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Everything posted by aasi888

  1. What is the correct hosts file? I tried to search but couldn't find a working one. If you are willing to help: Just copy paste the text from your hosts file. Don't upload to rapidshare or anything else. Thx Nvm Reinstalled and now it works.
  2. Thx very much. 1 click download and no playing with passwords!
  3. Nice. Now I don't have to use LoaderCT1 anymore. NOTE: L2walker does NOT work with this.
  4. GMs Other ghosts Detect invisibility spell
  5. Pretty nice list there :). Upload somewhere else than rapidshare? The security codes are impossible.
  6. Could someone upload the english version with NO password somewhere ELSE than rapidshare. I can't see a cat in any of the letters when I'm trying to insert the security code. The rapidshare staff is getting paranoid with their security codes... When I get the file I just need to find a way how to open the game without having gg patched <.<. GG errors ftl.
  7. Nice. Now someone upload somewhere else than rapidshare cause my download limit full.
  8. Anyone know how to make targeting client sided? If the server lags it might take like 2 seconds to target a player. Is there any way around this? I'm looking WoW-like targeting system, even if you are disconnected and you can target NPC/Player.
  9. I'm afraid it is. Glider + Keyclone might pwn big time :). Never tested though.
  10. I think Warrior or Paladin would be the choice in this case since they don't have that many skills to use. I like rogues because they can stealth. Rogues' stunlock ftw (they can keep the target immobilized for long time if used right). Druids also have stealthlike ability. It's good to start by reading PvP / PvE guides they have helped me a lot in pvp. When I first tried a rogue I hated it because I was used to L2 style rogue spamming skills untill mana runs out. It was only after reading guides I learned to like it :). Race matters most if you are planning to play a priest, atleast that what I've heard. Remember to use addons that help you in different situations. I use Cartographer (Good map, you can add notes to map) Energywatch (Shows when your energy regens as rogue or druid cat form) Simplecompass (This is pretty useless unless you plan to mountain climb) Bongos2 (Shows only those actionbuttons that have skills in them, allows to move minimap and other windows locations) Omen (Threath meter, usefull in raids) Enemy Castbar Mobinfo (Shows mob info & HP, shows player HPs too) Onesuite (You only see one big bag instead of 5 small) Outfitter (Easy to control equiped items, change items sets with one click) PS I haven't played retail.
  11. I really don't think this works. Stats are server sided. Even if you modified them to show "10k" strengt you still only got the normal amount.
  12. Download it from some torrent site? I'm not 100% sure if it is against the Blizzard EULA even if you own a real copy of the game. Format c might be an option too.
  13. I think its the 6 1st numbers. 0B 01 0E
  14. This macro never worked for me. Not even when the cheat was working. I had to make a wow macro: /stopcasting /cast Throw Press make a program to press the button 200 times. Each time you threw so many thrown that your thrown break down your throw damage was increased depending on the weapon stats. I never soloed a single boss with it cause it would take insanely long to achieve great damage. I would have done it like 5 hours in a row but that was not possible since server crashed about every 30 mins.
  15. It's the same with almost any other you test.
  16. CT2 already? I never even tried CT1 more than 30 min. hmm..
  17. reply to see? ain't that kinda useless option?
  18. Even on those with speedhack, flyhack, teleport detection on?
  19. This should also work with other immunity spells. e.g. Blessing of Protection
  20. If you are doing this on latest ascent then you might want to reconcider :D. I've seen all these posted on some other forum for a long time.
  21. If you want all versions with lists that is always up to date check here
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