7-4770 3.40 GHz Memory: 48 GB DDR3 LAN 1 GB - INTERNATIONAL Web: http://l2frutanga.com.ar/ Foro: http://foro.l2frutanga.com.ar/ Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/l2frutanga Enjoy now!
  15. Hi, well I'm looking to be able to put colors glow of hero weapons. As seen in the image to leave here. I had it before but lost it. I think it was a modification in the ENV. Well I hope you can help me. regards
  16. where i can download what you say?
  17. Hello, I'm looking for the 3-faction system sides with capture the flag. :happyforever: You also look for the faction with the Crystals in the citys to conquer, long time no see it and can not find it. :okey: If you know of something I thank you, is to compile an interlude. :LOL: Thanks. :dat:
  18. I will test this proyect and tell if i have any problem
  19. C4 the best, some rate low and no more custom. all in retail.
  20. retail serer its the best, but its to dificul to do it
  21. pc for ever, go 1.6 this is lol
  22. good, but i want other thinks
  23. jaja its not working men, play hard.
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