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Everything posted by aasi888

  1. You got it working on interlude? And btw there is CP potion delay on some Interlude servers.
  2. Use the search button if you can. "Coloured system Msg" http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=7122.0 http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=6406.0
  3. USE the search function. It is much faster usually than wait somebody to search the link for you. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=2319.0 PS If you can't find what you are looking for use the Search function.
  4. Thx for dl link. I just exceeded my download limit by downloading 0 bytes. My disk was full and I couldnt download. The I just saw message: "Your download Blablalba has exceeded todays blabla. Please Subscribe". Yeah right..
  5. I saw something funny when I was playing. Rape this mofo! ->> %Target
  6. chris18 could you concider making the links inside the text. This is what I mean: ==Announcements and News==: This way the thread would look much cleaner.
  7. I hope it works Interlude and Kamael. I can't download from Rapidshare could someone upload to http://www.4shared.com/dir/1279887/60245db5/MaxBastards.html (password: lineage2)
  8. [Hidden Content] PS How does the Hide system work? They need to have as much posts as I do?
  9. I think 200 would be reasonable. And please don't make another "saying 200 casue u have them?" post. thx
  10. If you want some of the effects to work on kamael there is a way if you know how to use this guide.
  11. Seems like I'm not entering my lineage chars for a while. Better play it safe :P. Especially when I'm with exploited items.
  12. If you mean normal GM shop you can log the packet and check . For example Command npc_268435540_joinFraction 2 the 268435540 would be NPC id But I'm not 100% sure what are you looking for.
  13. I'm just wondering does the post count really help to keep the exploit wroking. If L2j or L2off (dunno where this works) developers donate to axbastards they can read it with 0 posts. This is what has happened to one famous wow exploits forum. Ascent developer has VIP acces to the VIP exploits section. How is this matter at maxcheaters? Do good eploits get fast patched even when they are hidden? PS ge mig din exploit ^^
  14. LOL. Get the "duel" ability ID and put it instead of frost armor. This way you can get it up very fast. duel ID in "Dec": 7266 in "Hex": 1C62 duel ID Flipped "Hex": 62 1C NOTE: 3.6 is the latest ascent version this works at
  15. Did you first open wow and then log in. After that open cheat engine. DON'T use this on retail.
  16. So are you "elcius" the one who posted it on deathsoft? If you are then I'm sry if you are not then you should add the exploit founder name and where the method was posted first. Anyway the exploit is fixed so no point continue arguing :).
  17. Yes it is. I can't find the file anywhere. Took quite a while to write the guide and I'm not going to write it again. 1. Find l2fileedit and l2endec. 2. Open user.ini with l2fileedit and edit the lines as u wish. Save to user.ini -> 413 version-> ok. PS If you couldn't open the user.ini you need to 1st encrypt your lineage system folder with l2endec. and then continue with step 1 Open user.ini with: L2FileEdit or L2DatEnDec [Rev.20] PS omg someone found this post once again. Your forcing me to work :(
