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Everything posted by aasi888

  1. For packet editing I use WPE pro (modified version). You could try to add your banned character to friend list to get characters "ID" then save it somewhere. Then log in with any char and get the "ID" of the unbanned character. Then make a filter to Swap the Unbanned character ID to Banned char ID and hopefully you can log in with the banned character. <-- Might not work this way. Just an idea to try.
  2. I'm looking for cracked Innerspace program for multiboxing. stuff about innerspace: http://www.elitepvpers.de/forum/wow-guides-templates/195187-guide-multi-boxing-innerspace.html http://www.lavishsoft.com/joomla/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=48&Itemid=34
  3. Why not blackmail the exploiter and tell "if you don't tell me how to do it I report". ^^
  4. Looks cool. I Hope I can get this to work. Edit: It has weird bugs. Won't target / spam skills. Reinstall after reintall :/. Thx
  5. The server is now 3.2.0. Could someone update the thread name?
  6. It makes botting easier when you don't have to load all graphics.
  7. http://www.dual-boxing.com/ Keyclone or autohotkey Weird. I remember I had karma.. Someone must have taken if off.
  8. You mean server side. If it was client side we could edit them.
  9. I need to get a working link for the walker. Can someone re-upload it please? thx in advance
  10. Oh yeah. Finally a working File Edit for interlude. The previous ones I used could not open weapongrp file.
  11. Version 2.1.3 is th oldest version. It also has all the newer ones too.
  12. Here you can find the links for WEH downloads. That list should always be up to date.
  13. I couldn't find anything similiar to this with search. What I need: All NPC & Race models -> Squirrel (or other small & low detailed model) OR even better: All NPC models -> Empty (You see no model) All Race models -> Show only corpses The reason I need this is multiboxing. Tried myself with no results: I've been trying to do this myself with dbc editing. I modified the patch-enUS-2.MPQ to change all races to squirrel. When I try to open wow with modeleditfix I get and error. I used this guide. When I have added CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc to the MPQ and removed the previous CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc file (the one with no edits) CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc I can no longer read what is inside the .dbc file. Also when I open wow with model edit fix (or withouth) I get error.
  14. It's pretty fresh and should work.
  15. If you read what he said you would understand that he doesn't know a way himself.
  16. Are they different only in the new zones? Will the current zones be in higher detail too?
  17. I wouldn't listen that advice. Herb/monster tracking is very usefull and it's very unlikely to be detected. Of course teleport, speedhack, flyhack, levitate, fall damage, hyper mode, gravity can get you easily banned.
  18. Is this for wow or what? If it is for wow then you should only attack mobs that are 10 levels higher level than the character you are going to powerlevel. If the mob is 11 levels higher than you you won't get exp at all. PS someone correct me if I'm wrong somewhere.
  19. You can also stay on your mount by doing this. I've thought about it before. I didn't think it was worth of posting.
  20. It hasn't been made eyet. Not even for deathsoft VIPs.
  21. polaktobear Bumping old topic / Spam: fermineitor Spam norka25 Spam 19401940 Spam
  22. Try L2.NET (bot) you can use it to inject packets. link I'm too lazy to wrtite more right now.
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