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Everything posted by aasi888

  1. It was not Blocked with karma before. It had a post limit before.
  2. 1. [Optional]Try this: Restart comp. (To reduce the amount of connections your computer have.) 2. Then "start->run->cmd->netstat-n" 3. Then see what addresses you can see. 4. Then Go to the website and do "start->run->cmd->netstat-n". Then see if there's a new IP. You might see the port there. PS Haven't tried with webpages. Only games.
  3. Made this. I can change the colours & Animation speed if I win :P. And yes it's an animation!
  4. The attacking. If the cops find you you might spend some time in jail for doing this. I wouldn't suggest to attacking some known / big sites since they'll prolly have more reasons to report you to the cops.
  5. And probably that one doesnt attack from your onw computer at all? Am I right? So being caught would be unlikely.
  6. So this will basicly Ddos the victim? Am I correct?
  7. How does it do it? Proxy? uses IP renew? If It's proxy then it's pretty slow for dloading files.
  8. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=48509.msg667835#msg667835
  9. You know you still need money. It can be used to farm materials also. Like Mining, Herbalism stuff.
  10. That's just one level of blindness. Not every blind person can see that blurred way.
  11. I see my eyelids. And black if I'm not infront of a lamp or sun.
  12. I got karma here. But I got no Idea why it was taken from me. Can anyone explain this?
  13. Yeah. Black surfaces absorb most of the light that comes into it. That lack of reflecting makes us "see black". In fact what we see is the lack of light.
  14. I'dd say Linux is pretty good for a server. I prefer windows cause I'm accustomed to it. If you had used linux as long as windows you might even tell the opposite.
  15. I think I had similiar bug some time. I was doing multiclass at the time.
  16. Mayby in future they can. Right now they can read special writing from letter (rise and holes in paper). Mayby in future the text can be converted into holes and rises.
  17. I think I didn't explain detailed enough. I hold the shift down all the way form the start. I released it when my computer starts to shut down.
  18. Is it like cheat engine speed up? Cause I read from here It could be dangerous. OH it just clears ram cache. Here they said that you might not see any difference if u got 2 gb or more ram. http://forum.suprbay.org/showthread.php?tid=10317
  19. How? By overlocking? By giving you more virtual mermory to your hd? Can it be dangerous to my RAM / other parts?
  20. I can't see the difference. I wonder If I'm Doing smthing wrong. I press left shift then press shutdown then press shutdown again from the popup screen. Then released left shift. Did I do it the right way?
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