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Everything posted by aasi888

  1. I'm using Winxp with 8800 GT 512 mb. With these drivers: 190.38_desktop_winxp_32bit_english_whql . I have bluescreen sometimes but I'm not sure if it's about the graphic card or old bios version (I don't have a floppy). What driver version are you using? Are the W7 activation systems working in your download version?
  2. From my picture you can. Right click -> Pic picture adresss -> paste it to web browser. Didn't test the other ones.
  3. I hear mmorpg4free has now 30x xp. They have burlex as developer. I'dd prolly start there if I was going to play wow.
  4. Are you refering to the cast time? They changed it to 1.5 sec in 3.2.0.
  5. Super Utilities Pro could possibly work? I haven't tried it but in the description it said it can completely uninstall a program.
  6. Recovery? Does it look the same as when you are installing xp and it suggests you to repair prev installation? Try again. But this time hit F8 when your screen shows your ram / HD specs. <-- I see it as black screen. I have my HD divived into 2 sections: C: and D: drives. If I get a virus I can just forma C: and the files in D stay untouched. This way it's easy to just format C when I get problems.
  7. Uniblue 2009 (SpeedUpMyPC + RegistryBooster + DriverScanner) However I didn't notice a dmajor difference. Might be because I've formated ~once a year. XP / Win 7 because I hear alot of complains about vista speed Norton internet security 2009 It has become very light compated to previous versions. 2009 is insanely fast compared to 2008. Google it? Note thats the CPU temprature shouldn't go to high. That's why I recommend everest program to see the CPU temperature. It's not the overclock that kills your CPU it's the temperature. For my old AMD 3200+ 2 GhZ I read it could be clocked to 2,2 GHz with air cooling. But you prolly have to get a better CPU cooler if your planning to overclock. Intel CPUs overclock better so you might be able to pu it even near 3ghz with proper cooling. Also note that If you can't boot correctly after increasing the CPU frequency you should try to increase CPU voltage a bit this sometimes help you to keep the computer stable.
  8. Start your compter in safe mode. Restart computer and the just spam f8. Whe u get a balck screen with options choose Safe mode. Then you can prolly uninstall it. BUT I recommend unplugging your internet cable for the time you boot in safe mode cause your firewall won't start in safe mode.
  9. X-perl - health bars Recount - Damage meter Bagnon - 1 bag Natur - See what enemy is casting Dominos - Actionbars: Resizable, transparency, Hide actionbars you don't want to see, Hide macro texts: For example you got a macro named "kill". You can choose not to show the "kill" text when you place it to your hotbar.
  10. About time some 1 put end to that song!
  11. I got something to add: Helbreath. More info: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=21979.msg624768#msg624768
  12. aasi888

    11 December

    Holy shit I got bored in like 30 seconds. Looks like MMA is the only thing I watch.
  13. Omg how isn't Helbreath there. HB usa is free atm. I currently play on a private server. HB-Fusion private server (I'm playing there now) - Priv server Legendary HB top site - Private servers HBUSA - Retail
  14. aasi888

    11 December

    Can you upload the video when it comes? Or what series will the fight be held at? Mariusz Pudzianowski somehow reminds me from Brock Lesnar. I've been watching UFC and Pride for about one year now.
  15. Dam. I would have to make another topic of the same subject. Will you lock/remove this one if I make it?
  16. Move along. Atleast 5 of the hijackers being alive. Which leads to the conclusion some (if not all) of the hijackers are fake. The food thing is too bad. But I don't see why to fight hunger with food. I mean there will just be more of those who need food that way. I'dd rather give them ways to farm food themselves. I wasn't exactly planning to discuss deaths but here goes. According to this page there has been over one million deaths in iraq since the US attacking march 2003. The "Terrorist strikes" on 9/11 was just a way to get normal citizens acceptance for the war. PS Polls are not possible? Cause I can't find an option for that.
  17. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14191717 <-- lol I really love the way they write it: No, the military was unprepared for 9/11 and hasn't been open about its failings that day. Unprepared my ass. Sry for double but People only read the "new posts". And If I edited the previous ppl would never read this.
  18. How does that program compare with Symnatec PCAnywhere? Have you tried it? (Can't speak GR.)
  19. Yeah thx. The links were broken cause I just copy pasted form another site. You can remove the links. I fixed em. On other forum this topic has bene on for like 4 days and 1 reply xD. Youtube comment: I hope that's true.
  20. I just visited youtube and saw some weird stuff. Please Have a look at the videos. WTC MISSILE STRIKE ON 911: WTC-1 Twin Towers WTC MISSILE STRIKE ON 911: WTC-1 Twin Towers 9/11 Update 2008 - TRUTH REVEALED ABOUT FAKE PLANES TOWER 3 9/11 Update 2008 - TRUTH REVEALED ABOUT FAKE PLANES TOWER 3 No Windows on Flight 175 Missing 9/11 Planes 9/11 In Plane Site - Director's Cut 1h 12 mins 9/11 In Plane Site - Director's Cut The Coincidence Series - More than 2 hours of footage. The Coincidence Series Zeitgeist ~2 hours document. Zeitgeist Pentagon Plane hitting Pentagon... NOT! Plane hitting Pentagon... NOT! 911 Pentagon Footage Fraud - See the MISSING FOOTAGE! Discuss. Please if someone ever replies this don't turn it to a flamewar.
  21. Looks pretty cool. Reminds me of having CSS textures in CS 1.6.
  22. Use manual patches? http://www.wowwiki.com/Patch_mirrors
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