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Everything posted by aasi888

  1. Decrypt ItemName-e.dat. But I don't think you need it for this exploit.
  2. Thats not weapon ID you are looking at. It's object ID. Every item in it's own slot in inventory has it's own object id. For example you can have 10 daggers of the same name in inventory but they have different object IDs. If they had the same object id they would stack on each other (like adena).
  3. I wouldn't suggest anyone to buy a good computer now. My old comp cost 800€ in 2006. Did 3dmark06 and it gave 988 points. Now I got a new comp with ~1000€ and got 10900 3dmarks. So basicly if you want to play l3 with full graphics you should wait untill it comes out and then buy comp :). Of course if you need a new earlier then go for it.
  4. No it's not that. And don't reply to threads you don't have postcount. You can lose karma.
  5. L2phX: all work I just don't know any working exploits.
  6. Just some tips for you who try to use l2phx on CT1-1.5 servers: When you log packets with l2phx these packets have time stamps which cause you to get disconnected if you send them like that. If you want to send them back you have to somehow remove timestamp. I personally use L2.NET bot to record and send packets cause they don't cause my client to become disconnected. Enable the "Dump mode" in L2.NET and you get the packets in the bot chat window. If you want to send them to game you must make a macro. INJECT "XX XX XX" Then open the macro with L2.net and press start. It should send it now.
  7. Normally. I think they have disabled that function.
  8. aasi888


    [Hidden Content]
  9. I tried it but I couldn't place my item in pet's inventory.
  10. If this really works a good postcount for this should be high. Testing soon :). It has something to do with lineage 2. I tried to set resolution 1280x1024 but in option.ini it says 1280x1002.
  11. Looks interesting :). Gotta transfer items to some random noob char of mine and then chane IP and give it a shot :). I just need to get a pet 1st.
  12. My antivirus detects l2walker.exe, inside.dll (hlapex) as viruses. I really don't think they are.
  13. That's what I thought. Then I started to read others' scripts and stickied things at the official forums. I've never written a full script myself cause I can copy paste some parts from here.
  14. With it you mean L2J, Retail, OFF, l2mafia? L2.net is probably better than walker in some parts since you can inject packets.
  15. CriticalErro could you concider uploading the files to some other place than rapidshare. I have never been able to put the code when the "find a cat in the letter" update came out. I think Filefront.com is probably the best as long you keep unchecking the "this file is too large and will be removed in XX days" thing. I'dd like to download the ice dragonic bow but I simply can't because I can never enter the code right.
  16. Go to lineage english bots section. Focus your eyes on the lowest sticky and then move your eyes 10 cm down. Use the god damn mother-beep-ing search button and welcome to the community ;).
  17. If you use l2w with l2.exe and open it will work. If you then crack GG it will work. Reboot computer and it will NOT work anymore. So take my advice: DONT KILL GAMEGUARD! EDIT: I've only managed to run walker properly with unpatched system.
  18. It is completely useless for almost any server since it's patched almost anywhere.
  19. Why would they have changed the rates from 2/3 to 1/3? On C4 I clearly remember it was 2/3 of the enchants succes.
  20. To let you all know. Burlex the head developer of ascent now only works for wowscape server. Thefore only scape is being updated to new patches in future. Other servers might have to move to mangos.
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