  18. Please stop bumping old threads. Worked like 1 years ago.
  19. Buy items in huge stacks. It's also good in buying 255 t6 items with one conquerer item. Credits to http://www.mmowned.com/ The shop you are trying to buy items from have to have the items and you have to target the shopkeeper with shop window open. /script local function buy (n,q) for i=1,100 do if n==GetMerchantItemInfo(i) then BuyMerchantItem(i,q) end end end buy ("WEAPON_NAME",HOW_MANY); Coloured text. If you need others than the ones listed use psp or find it from webpage. Credits to http://www.mmowned.com/ Write the text in chat and your text colour changes. Black text: (You find this with psp: fc00000000) /run if(not scm) then scm = SendChatMessage; end; function SendChatMessage(msg, type, lang, chan) scm("\124cff000000\124Hitem:19:0:0:0:0:0:0:0\124h" ..msg.."\124h\124r", type, lang, chan);end; pink: /run if(not scm) then scm = SendChatMessage; end; function SendChatMessage(msg, type, lang, chan) scm("\124cffff00ff\124Hitem:19:0:0:0:0:0:0:0\124h" ..msg.."\124h\124r", type, lang, chan);end; green: (You find this with psp: fcc000c000) /run if(not scm) then scm = SendChatMessage; end; function SendChatMessage(msg, type, lang, chan) scm("\124cff00c000\124Hitem:19:0:0:0:0:0:0:0\124h" ..msg.."\124h\124r", type, lang, chan);end; Fly upside down (not tested). Credits to http://www.mmowned.com/ /console pitchlimit 9000 Using Tsearch / cheat engine to put set your running speed. Credits to (I'll fill this up when I remember). Guide: Sprint speed 16680 Your characters "GHOST RUN" speed is 16652 200% speed 16736 190% speed 16648 180% speed 16643 170% speed 16639 160% speed 16634 150% speed 16630 140% speed 16626 130% speed 16621 120% speed 16617 110% speed 16612 Your characters "RUN" speed is 16608 Your characters "WALK" speed is 16416 Your characters "IDLE" speed is 0 1) walk and search for value 16416 2) search for 0 while standing still 3) finally run and search for 16608 4) if there is too many addresses you should repeat steps 1-3 until there is only some lines 5) change the value to what u wish 6) don't blame me if u got banned Calculating your running speed. Credits to me. eg. I want 211% speed: 16608 + 0.44*[221%-100%] Maximum amount of gold you can hold. Credits to me. wow max gold: 429496 gold 72 silver 96 copper Use mount while in instance. Credits to me. Requirements: 1. WPE Pro and you must know how to use it. 2. Mount 3. Another item you could normally use in instance (I used Smokey's Lighter) How to: 1. Record the packet (size 12) you use the item and find your item's ID. The ID is located in 7th and 8th slot. 2. Record the ID of your mount 3. Make a filter to WPE which changes the use of your item to mount. NOTE: You can't use flying mounts in Kalimdor (Haven't tested EK) NOTE2: This can also be used to use items you are not supposed to use. For example filtering a potion to use mounts under level 40. Teleport with Shadowstep. Full credits to http://www.deathsoft.com/ #1 Target an enemy, creep, or NPC, you have to be able to attack it.. it must ben an enemy. #2 Type /focus, and hit enter.. while your chosen monster is still targetted. A glow should go around it's frame. #3 Click on a friend, in your party, or an NPC far away, it can be hostile, or neutral. #4 Then type /cast [target=focus] Shadowstep, and hit enter. You should teleport to your target. Remember to be in range of your focus.. limist is like 1000 yards. Keep Auras forever. (Not tested) Credits to citykid199 from http://www.deathsoft.com/ This works with the following buffs: [ALL] Paladin auras. All totems except weapon-buff totems. Tranquility (Druid AoE healing.) [ALL] Druid form auras (Such as Leader of the Pack) Trueshot Aura Draenei Auras So, heres how you do it: 1) Go to the entrance of an instance. Stay right by the entrance, but don't go in. 2) Get any of the buffs posted above. 3) Zone into the instance. 4) Profit! Note: The buffs go away if you die and/or logout. Attack Anything & Filters http://www.deathsoft.com/board/index.php/topic,261.0.html Use Ambush without being stealthed. http://www.deathsoft.com/board/index.php/topic,261.0.html Instant Logout Credits to |~Dark-Bepo~| from http://www.deathsoft.com/ Make a macro: /logout /console logout I will add more if I find. PS should I just post the direct links to webpages instead of a frikking huge 1st post?
  20. Holy shit. He had some serious skills. He turned the camera insanely fast. MINDLESS SELF INDULGENCE - You're so amazing PS Had to google this. Couldn't manage to google the others. Share here if you get the names.
  21. Works like 98% I think. If the server has Speedhack/Teleport/fall damage checks on you will get rooted and you get message that your account will be investigated (ascent servers). You might also get disconnected. I suggest you to 1st to change your IP and make a newbie account and test what works and what doesn't. You should test each time you are about to start playing since it's likely they have changed the server settings during the offline time. When your ready with the testing change your IP back and go main char. If you don't change your ip at those times I told you to they mightlink your accounts somehow together and ban both accounts. I think Wisp speed is undetected on most servers.
  22. What version is this for? WP504F.rar (walker patcher) Kamael, Interlude, IG, OOG, what version number? Good share.
  23. I moved from utorrent to Azureus because it used to tilt my computer. Dunno what was the prob.
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