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Everything posted by dandiarena

  1. no body?
  2. Hi, i want to test server in stucksub mode. in ilext.ini i see that. ;Validates acquired skill list ValidateAcquiredSkills=0 ;Tells ValidateAcquiredSkills function if it's sub stack server or not SubStackServer=0 if i put both in 1.(logic) nothing happen, It takes something more? any sql?
  3. hi! well i find a web that i want, like eglobal server, if you know to do or know who do it i will be grateful.
  4. Hi! Im searching an unique desing for web, for a OFF SERVER "NO JAVA", hq web with scripts and good ideas, etc. skype: dandiarena
  5. The problem its that when execute l2server.exe start in background, after 30 min stay foreground
  6. I have a query, I 'm testing a server off c4 with l2patchd in Windows Server 2012 , it works without the patchd system, up in 20 min entire server with npc, but with the pathd system takes about an hour to lift only the l2server, I remain as executed in the background and 60 minutes turns smoothly. one knows why , ever happened to you?
  7. thanks, i have contacts to this. plz close
  8. First of all apologies for the English or misinterpretation. I'm looking for a complete package IL (interlude), as balanced as possible, but not much custom not have both stats. It's for a mid pvp server, I would like to have several automated voting systems, pvp, TVT, some games as there are now, things that work 100%. I tried ACIS and frozen but have some mistake, just for neceidad I am requiring for the server. The only thing I want is to have some additions to make it fun and that people are not bored easily, is to open a non-profit server absolutely free for the people and who can play a bit. I am willing to listen to their opinions and see that I recommend about who sells packs stable given the requirement that'm looking for. Likewise also I look for someone to convince me if the pack, I edit the splash, loading, etc. From already thank you very much Cheers
  9. First, sorry my english... Some have thought that some editing to remove the restriction of sub class in elves. I explain: If start human do subsclass as bp-ps-sk-sps ,no problems But if start elf either white / dark as sps-bp-sk-is, wanting to pull the sub sk, does not leave you by telling you not be bla bla bla, thar the issue is by no elf skin sub class lets you do some kind of other elf. Thanks
  10. Best Java C4 Ever!
  11. WEB: http://hades.playlineage2.com/ Lineage 2 Chronicle 4 Scions of Destiny Rates: EXP x75 - ADENA x75 - SP x100 - ITEM x75 - SPOIL x75 - PARTY x1.2 Subclass Acumulativas: Base + 3 Subclass (Leer Guia) Sistema L2 OFF Files - No JAVA Skilles de tercera profesion en una sub. (Leer Guia) 1° cambio de clase comprandola en el SHOP. 2° y 3° en "Miss Queen" Giran. Event Medals Habilitado. Sistema OffLine Habilitado. (Leer Guia) Mana Potion por Event Medal (retail Roy The Cat). Aprendizaje de skills con SP solamente (Manual). La Pole Infinity no tiene Cancel (Stun). Seven Signs Habilitado. Safe Enchant +3 (Weapons, Jewels y Armors). 24 Slots para buffs. Olimpiadas Habilitadas. Castillos asediables habilitados. Todos los Raid Boss habilitados. GRAN BOSS con drop especial. Dual Box Habilitado (Sin Limite de Clientes). Donaciones: Hades Coin(Leer Guia) ClanHall (Leer Guia) Y mucho mas!
  12. hello, had seen several service they offered this disclosure, but can not find the post. Who is advisable and good price to advertise my server. from already thank you very much.
  13. NO, its a program yo install original SSQ System por L2OFF
  14. Well, i searching buy dont find the L2 Auto Reboot, i need it to install original ssq for l2off c4... anyone have it? thanks...
  15. add skype: dandiarena
  16. i do, but, server crash...
  17. Well, i searching how to config some thingks likes: [Npc Drop Global] ; without rb Enabled=True DropFromNpc=True DiffLessLvLMax=8 DiffGreatLvLMax=100 ; by npc level NpcDropItems0_10={} NpcDropItems10_20={} NpcDropItems20_30={} NpcDropItems30_40={} NpcDropItems40_50={} NpcDropItems50_60={} NpcDropItems60_70={} NpcDropItems70_80={} NpcDropItems80_90={} NpcDropItems90_100={} i dont find the web creator, and nothing to how to config some things in config on l2patch... if anyone used and know how to config...
  18. i do it, and work fine!
  19. well, i want to create a custom item that you do 2 clicks and extract. But, my problem its that Effect restoration only extract 1 item Effect restoration_random extract 1 item form some items I really need to extract some 10 items all chance 100% not only 1 i have this: skill_begin skill_name = [s_pack_donation] /* [Pack Donation] */ skill_id = 8050 level = 1 operate_type = A1 magic_level = 1 effect = {{i_restoration_random;{{{{[scroll_song_of_earth];5}};8.3};{{{[scroll_song_of_water];5}};8.3};{{{[scroll_song_of_warding];5}};8.3};{{{[scroll_song_of_wind];5}};8.3};{{{[scroll_song_of_hunter];5}};8.3};{{{[scroll_song_of_vitality];5}};8.3};{{{[scroll_dance_of_warrior];5}};8.3};{{{[scroll_dance_of_mystic];5}};8.3};{{{[scroll_dance_of_fire];5}};8.3};{{{[scroll_dance_of_fury];5}};8.3};{{{[scroll_dance_of_concentration];5}};8.3};{{{[scroll_dance_of_vampire];5}};8.3}}}} is_magic = 2 mp_consume2 = 0 item_consume = {[pack_donation];1} cast_range = -1 effective_range = -1 skill_hit_time = 0 skill_cool_time = 0 skill_hit_cancel_time = 0 reuse_delay = 0 attribute = attr_none effect_point = 0 target_type = self affect_scope = single affect_limit = {0;0} next_action = none ride_state = {@ride_none;@ride_wind;@ride_star;@ride_twilight} skill_end but only give me 1 item and i need to give all can anyone help me!
  20. link down! please re shared i need it for c4! thanks
  21. where i find more of this, i see v6! where are other versions! its awesome
  22. no br, arg, we have other server with 2k players this is the same but with 3 class skills
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