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Everything posted by aasi888

  1. NICE! Finally a working gg killer for gameguard! Even macros can be used :).
  2. You might wanna try this (I'm not going to paste that in quotes.) Tell me if u got a working sockscap version.
  3. Is this spam or smth? The server machine is sure to burn down when people get strted here.
  4. I think you should put big letters. CONTAINS HAT PR0N 18+ only !
  5. I mean CS, SS, Gouge, blind, vanish, CS, Evis, Gouge, Preparation, Gouge, Blind, Vanish, CS, SS, Gouge , eviss, finish him/her
  6. Other system folder works just fine. I renamed old system and put this one in its place. Then I opne from l2.exe and it shows critical error.
  7. The post you closed could have lead to us to have engine.dll and core.dll for interlude. Could you open it again. And yes I know there is a solution for that but it would be better to get a gameguard patch for Interlude too.
  8. -EDIT- Trigger finger firing posts at too fast rate
  9. Wrong section. Now you are glad. What about trying l2.net bot?
  10. This seems to be for kamael. Direct link: http://rapidshare.com/files/95382081/Engine-Core.rar.html Can you make for interlude too?
  11. This line: nprotect.lineage2.com is for private servers. It might work with retail too if you remove the addresses which connect you to private server.
  12. That method is for CT1 right? This worked for interlude: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=19717.msg129946#msg129946
  13. Yes but how do you determine the post count? I can only do hiding with 200 posts. How to change this to eg. 150 ?
  14. Try this. Do you know how to use walker etc? I don't know how much you know about it. What you mean with "nothing happened" the game doesnt start? Game starts but walker window doesn't open when you press [HOME]?
  15. I think this should be stickied. Here is some text for those who use search button (easier to find this thread): A hacking tool has been discovered. Please try playing again after closing unnecessary programs.
  16. How can you determine the postcount needed to read texts inside hidden posts? [Hidden Content]
  17. Mayby to say hi to some of his friends :D. To test jail escaping methods? Or something else.
  18. EDIT: Works Ran memtest Put gg-bps.dll to system and changed the hosts Then I get error. Removed gg-bps.dll restarted comp hope this helps some1
  19. Did he get the answer? How to make it work. I got no hacking tools running and it shows me the window!
  20. Could someone upload this to shared folder. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=1793.0 PS why does everyone put the files in rapid share o_O
  21. Can someone make another link. Rapidshare sucks cause there is download limit.
  22. Rogue ftw. <3 stunlock & stealth (lets me speedhack in towns)
  23. It's pretty useless to enchant them. The stats on no grade items does not increase if it's enchanted.
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