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Everything posted by aasi888

  1. Label(mana) CharStatus(HP,!=,0) { CharStatus(MP,<,99) { Label(MANA) USEITEM(Mana Potion[iD=728]) } } DELAY(1000) Call(mana) I did not create this fully (just the CharStatus(HP,!=,0) thing). For hp potions you might want to Use walker auto option for healig potions. For CP potions there is CP clickers that you can download (Use search button).
  2. You might be talking about cartographer. You can download pre-made quest lists for it I remember correct. Try to search for quest addons in http://wow.curse.com/downloads/addons/
  3. By the way. If someone is concidering using this on retail then the last numbers he would use were 0 and 1. I wouldn't suggest them using mountain climbing at all.
  4. Not true. It depends on server whether its limited or not.
  5. You mean L2Walker? Or any IG? Here is an alternative option for l2walker.
  6. I'dd rather see people posting reply to this topic so we wouldn't have to see several posts about the same matter. PS there is a post about this exactly same thing 10 cm from this post. Try searching before making new threads.
  7. I think this is sort of same than the BoK 0 stats thingy. Since it required swapping items and stats started to go down. But then it got fixed. PS could you add the revision number in your releases if you know them. It will avoid us from doing extra work for nothing. thx
  8. Go shattrah and make macro. /script local function buy (n,q) for i=1,100 do if n==GetMerchantItemInfo(i) then BuyMerchantItem(i,q) end end end buy ("Hula Girl Doll",253); Then go to the NPC that sells hula girls. Press the macro and you should get your bag full of hula girls. Then just sell the items to npc and you are rich. PS It doesn't work on latest ascent revisions. Works on older ones. Credits to Deathsoft.com to citykid199. He gave this to people since it was going to get patched.
  9. The picture doesn't show up. What revision did this work on?
  10. Zulian Slicer Thrash Blade Vis'kag the Bloodletter
  11. "True PvP". It's more like using every spell you need to down your opponent. It's like saying "Hey archer don't use arrows and let's do true PvP".
  12. Post Collectors: Thread requires 100 posts: milka_byq Clerik
  13. So basicly you put 20 CP pots in WH. Take out 1000 Soul Ores. You get Free CP pots? o_O Could you explain how it works? It's a bit hard to understand (I understand the script).
  14. I'm looking into this. I'm not really interested in models and stuff like that. I hope someone will find modifications to .ini files that would give unfair advantage to other players. Like zoom through wall, unlimited zoom. etc.
  15. Private servers? Here is the quest thingy: http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=10643 (Alliance only)
  16. I don't know. That's why I'm using eL2Walker1.78
  17. I had that problem when l2asrv was not working. So you need either working l2asrv or l2walker time card (pay for it).
  18. You can still be banned. Remember that -5 karma causes autoban.
  19. So this is an exploit? I don't get it.
  20. ?? For Interlude you need only to add the line in hosts.
  21. Becuase I can use macros with it. I mean macros like AC tool , macro schedule. I can see the l2.exe in process manager and shut it down. Here is the virus sca:
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