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Everything posted by aasi888

  1. I thought I connect to the server where I can get +65535 items. Then transfer the char and oneshot anyone.
  2. btw is offtopic english? :P EDIT: ROFL was on 88kk points when L2.net pop up comes and destroys my game >:(
  3. You forgot this: http://www.ferryhalim.com/orisinal/g3/bells.htm My record is about 4kkk.
  4. These posts should go to -> "[Request] Bots Help" -section Anyways: IG walker(eL2Walker): http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=5204.0 OOG walker(L2.net): http://ltwo.insane-gamers.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=550 EDIT: Rank up xD
  5. I'm using 10 oog bots at the same time and I would get disconnected after each part (When chanching ip I get dced from the net for 30 sec). Got 30 parts left :(
  6. I don't feel like waiting 200 mins after each dload nor chanching my ip after every dload. Mayby I just wait for better links :)
  7. That's broken. I downloaded it and there was file of a size of 1 kb. Which means its broken.
  8. Links broken All point to same torrent right? There is 0 seeders = download speed 0 ->> :(
  9. You need patched system. I think you can solve the problem with this: http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=5955.0 Download file and read all the texts.
  10. http://legendary-einhasad.com/download/client/kamael/ Ther upper link. I checked the speed with netlimiter and It showed 4 kb/s :D
  11. Your kinda right in that point. I'dd prefer a server where I cheat and others suck the grass.
  12. Total download time for non-members would be something like: 20 min + 200min wait = 3,7 hours for each 100 mb piece 33*3,7 ~122 hours Could you upload the files to filefront in the future? It's much easier to all. thx (Of course I could just change my ip after every download but that's not possible for all).
  13. I really lold at that point :D. I wonder how many chars I could transfer :P. Ip change ftw. BTW can we move our items there too? EDIT: I could not find anything related to char transfer. Could you show us where you found that info?
  14. 1. I would not use my main account to test it. And btw I never played retail so money lost. 2. It's just a mail acc lol who cares.Then i make new mail acc. 3. I don't have 4. The bank uses multiple verify numbers which are random from all the 80+ existing in the list. Unlikely 5. I got no photos/music / other crap in my comp i could lose. 6. Yep no prob 7. My windows is located on different hard drive than the other files. So I can just format C and other files stay.
  15. I don't think its not that big issue if you computer get fucked up from a virus since you can always format c (in most of the cases).
  16. You gotta read this: http://www.maxbastards.gr/forum/index.php?topic=2205.0
  17. The map is littlebit in the wrong position (Checked at coliseum area). BTW: Is there something like "PosInRange(X,Y,Z,RANGE)" in L2.NET :o ?
  18. I think he ment: "Sooner or later someone will bypass the protection".
  19. The skills list only update when you close + open your char skills list (IG WALKER). Try to log in with ur buffer and then open & close skills window with all ur subclasses?
  20. If you have a single patched file in your system folder while trying to patch it it won't work. Get a clean system folder with all files crypted. The use l2endec to make them readable with l2fileedit. Now finally place the modded l2.ini in the folder.
  21. Why you only use fishing while hp is under 99% ?
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