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Everything posted by dandiarena

  1. well i need some help. first, how to config seve signs. i used //ssq cyclemode [mode] [half cycle interval(min)] (mode: default, quick, manual) //ssq event_period yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss //ssq seal_period yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss but i cant do to work.
  2. well i need some help. first, how to config seve signs. i used //ssq cyclemode [mode] [half cycle interval(min)] (mode: default, quick, manual) //ssq event_period yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss //ssq seal_period yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss but i cant do to work.
  3. ALAIA LINEAGE II C4 www.alaial2.com.ar Rate x35 Stucksub (3+main) No Custom Free Npc Buffer No Skills from 3° class Restric elf class subs (like sws to bd, sps to sph, tk to sk, ee to se) and restric with skin too. 20 slots buff Buff hall 2 hour Weapon Hero for all and lot more! www.alaial2.com.ar
  4. Please anyone can tellme if exist any command for clan penalty?
  5. give me some npc for this dp
  6. well, i want this, i have a interlude server. i want that, Dynasty Armor and Weapons used by hero. and Epic Armor and Weapon used by Nobless. if anyone can tell me, i use interlude java, l2jrox. thanks.
  7. L2Vagancia x50 (Argentina) Web: Rates: x50 Adena: x50 SubAcumulativa 3+Base (Multiskill) Armas Custom: Armas Dusk Armas L2Vagancia Armas Dynasty Armas Icarus Armas Vesper Black Set Custom: Set Titanium Set Dynasty Set Epic Set Vesper Black Joyas: Boss Titanium Epic Vesper Black Liga de La Justicia Otros: Tatto Light (Lvl 1 y Lvl 2) Tatto Heavy (Lvl 1 y Lvl 2) Tatto Mage (Lvl 1 y Lvl 2) NPC's: Casamiento Augmenter Enchant Skill Banco GK Global GK Para Areas Especiales GM Shop Custom Shop Donater Shop Buffer NPC Nobless Super Anti-PK (zonas farm) Implementados! PvP y PK Anuncios Sistema Bienvenido Evento TvT Evento CTF Buff = 5 Horas Hosted: - Processador: Pentium Core 2 Duo CPU 2.50 @ 2.50 - Sistema Operativo: Windows Server 2003 R2 EN Enterprise Edition - Disco rigido: 40 GB - Memoria RAM: 4 GB DDR2 - Conexion: Dedicada de 10-100 Mb/seg.
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