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Everything posted by aasi888

  1. Sonic teh eleet pwn. BWT CJ = San andreas CJ ?
  2. L2 section doesn't loo nice. Everything else is ok.
  3. aasi888


    Damn. That was to easy to just copy paste the link and let it be.
  4. I saw someone with like 100 chuck norris stuff. But now I can't find it.
  5. aasi888


    No. Those are added automaticly.
  6. Antharas and Valakas ones look the best. The other's seem too transparent imo. Hard to see the figure properly.
  7. Lol. I'd take of the gear when I stop like that..
  8. Your kinda right there. I was listening to some tape and it took like 15 secs to realize its english.
  9. I'm 90% sure hes Ally since hes in Westfall. I got no Idea here you should level since I've never rolled an ally over there.
  10. Underworld 2: Evolution (Was better than Underworld 3 imo) X-men Origins: Wolverine (1080p :P)
  11. aasi888 Japanese: Kakaariki888 Binary: 01100001 01100001 01110011 01101001 00111000 00111000 00111000 00001101 00001010 Hex: 61 61 73 69 38 38 38 0d 0a BASE64: YWFzaTg4OA0K What's the point?
  12. You can do that in WoW. Drink one and you get alien vision after sometime :P. Drink alot and your screen gets so blurred you can't see a thing.
  13. Is there a server for that? I tried to enter the page but it says "Forbidden". Only for russians?
  14. Links By Devalina from deathsoft.com http://www.wegame.com/watch/Never_Stay_Tuned_1/ http://www.wegame.com/watch/Never_Stay_Tuned_2/ http://www.wegame.com/watch/Never_Stay_Tuned_3/ http://www.wegame.com/watch/Never_Stay_Tuned_4/
  15. o_O google has 555,358,080 visit per day Google.com Valuation $8.37 Billion Lol cheap :P
  16. The problem I had was most likely cause by "Use skill X before engaging combat" those type of skills will make the bot not work. I read this on gnometools forums. PS I think this deserver sticky. I did't get it to work 100% but I think it was my bad.
  17. Anyone remember C6 server infinity skills? One of the 1st servers I was called a cheater when not cheating. <3 +2250 infinity bow I think L2mafia was one of the best C6 servers I've played. I'm sure dimiss remembers my visit :P. Just to piss off
  18. Exactly what I thought. I tried to use it to see through walls but for some reason I couldn't see players behind walls. Graphics showed but players didnt. Is it somekind of server protection? Can this patch atually see players behind walls or just the textures of maps?
  19. SUGGESTION: Put Date on each and every of your sggestion. This way people wouldn't go and buy some old crap with high price. If you know what I mean. Computer hardware gets old fast and that's why the dates are needed.
  20. www.mozy.com 2gb free (You know you could just make many accs)
  21. I'dd just go to Filefront then. It's free and the files won't be deleted aslong you go to the page and remove the big files from trashcan. You can also use Mozy.com to upload your files to the web. As far I know the files there won't be deleted.
  22. I had to use proxy to get into this site so the pages are not showing correctly. You just go to deathsoft.com and find the ways there if you want to see the pages properly. http://www.learncalculus.info/browse.php?u=Oi8vd3d3LmRlYXRoc29mdC5jb20vZm9ydW0vaW5kZXgucGhwP3Nob3d0b3BpYz0xNjg1&b=5 <-- Model edit way http://www.learncalculus.info/browse.php?u=Oi8vd3d3LmRlYXRoc29mdC5jb20vZm9ydW0vaW5kZXgucGhwP3Nob3d0b3BpYz0xMTg4JmhsPQ%3D%3D&b=5 <-- Ship way If you can't open the edits you need to go to "GOOGLE" and search for model edit fix. « Last Edit: Today at 02:35:46 PM by TheEnd » <-- omg why is *******.com not allowed to link?
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