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Everything posted by Intrepid

  1. ehm...in all seriousness you just need to set the exp config to 0 or set the mobs exp with a query to 0 in the database :DDDDDD
  2. im on euw i have terribad lagg on NA server sadly :D
  3. thanks now im near to fall asleep again...:D
  4. just a bunch of copied code on top of eachother im sure its shared alredy in separated parts also that partch is a mess it has like 4 different things in it :)
  5. As we decided years ago, your stag party will be in hell because the demons miss you down there Your DJ can be anyone whos in hell right now(but i can arrange a justin bieber concert if you really really really want it) :P Ye i can, me can cook gut :D Coyote can carry those around because hes easy to catch if he wants to run away with them :D i dont care who cookes but i bring the ganja :D Jokes aside congratz my friend was about time! :)
  6. change your nickname to DaddysLittleGirl it would fit here also it would garantee us 20-30pages of spam every day :D
  7. just a few things... You dont need to store SVN dll's on the svn, just tell users to install an svn client. You should start to move static data to XML's. Get rid of csv files its 2013 man. You could make the database backup automated on server start/shutdown inside the core. You can delete a lot of stuff because its no usable(telnet,dynamic extensions etc). You dont need the server type definition just separate the config file into 2 if you dont separate the login. You should start to switch to singleton really. PS.: I seriously lolled at the anti_ddos.sh script :D
  8. 2nd, those light effects are soooooo win95 on pictures since ages :D
  9. see your name is alredy worse than the previous one :D
  10. well the only fix buys i want to get(im obsessed with a few champs) are brand, anivia, nidalee other than these im really open for suggestion so maybe i'll try lux if i get there :D
  11. nahh better stop creating signatures...Noble still wins the best signature contest with dat butt :DDD
  12. well i just went an aram with ap nunu...that shit is funny so i dont really care about 6300 ip champs when i have this much OPness for 450 :DDDDDD
  13. so far i only payed annie,kayle,ap cho in mid and ofc ive been an annoying ap yi a few times but atm i need more champs...what you guys think TF or teemo
  14. and what build would be optimal for ryze does rod worth it still or better to just stack the tear or both?
  15. yeah hardest champion to play ever, thanks :D
  16. So heres the deal, since i started to play lol which is like 7-8 months ago as an active player i played bruisers and spent 99% of my time on top or in the jungle. I want to now learn new ways and for that made a new account(so i can buy the necessary champs only and proper runes). Right now its only lvl5 and i bought only annie and kayle but i would like to have others opinion on other champs what worth to buy whats easy to master for that role.
  17. I dont bring things up, its your immaturity, ignorance, stupidity that you fail to understand that nobody wants to hear your opinion in that subject yet you want to force us to accept yours while you call every single counterargument stupid. We told you the way we see it and we told you why and prooven it many times, accept our opinion and stop talking about this downgrade thing to us.
  18. please....just keep your shitty useless opinion for yourself...your stupidity is annoying and it kinda makes me angry
  19. well you say its not good but others carry with malz jungle so...:D
  20. not if you get countered altho not many people can counter jayce properly :P
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