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Everything posted by aasi888

  1. Are you sure the NPCs are there? Cause I don't think they are.
  2. Do you mean go to town after death? If you mean that here it is. CharStatus(HP,==,0) { GoHome }
  3. Did you install the net framework 2.0. Then press on the "2) Hosts (By koufo).exe" 1. L2asrv 2. L2Walker.exe
  4. Tested on BC private server and works. You can update it and it still works.
  5. It's fixed on almost all servers. I think I used it last time over one year ago. If I were you I wouldn't try to get the items form GM shop or skills from trainers with the known methods.
  6. http://www.4shared.com/dir/1279887/60245db5/MaxBastards.html password: lineage2
  7. L2.net works so stick with it? I don't think L2W works on L2J servers unless you know how to modify things (I don't).
  8. I don't think it's in any of the ini files. I highly think it's server sided. Would be great if someone confirmed this.
  9. I'm not saying it's a virus or something like that. I just think it's usefull to have scan from it. I think I got it working. Sort of
  10. Here is the scan. A bit too late yes I know. How is this supposed to work? Just open glider.exe. I have net.framework 2.0 installed and it shows this when I open Glider.
  11. That only works for some people. This works for some others: I take no resonsibility what u do with it! 1. Go to start-> run-> write "cmd" and press enter -> write "ipconfig -all" and press enter 2. Find your MAC adress (the one with numbers and letters in it) eg: 00-15-0A-EA-F1-01 Copy and paste it to notepad and modify it to look like this: 00150AEAF101. 3. Right click on My computer and choose Properties. Now go to Hardware -> Device manager and Network adapter card settings. Then go to the line Network Adress. You can see that its set to Not present. Click on the upper one and copy paste the MAC adress you found earlier ( 00150AEAF101 ). 4. Thumper changed the 3rd and 4th number in his method but I wouldn't suggest that since I've read it could mess up ur ethernet card. You could try this instead 00151AEAF101. You can choose any number between 0 and F (F = 16).
  12. You are probably doing it wrong. Mayby try getting unpatched system folder? Or read this guide.
  13. That has been working as long I can remember. The others don't see your character moving at all. It can be made with normal client also.
  14. Try L2.NET ? And yes this if wrong section.
  15. This would be useful if I played on servers with warehouse :(.
  16. Wouldn't it just be easier to do it with bot? Like walker.
  17. Make one urself. Change some attacking spell to rez and cast it on boss. Fixed on recent revisions.
  18. I usually play on high ranked servers and they get patched pretty fast. But ok.
  19. I don't think thats necessary since almost all servers have it patched already.
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