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Everything posted by aasi888

  1. Picture from wow tlk areas. Couldn't post it here cause the author didn't allow.
  2. This might be very usefull :). I hope someone makes the postcount higher.
  3. Unpack itemname-e.dat
  4. Hmm. I think it's time to start checking them out. Nice share!
  5. A list of private servers. Taken from here. Don't ask me about them. I just thought this would be usefull. They are gathering more private servers on that thread.
  6. Check this thread for bypassing bakeice http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=25214.0
  7. Try using L2.NET bot. With it you can use commands like /sleep, /sit, /assist. You could for example make a macro for that character: /invite Playername Then in the leveling script you use (get one from the site and modify as needed) the hotbar button you put the macro to. When you want to leave then: COMMAND "/leave" I can't really explain very precisely. It's not like l2walker, you have to use scripts to level up.
  8. What server are you trying to connect? L2j, retail, off ?
  9. Yes. You are not sending gameguard packets with cracked walker. This is what I read here somewhere.
  10. Adena script? What does it do? Get adena? Drop adena?
  11. I read somewhere here that if you use cracked IG walker it doesn't send gameguard packets to the server. I'm not really sure about this. You should write to those forums to ask about it. Remember to search 1st.
  12. I used to google: Wow 10 day trial free. Or something like that.
  13. This has been posted before. I hope you search next time.
  14. I don't think think you can use OOG L2walker anymore then. Try using L2.net OOG I've been using it on hellbound l2j server for weeks. Forums can be found here. NOTE: It's not like walker: "enable settings and go". You have to use scripts to level up. There is plnety of pre-made scripts over there. You can do things you couldn't normally do with l2walker.
  15. I hope this works. Looks very interesting. EDIT: Tried on helbound L2j and didn't work.
  16. Program that records packets sent by l2.exe. It can also send packets to server. Your description is not good since it can be used for other purposes too.
  17. I can just see the text people write: WTT Thermometer +15! BTW Why does the water look grey.
  18. Where do you put the string on the bow? I bet many archers get confused in that part ;). Now we just need a batmobile.
  19. Interesting! You tried it on retail or private servers?
  20. SLIP 600 posts to see bugbear 600 posts to see inTracK 600 posts to see UnStable pure spam / Digging UnStable pure spam
  21. I'dd like that. BUT those totems are not working on my serv (private server). EDIT: Pic
  22. I've never got this to work. I had to use the "Control Settings" section to whisper "hp" to the healer.
  23. Farming adena is alot easier when you are not getting reported.
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